Choi's glance fell at it. In front of him, Choi barely found herself fencing. As he undressed her slowly, she declared, "Is that why you want me to stay with you tonight?"

Woo-sunk halted halfway and looked into her eyes, which deliberately avoided eye contact with him.

"You can stop me if you want," he permitted her freedom and took off her shirt, making her bra exposed.

She eyed the floor and hesitated to go against him.

Before unhooking her bra straps, he grabbed her waist and pulled her onto him.

As she felt her boobs contract with his body, she blushed right away and squeezed her hand nervously.

Woo-Sunk's lips smooched on her reddish cheek tenderly, saying, "You can stop me if you don't want me to be your husband."

Her toes pressed against the floor, embarrassed.

Thereafter, he unhooked her bra and landed his leer on her glowing boobs as she shut her eyes tightly.