+Chapter 8+

Jael said nothing more to him after the initial questions he asked him, leading the way out of what turned out to be an underground space.

They stopped in a parking lot filled from end to end with lavish cars, and Jael stopped in front of one of such cars, the windows blacked out.

"The boss bought something at the auction," He tossed at the dangerous men casually lounging around. "Take her to the mansion."

That was all Caspian got from Jael before he was directed to get in the back seat and driven off. The undeniable realization that he had truly been bought by a Mafia King sinking in.

He couldn't see a thing through the windows except the occasional flash of light, so he had no idea where he was being taken to.

He sat alone in the backseat, two of the men seated in the driver and passenger seat, his thoughts a self-destructive tornado.

Lana would have been elated if she were in his place, but all Caspian could think about was all the gruesome ways he could be killed if the deception around him was found out.

He couldn't relax the entire drive, sitting stiffly. He was grateful that the men in the car with him didn't strike up a conversation, their complete silence was eerie but he would pick that over questions from them.

Caspian could only get a proper view of the high fences and massive gates that he was driven into when he was ordered out of the car, his heart sinking at the realization that it might actually be impossible to escape.

"Go with her," One of the men who had brought him there ordered gruffly.

The 'her' in question was a woman wearing casual clothing and an apron, a concerned look on her face as they made eye contact.

She waited until they had gone across the balcony and were walking up the grand staircase before she spoke. "Is that a wig you're wearing?"

It wasn't that surprising that women could see through the cheap wig he wore, he should be more worried at how easily everyone else had fallen for it.

He nodded and realized that he was walking behind her so she couldn't see him, "Yes."

The lady halted and slowly turned around in horror. Caspian stopped as well, wearing a similar look on his face as he realized that she could immediately tell his gender from that simple word he spoke.

This was the end. She was going to turn him in and he would be shot.

However none of that happened, all she did was slowly appraise him, slowly taking in his outfit, and then she turned around and kept walking like nothing had happened.

Caspian would give a lot to know what was going on in her head, actually, on second thoughts it might be better to remain in the dark.

The maid had been surprised to hear that the boss had bought an Omega at the auction. The boss didn't seem like the kind of person to go that route, he didn't even need to. Women regardless of their class threw themselves at his feet.

So she had been startled at the sight of the frail Omega in the bad wig, shaken up further when she realized that it was actually a male Omega.

What was going on? Did the boss know about this? The Omega seemed frightened, it didn't seem like he was the one behind the hoax.

She decided there and then that it was none of her business, her job was to take the boss' new property to his room.

Somebody else would have to deal with the fact that the prized Omega that was bought, was a man in a wig.

"Please stay in here," She gestured at the room she just opened the door to, stopping herself from feeling pity for the trembling Omega who hesitated to go in.

How old was he? Had the boss bought a child? That would be more concerning than his gender.

"Please don't try to run," She implored him, easily picking up on his shifty eyes. "The mansion is heavily guarded."

Caspian watched the door close after he stepped into the room, hearing the key turn in the lock with a dreadful finality.

The lady had told him not to try and escape, and he couldn't tell if she had said that because she cared or because she didn't want to get in trouble.

Did that mean Mafia King Asher had bought others before? What had happened to them?

Caspian stood at the doorway for several long minutes, shivering even though it wasn't cold in the room.

He slowly turned around, he had seen a bit of the room when he first stepped in but he would never get accustomed to the sheer size of it.

The room was done in cream and gold, and a quarter of the room was completely covered in ceiling-to-floor curtains.

Caspian wasn't impressed by what was essentially his new prison, sure, it was certainly miles ahead of his sad couch and storage room back in Moonstone, and the cage he had just been in.

But he didn't care about all that, forcing himself to investigate the room so he could find an escape, despite the lady's warning.

The door was locked so there was no getting out through there but there had to be some other way.

He gingerly stepped around the room, frowning when he didn't see a visible window. He quickly found out why, and it was because the curtains hid the tall windows.

A quick look outside showed him that he was on the second floor, it was a steep drop but not an impossible climb down.

It would be tough though because he would be doing it in the dark while wearing a dress, while also trying not to make a single sound. It was time to put all his tree-climbing skills to good use.

Before Caspian started his endeavor, he considered taking off his wig but scrapped that idea because the wig was doing a somewhat good job of hiding his identity.

If he managed to escape, they would be looking for a female Omega with black hair and bangs, not a male Omega with shorter pale blond hair.