
#2 The Aryan Brotherhood part 1

It was a typical spring day in Harrison, Arkansas, in the backyard of a house, a five-year-old boy with blue eyes and blond hair was watching his father and his companions beat a handcuffed African-American man.

The boy's father, Falke (German for "Hawk") Mengele, was the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood, an international criminal organisation that promotes Nazism.

Falke took off his T-shirt and haughtily displayed the tattoos on his body, most of them swastikas and hawks, except for the Nordic rune (Uruz) which gives physical and mental strength to face anything that comes his way.

-Ohhh Odin King of All! I am daily fulfilling my mission of extermination," said Falke as he looked up at the agitated sky.

From the sheath on his belt he pulled out a knife with an inscription: Blood in Blood out, this phrase meant that there was no way out of the brotherhood, only death.

Falke noticed that his son Adler (German for Eagle) was watching with a curious look on his face, so it occurred to him that it was time to initiate him into the brotherhood.

—Come closer, Adler my son," Falke said.

—Today is going to be the big day when you will join the brotherhood," celebrated Falke.

—What shall I do, father," Adler asked with immense joy.

—Take this knife and end with the life of that spawn," Falke said as he pointed it at the black man.

Adler didn't feel scared, he had already witnessed similar situations, and without thinking he took the knife from his father's hand.

He moved slowly towards the beaten man, made eye contact, raised his arm to stab him....

—Wait, no! I beg you, please don't kill me, you don't have to do this, you are just a child," the poor man begged as he cried.

—I'm sorry, but you can't exist in our perfect world," said Adler with an innocent smile.

There was silence, then suddenly a leaf was blown from a tree in a quick gust of air, and at the same time Adler stabbed into the skull of his first victim. The knife sliced through the air first, then the skull of the spawn.

The poor man, wrapped in despair, lay motionless, staring at the sky with a frightened face.

Adler pulled the knife from the corpse and a stream of blood splashed on his clothes, he felt disgusted.

—Congratulations my son, welcome to the Aryan Brotherhood, from this day forward you will dedicate your life to fulfilling our ideals, Falke said proudly.

—Thank you Father, it is truly an honour," Adler said.

Over time, as Adler's body and mind evolved, he had learned to neutralise his enemies in a myriad of ways. He could extract information by inflicting the necessary pain, and he also learned to withstand all kinds of torture, which was not too difficult considering the experiments his father had performed on his body. He was Falke's right-hand man, and together they commanded the Brotherhood.

Every day, Adler was challenged by other members who wanted to take his place; these men were three times his size, but they were no match for him.

In confrontations, he would strike at the vital points of his companions to incapacitate them.

At the age of 10 he began to "exterminate", his father ordered him to eliminate the anomaly's of the city, he followed the orders to the letter and commence to murder innocent people on a daily basis, the police forces turned a blind eye as they sympathised with his ideals. No one in the city could stand up to him, and everyone start to call him the White Demon. Soon the Brotherhood began to rival other gangs and criminal organisations, and after several clashes they managed to take control of the city.

When he turned 13 and entered puberty, his father organised a ceremony to inherit the being that had served his family for generations.

It was Krampus, a demon who tortured bad boy on Christmas. Adler's grandfather was responsible for capturing Krampus, but not without help.

A woman in a rather old-fashioned dress rang Mengele's doorbell, the sky filled with grey clouds and crows, the dogs barked madly, the people around began to go mad.

The door opens...

—Muriel, it's been a long time, ha ha ha! -said Falke with a big grin, "How's business at the candy house?

—Falke, my dearr, I haven't seen you since yourr transferr ritual, I'm actually not that well, not all fatherrs are carreless these days.

—Oh, what a pity, well, come in, come and meet my heir," Falke said.

—Arre you Adler? —Muriel said.

—That's right ma'am, it's a real pleasure to meet you, —Adler replied.

—You know, your grandfather was a verry currious man, that's what I liked about him, during the warr we worked togetherr to catch Krampus. All we need was a couple of snotty brats and a magic circle, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Muriel explained.

—I see, heh, heh," Adler replied with a grin.

—It is time for the ritual," Falke announced.

German instruments began to play, father and son sat facing each other, Muriel recited a spell to transfer Krampus from Falke's body to Adler's, a green flame burst from Falke's chest. This flame took the form of a humanoid goat.

—Hello Muriel, how are you, you cursed witch? —Krampus said.

—Hello Krampus, long time no see, —Muriel said.

—Adler, listen to me, if I get the chance I will take control of your body and kill everyone you know, including Muriel,Krampus threatened.

—You werre always bad at jokes Krampus, Adler, don't worry, as long as you don't let go of his chains, you can use his power without any prroblems.

The music intensified, Muriel continued the spell, Krampus tried to escape but could not. His body quickly turned into a green flame again, then he entered Adler's body.

Adler felt more agile and stronger, he felt as if something was growing on his forehead, Falke told him that he was now closer to perfection.

—Well, I'm going to retire, and by the way, Adler, don't let go of those chains for anything in the world, not even a little," Muriel said, as a tornado of crows made her disappear.

The same night Adler saw Krampus in his dreams, the demon was chained to a wall made of flesh.

—Damn you, remember what I said! —Krampus cried.

—I will, Mr Krampus," Adler said, watching him with a mischievous expression.

Years passed and Adler refined his skills, he thought he was invincible, until one day some foreigners with Asian features came to town looking for him, these foreigners were wearing suits, one black and one white.

The one in the white suit called Yang was extremely arrogant, sadistic and annoying, on the other hand the one in the black suit called Ying was reserved, calm and kind, they were completely different.

—Hey Ying, after this neo-Nazi, who's next? —Yang asked.

—I already told you, we have to go to El Salvador to catch a gang member who calls himself 'La Santa Muerte', —Ying replied.

—You know I forget things easily, sister," Yang said with a childish smile.

—You irritate me easily," Ying said.

—Hey, you yellow shits, don't you know you're not welcome here?" shouted a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, accompanied by his brothers.

The gang began to surround the fancy dressed brothers.

—What did you call us? You miserable pigs! —Yang said, on the verge of exploding.

—We can't waste time on them, brother, — Ying said.

—You're right Ying, I won't be long, heh, heh, heh. I'm going to enjoy smashing their faces into the pavement, you bastards! —Yang said.

While all this was going on, Adler was in his home library reading Hanzel & Grettel, but not just any version, the original German version.

—Aha, so that's why my father asked Muriel that question," Adler said.


—What do you need, Kurt? —Adler said.

—Sir, some Yellows are looking for you.

—Yellows, you say? What's this all about? Take care of yourselves, don't waste my time, —Adler ordered.

—We tried, sir, but they're no ordinary Yellows, they massacred the entire B Division, I'm the only survivor, in fact they're pointing a gun at me as we speak,Kurt explained.

—I understand Kurt, thank you for your service to the Brotherhood, now guide them to my house.

25 minutes later

COME OUTSIDE TO PLAY WHITE DEMON Someone shouted from the pavement.

Adler stepped outside to see who was challenging him.

The one in the black suit was reading a book, while the one in the white suit was pointing a gun at Kurt's head.

—Good afternoon, Asian spawn, despite the schedule I haven't eradicated any of the eyesores yet, you should feel honoured for contributing to my cause.

—You know, you should be more creative with your insults, I murdered some of your brothers and they have no effect on me anymore ha! —Yang sneered.

—Don't get me wrong, they're not insults, they're facts," Adler replied.

Yang pulled a handful of human teeth from his pockets, belonging to the Aryan Brotherhood members he had killed earlier, and shoved them into Kurt's mouth, then pulled the trigger of his gun several times.

—Ahhh, I feel much better, yes sir! —Yang was relieved.

Good trip Division B, I think it's time for you to leave as well, —said Adler.

The fight that followed was brutal, and Yang came within a hair's breadth of receiving the embrace of death.

Adler approached Yang and attempted to break his spine in an attempt to paralyse him, but Yang was able to dodge and counter with a kick, the Neo-Nazi was shocked and could not believe that such an inferior being could face him. Then he decided to get serious, the pupils of his eyes had become rectangular like those of a goat, his height had increased as had his strength and agility. Reciting a spell in German "Brände aus der Vergangenheit sind gegenwärtig und spuken in den Köpfen der kleinen Teufel", he managed to cast a green fire which he used against Yang, the fire enveloped him and the most traumatic memories of his childhood invaded his mind. During this trance, Adler took the opportunity to approach Yang's body and kick it repeatedly, like a child hitting an empty plastic bag.

Ying and Yang were born at the bottom of a Chinese clan of great political power and wealth. These twin brothers contain the powers of Ying (feminine, earth, dark and passive) and Yang (masculine, sky, light and active), which are said to be the same as those of Ying and Yang. It is assumed that these opposing forces exist in all human beings, but in this clan it is usual for 2 members of each generation to be born with the maximum expression of the forces. What surprised the leaders was that the 2 members were of low rank, usually only babies of high rank were lucky enough to be born this way. Because of the twins' rank, they were set aside and became tools of the clan.

Ying and Yang could never play like the children of high rank, they had to help their mother and the other women of low rank with the cleaning and cooking, all the adults of high rank denigrated them and told them how to act according to their strength.

—All the adults of high rank belittled them and told them how to act according to their strength: "Boy, you must be the light that gives life and you girl must be the darkness that absorbs it, she is chaos and you are order, they must complement each other.

Throughout their childhood, they were pigeonholed by the power they represented, which told them how to behave and act, and this saturated the twins' minds to such an extent that they vowed to act in the opposite way. They would decide how to act, he would be a bastard and she would be a lady. He would be chaos and she would be order.

The twins watch carefully as some high-ranking children play in the garden.

—Come on Ying, come on Yang, don't dawdle, help me carry the jars.

—Yes, Mother, we are coming," Ying and Yang said at the same time.