Chapter 1: The Humiliation

It was a day that would etch itself into their memories like a scar. The day Mrs. Gomez, their teacher, publicly humiliated them in front of their peers. Luke, Mike, and Jesse had always tried to navigate her volatile moods, but this time, she had gone too far. It always seemed like they were always on her bad side for no reason.The mocking tone, the sneering smile, and the cruel words still echoed in their minds, fueling a burning desire for revenge.

The three boys huddled in the corner of the school courtyard, their eyes fixed on Mrs. Gomez's house in the distance. "We need to get back at her," Mike said, his voice low and determined. Luke nodded, his mind already strategizing on a plan. And Jesse, the brawn of the trio, cracked his knuckles in anticipation.

Little did they know, their teacher had a secret, one that would change the course of their revenge and their lives forever. But for now, they were consumed by a singular focus: making Mrs. Gomez pay for her cruelty.

As they began to brainstorm, their ideas grew more and more sinister. They would show her what it felt like to be humiliated, to be powerless. And as they laughed and joked, their plan took shape, fueled by a toxic mix of anger, hurt, and a desire for justice.

But as they walked away from the courtyard, they couldn't shake off the feeling that they were crossing a line, one that would lead them down a dangerous path from which there was no return.

As they walked away from the courtyard, Luke's mind raced with the details of their plan. He was the brains of the operation, always thinking several steps ahead. Mike was the leader, the one who fueled the fire of their revenge. And Jesse was the enforcer, the one who would make sure their plan was carried out.

They had all been victims of Mrs. Gomez's cruelty at some point or another. Luke had been belittled for his intelligence, Mike had been mocked for his athletic abilities, and Jesse had been humiliated for his family's financial struggles. But this time, she had gone too far.

They waited for the chance when every student would be busy prepping in the evening to execute their plan. The clock hit half past 7 o'clock and had only 2 hours to pull off their prank. As they approached Mrs. Gomez's house, they noticed something strange. The curtains were closed, and the house was eerily quiet. Luke's instincts kicked in, and he felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Guys, something's not right," he whispered, his eyes scanning the neighborhood. Just then something moved in the bushes behind them." Guys did you hear that," Luke spoke with fear in his voice.

" It might have been a dog or maybe an animal on a night hunt," Jesse suggested." Don't be stupid, pets aren't allowed and school and there were no records of animals in these areas", Luke said, his mind racing, thoughts spinning like a whirlwind in his head.

They reached the front door, Luke still looking behind them,he carefully tried the handle. To their surprise, it was unlocked. Mike raised an eyebrow, and Jesse's hand instinctively went to his pockets where he kept a small knife.

" Let's do this," Mike whispered, pushing the door open.

As they entered the house, they noticed a strange smell like something was off. Luke's eyes scanned the room and he spotted a bottle of pills on the coffee table next to the couch. He walked over to check it out and saw it was,"Valium," a sleeping pill prescription, almost empty.

" Guys look at this," Luke said, holding up the bottle." I think she might have taken something to sleep."

" I also noticed two mugs which still have coffee in them on the table which means she had a visitor earlier tonight," Jesse said, still holding the knife in his hands.

" Great deduction, Jesse," Luke said with a proud smile on his face.

Mike's eyes lit up with a sinister intent." Well that's perfect, she already out cold,"

Jesse's eyes narrowed." What are you thinking, Mike?,"

Mike's smile was chilling." I think we can have some fun with her. She's always been a thorn in our side. Now's our chance to exact revenge,"

Luke's instincts screamed at him to stop Mike, but before he could react, Mike had already moved towards Mrs Gomez's bedroom.

As they entered the bedroom, Mike's voice was low and menacing. "Jesse, get your phone out. We're going to make a video."

Jesse's hands trembled as he pulled out his phone, his eyes fixed on Mrs. Gomez's unconscious form. Mike's intentions were clear, and Jesse's mind raced with horror.

But before Mike could act, Mrs. Gomez suddenly jolted awake, her eyes wide with terror. She let out a blood-curdling scream, and Jesse's instincts kicked in. He panicked, trying to silence her, but his actions were clumsy and desperate.

In a tragic turn of events, Jesse's attempt to quiet her down became a fatal mistake. He suffocated her, his hands pressed too hard against the pillow he had used to cover her face. The scream was cut short, and an eerie silence fell over the room.

Mike's face contorted in shock, his eyes fixed on the lifeless body. "What have you done, Jesse?"

Luke's voice was barely audible, his words laced with disgust. "You monsters. You've gone too far."

The weight of their actions crushed them, the reality of their crime sinking in. They had crossed a line, and there was no turning back.

The room was frozen in time, the only sound was the heavy breathing of the three boys. Mike's face was ashen, his eyes fixed on Mrs. Gomez's lifeless body. Jesse's hands pressing the pillow against her face, his eyes wide with shock. Luke's face was twisted in disgust, his eyes filled with tears.

"We have to get out of here," Mike whispered, his voice barely audible. "Now!!."

Jesse slowly released his grip on the pillow, his eyes fixed on his hands as if they were covered in blood.

As they backed away from the bed, Mike's eyes landed on the phone Jesse had used to record the video. It was still clutched in Jesse's hand, the screen still open. Mike's face contorted in rage, and he snatched the phone from Jesse's hand.

"We can't leave this behind," Mike growled, his voice low and menacing. "It's evidence."

With a swift motion, Mike smashed the phone against the wall, the screen shattering into a hundred pieces. The sound echoed through the room, a stark reminder of the destruction they had caused.

As they turned to leave, Luke's eyes met Mrs. Gomez's lifeless gaze. He felt a pang of guilt and regret, knowing that they had taken a life. The weight of their actions crushed him, and he knew that they would never be able to escape the consequences of their crime.

After they fled the scene, they blended in with their classmates who had just finished prepping. The chaos of the moment was masked by the hustle and bustle of students chatting and laughing, oblivious to the gravity of what had just happened.

Mike, Jesse, and Luke tried to act normal but their minds were still racing with thoughts of what they had just done. They knew they had to keep a low profile and avoid drawing attention to themselves, at least until they could figure out their next move.