+Chapter 123+

The bodyguards dutifully following him didn't try to stop him when he impulsively went deeper into the woods.

Caspian was immediately transported to the woods back in Moonstone.

The nostalgia felt like a breath of fresh air against his face, the scent of nature filling his lungs.

Not to mention, the trees provided cool shade from the glaring sun, and it was a pleasant sight.

He propped his neon pink sunglasses on his hair again so he could see better, turning his short walk into a rambunctious hike.

Whenever he went up a pile of rocks or over a fallen log, he turned around to make sure the men forced to follow him were doing okay.

And they were, every time.

While he struggled to get over the obstacles in his way, they simply cleared them with a little hop.

After a while of confidently marching forward, he slowed to a stop, his face red, chest heaving.