Get Out Of Here!

The Bookshelves were filled with a lot of spell books. They started searching for the spell book that Richie used in his dream but didn't find it.

"The book isn't here," said Stanley.

"Maybe it was stolen or something," Richie responded.

"It could have been the black coated man," Ben said with confidence.

Bill said, "I think Ben is right, Because who else would have taken it".

Richie and Eddie nodded in agreement.

They all left the house after so much effort to find the book but they didn't.They all went back to their separate houses.

In the night, Richie called Sarah to inform her about what had happened in the Santos house. After the call ended Richie thought to himself about what had happened to the book, who took it? He wondered and slept off in the process.

The next morning Richie got a call from Bill.

" Hello…good morning," Richie said.

Bill said,"I'm sorry Richie," he exhaled.

"Sorry for what," Richie's curiosity piqued.

"My parents got to find out about the haunted house and our plan, I don't know how. They also told Stanley, Eddie and Bill's parents about it and Now they forced us to move out of town". Bill said,with a low and sad voice.

Richie felt sad,"This is horrible".

"I know, right? I'm so sorry," Bill said.

Richie felt unhappy,"Alright then, No problem".

He hung up the phone and called Sarah immediately and told her about it. They both went to say goodbye to them.

Richie down but he knew that he had Sarah and Ben by his side always.


Richie and Sarah were alone at Richie's house on a warm spring evening. The house was silent, the only sounds being the ticking of the grandfather clock and the occasional creak of settling wood. They had been dating for a year, and moments of privacy were rare treasures.

Richie pulled Sarah into the living room, his hands sliding around her waist. She giggled, her eyes sparkling with a mix of affection and excitement. As he pulled her closer, their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss. They stumbled into the living room, never breaking their embrace, and sank onto a couch that groaned under their combined weight.

The room was dimly lit by the fading light filtering through the windows. Sarah's fingers tangled in Richie's hair, and for a moment the only reality was the warmth of their bodies pressed together, the racing of their hearts, and the intensity of their kiss.

Just as they were lost in the heat of the moment, a sudden noise shattered the tranquility. It was a soft thump, like the sound of a heavy object hitting the floor, coming from the room above. Sarah broke the kiss, her eyes wide with alarm. Richie, too, pulled back, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Did you hear that?" Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible.

Richie nodded, his eyes darting towards the ceiling. "Yeah, I did. Could it be the man in black coat again?".

Another thump echoed through the house, this time louder and more distinct. It was followed by a dragging sound, like something heavy being moved across the floor. Sarah clutched Richie's arm, her grip tight with fear.

"Maybe we should check it out," Richie suggested, his voice steady but his heart pounding in his chest. He tried to project confidence, but the truth was, he was just as scared as Sarah.

Richie stood up, taking Sarah's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Stay here," he said softly. "I'll go see what it is."

Sarah nodded, her eyes wide with fear. She watched as Richie made his way to the stairs, each creak of the wooden steps amplifying the tension in the air. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to ward off the growing sense of dread that gnawed at her insides.

Richie climbed the stairs slowly, each step deliberate and cautious. The upstairs hallway was dark, the only light coming from the dim glow of the streetlamp outside. He reached the landing and paused, listening intently. The house was silent once more, the earlier noises having ceased.

He took a deep breath and moved towards the source of the sound. The door to the room at the end of the hall was slightly ajar, a sliver of darkness visible through the gap. Richie pushed the door open, peering into the room. It was empty.

As Richie stepped into the room, a figure emerged from the shadows, moving with alarming speed. Before Richie could react, he was face-to-face with that same man that they saw at the haunted house. He was completely covered in black coat. His appearance sent a chill down Richie's spine. The man was tall and gaunt, with wild eyes that gleamed with a dangerous intensity.

The man lunged at Richie, but Richie managed to dodge to the side, his heart racing with adrenaline. He grabbed a broken chair leg from the floor, brandishing it like a weapon. The man snarled, his eyes narrowing with rage.

"Get out of here!" Richie shouted, his voice shaking".

The man hesitated, glancing towards the window as if considering his options. Seizing the moment, Richie swung the chair leg, aiming for the man's head. The makeshift weapon connected with a sickening thud, and the man staggered back, dazed.

Richie didn't waste any time. He pushed the man into the room and slammed the door shut, turning the lock with trembling hands. He leaned against the door, panting, his mind racing.

Downstairs, Sarah was still waiting, her heart in her throat. When she heard the sound of footsteps descending the stairs, she rushed to the base of the staircase, relief flooding through her when she saw Richie.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Richie took her hand, his grip firm. "We need to get out of here," he said urgently. "There's someone in the house."

As they made their way towards the front door, the reality of their situation sank in. Their romantic escapade had turned into a fight for survival, and they had no idea what horrors awaited them next.

The atmosphere was charged with fear as Richie and Sarah huddled near the front door, their breaths coming in quick, shallow gasps. The realization that a dangerous man was locked upstairs, possibly still conscious and plotting his next move, sent shivers down their spines.

Richie squeezed Sarah's hand, trying to infuse some confidence into his voice. "We need a plan," he said, his voice low and steady. "We can't stay here. We have to get to the car and get out of here."

Sarah nodded, her eyes wide with fear but also determination. "But what if he follows us? What if he's not alone?"

Richie glanced back towards the staircase. "We have to be careful. We need to move quickly and quietly. First, we need to find the car keys."