Chapter 29

As I exited the Reichskanzler, the head of state's office in the Duchy of Germania, it was pouring again.

Just as I realized he didn't have an umbrella, I spotted a familiar shadow under the eaves.

"Brother, you forgot your umbrella."


My blind sister, Aria, smiled as she skillfully placed the umbrella over me. Her face was hidden by the umbrella, her eyes still covered with black bandages.

"It's been pouring with rain all of a sudden, and I was worried that you might catch a cold...."

I fell silent, holding back the laughter that burst out of me at the mention of a cold.

It's just to deflect the stares of the people around me – my sister Aria's concern for her brother is too much.

There's no way that the conversation we're having under an umbrella in the pouring rain can be overheard by those around us.

Nevertheless, Aria, who treats me as if I were her real brother, looks more serious than ever.

She is the second in rank in the Black Snake, a swordsman with the title of Black Sword, and Rain Gray's right-hand man from the very beginning.

"Did I do something...useless?"

I did not answer, but remained silent. In the face of my silence, Aria asked cautiously, her voice timid and frightened.


I shook my head silently.

"You came at just the right time."

"...It puts my mind at ease to hear you say that."

After a moment of stirring, I laughed, too, in a softer, more relaxed voice. Aria laughed, too, as if relieved. After laughing, she wrapped her arms around me and leaned in close under our shared umbrella.

"Let's go back together, Rain."

Aria said, smiling shyly.

Arm in arm, sharing an umbrella, just like normal, friendly siblings everywhere.


There were several reasons why I didn't bring Aria and Alice to the meeting with the Führer.

As it turns out, my expectations were actually somewhat correct.

What I learned from the Führer today. The existence of a mausoleum, a tomb of heroes, and a map leading to it.

This information was completely unexpected, shocking to say the least, but at the same time convincing that for the real Rain Gray, this was not a surprise at all.

He must have known the whereabouts of the missing heroes all along and that the clues could lead to them.

It could be argued that this was the purpose of not only Rain Gray, but of the Black Snake organization itself.

Now that Aria had seen the , she seemed to know what was hidden there.

─So I decided to give it a try.


In the mansion like the workshop of the Golden Lord, I called out the name of the automaton.

At first, it was almost androgynous, but whoever had dressed it up was wearing a gothic gown with frills fluttering around like Alice.

Why it was a woman's dress is beside the point.

A wide-brimmed hat is tied with a bow, and the androgynous scale is tipped in her favor.

She looked about twenty years old. Looking at her like this, she looks like a dignified and regal young lady from a wealthy family.

And Ergo's expressionlessness, unlike Aria's coldness, is more like a pure absence of emotion. At least that's how it felt to me.

"Do you recognize me?"

"It's ...Master."

I call her, or him, and Golden Lord eyes harden.

I walk over to Ergo, unperturbed, and take it out.

It's a legendary grade magic book, a grade, but it's more than that, it's a map.

"There is something hidden in this book. Something we must find."

"Something hidden?"

"Can you find it?"

After speaking, I flipped through the book as a test. Ergo accepted the book, then opened it and began his usual examination, looking it up and down.

"Lord Rain, it can't be...."

Golden Lord watched him, his voice trailing off but I didn't answer.

Aria and Alice were there, too.

"Prove it that you can be my help."

"...I understand."

Soon enough, the magic that had been pulsing at Ergo's fingertips transformed into waveforms that enveloped the .

Like a holographic image floating in the air, a projection of magical particles unfolded there.

"Found. Hidden. Something to be found."

Ergo said.

"Something that can help you, Master."

His voice was flat, devoid of any joy or emotion.

"What was hidden?"

I asked, looking at Ergo and my voice sounded like I was testing him.

"A map, sir."

"Tell me more."

"Yes, this is a map, a key to the mausoleum of...."

None of the men panicked or questioned the meaning of the words that followed. I look at my men and get a hunch.

As expected, neither the existence of the mausoleum nor the map itself was a mystery to Rain Gray and the Black Snake.

What they all know, I, the one who should be leading them, have been unaware of until now.

And that's not the only asymmetry in the information they know and I don't.

Just like Aria's portrayal as sister in front of everyone right now.

That's why I had to get to know them one by one. Not for anyone, but for me.

"Where is that map pointing now?"

I don't ask because I don't know. At least it would seem that way to my men.

"The map is pointing to a map of maps-."

Ergo replied in the expressionless and mindless voice of an emotionless automaton.

He flashed a holographic projection of magical particles between us.

"It refers to relics distributed to the imperial capital of Breton and the for display."

"Oh, the Crystal Palace, that's the Crystal Palace, right?! Alice knows, it's the big, pretty, shiny thing!"

It was only at this point that Alice broke the silence.

"One last question."

I said, ignoring her childlike giddiness.

"What do you know of me?"

"Enemy of the World."


"That's what my father said, Lord Rain."

Ergo replied, unconcerned. No more, no less, that was all but Golden Lord remained silent in the face of that answer.

"And I, in accordance with my father's wishes, have chosen to become an ally of the Enemy of the World."


I didn't answer right away, simply because I didn't know what to say.

"Knowing that, why do you pledge your allegiance before me?"

I asked after the silence.

"Because it's the raison d'être, the reason I was born and exist."

I turned to Ergo.

"─even if it means turning this world against my enemy."

But the answer was no longer left to the automaton.

"I have a duty to protect you."

Aria, her eyes now covered with black bandages, smiles with unseeing eyes.

"No one can stand in your way, no one can interfere with your will. Even if it is the world-"

"Yes, you're right, we'll never let that happen!"

Alice laughed at that.

"Just as you fought for me, so from now on, your enemies are Alice's enemies!"

That was the Rain Gray I didn't know, and it was also the "Rain Gray" they remembered.

"Lord Rain's enemy is also the enemy of all of us "Black Snake"."

Even Golden Lord is no exception.

So I said nothing, just stood in silence, looking at the holographic projection floating there and thinking.

It was not something I could understand now. Nor did I need to understand it now.

All I can do now is follow the clues in front of me.

I looked at the next destination I could go to now.

What was pointing to was a map of a map.

Furthermore, the 'map' he was referring to was currently on display in the Crystal Palace in the Imperial Capital of Breton.

A holy relic that is in the Crystal Palace for display could only mean one thing: the Great Exhibition of Londinium, soon to be held in the Crystal Palace.

A showcase for the continent's major powers.

It is said to be a holy relic, so perhaps it is one of the national treasures that the Holy Kingdom will display there.

Anyway, I'm a man of this world now and I can't be ignorant of such big news even if I want to be.

I just ignored it because I thought it was none of my business but not anymore.

Now I care about the things I don't want to care about the most.

"It's not going to be easy to get...."

It was a stupid statement, even after I said it.

It's not just an empire I'm trying to shake up. It's literally a world's fair.

The Empire of Breton, the Holy Kingdom, and the Duchy of Germania, three great powers come together to show off their power, and unite for all sorts of political purposes on the continent to keep up with the turbulent international situation beyond their own borders.

Moreover, the powers of this world do not stop at 'nations'.

When all of them are counted, the stakes are unparalleled.

"Certainly, it won't be easy."

Aria nodded, not surprised.

"But as long as you want it, nothing will change."

You get what you wish for.

"There is only your will."

Whatever it takes–Nothing would change.

"Gather the members...."