+Chapter 54+

Asher's soft tone didn't match the Alpha's actions, but Caspian was powerless to stop him as he pulled his hands behind him and bound it with the ties of his robe, making it fall open and baring all of his body to him.

Caspian softly hiccuped from the effort of holding back tears, the cool air on his sensitive nipple still wet from Asher's mouth made him shiver.

"Isn't that much better? Don't you want to be good for me?"

Caspian nodded hypnotically, shame and arousal mixing into a heady concoction.

Asher caressed his chest, his fingers gently pinching his nipples but even that was enough to make him wince.

It was too much…

Even biting his lip wasn't enough to keep his sounds in, his hands clenched into small fists behind his back.

"Too… much…" He protested tearfully, wishing his hands were free so he could pull away Asher's hands to give his chest some respite.