+Chapter 76+

It had been hard enough keeping up the pretense around the representatives from the High Council.

He didn't know how well he could do that in front of the person who potentially harmed his parents.

"I see," He murmured, his shoulders tense with worry.

Jael glanced at Asher's dark expression and kept talking, "You also don't have to be dressed to the nines like you were for the High Council." He spoke carefully.

"All you have to do is wear and wig and lie."

Something about Jael's dry delievery made Caspian crack up.

The image of him wearing an out-of-place wig on a completely masculine outfit and introducing himself to Alpha Warren as Cassia was ludicrous.

"You don't even have to lie," Asher joined in, "You don't have to wear a wig either, just leave it all to us."

"I don't mind a wig," He chuckled.

They could only be so obvious.