After finishing drinking, he approached the counter. Lamentably, there were no customers who showed up. She stayed in the counter section without choice.
Just with a brief glimpse, Kwan scared Do Yun.
"I think we're running out of coffee cups," he dictated, browsing for the coffee cup. Despite having a lot of cups, he quickly excused himself and rushed out of the shop, leaving Choi to handle him alone.
"Aish! This bitch!" Choi scolded in a low tone, biting her teeth. She cautiously eschewed his intensive gaze.
"Look up at me, please." He requested.
Taking a deep breath, she riveted her eyes on him.
"I'm sorry. I won't be like that anymore. Please talk to me," he pleaded pitifully.
"This is-" she opened her mouth to dodge him, giving a reason.
"There is no one here," he shortly replied, causing her to shut her mouth.
She ended up releasing a sigh. Cause she couldn't turn a blind eye to his begging face.