+Chapter 44+

Caspian flinched badly at the knock on the door, his breath hitching when the door opened. He stiffened a bit when he saw Jael instead, his mouth going dry.

Would he really not see Asher ever again?

"Are you alright?" Jael asked carefully, keeping a wide berth between himself and the Omega who looked shellshocked.

Caspian frowned, his brain refusing to compute. "W-What?"

Jael couldn't see any visible injuries but then again, most of his body was covered up with a robe.

"Are you hurt?" He changed tactics, moving closer.

"I-I…" Words failed Caspian. "Where's Asher? I thought you were… I'm a guy… Aren't you here to shoot me?"

Jael listened intently to the Omega's discordant words, the pieces of the puzzle quickly clicking in place. That fucking idiot, he mentally facepalmed.

"Yeah, no," He brusquely answered. "I already know. So does Asher."

Caspian stared at the Beta like he had sprouted a second head, "What?"