The burly Alpha caught sight of them first, he walked over to nudge Davian. "Isn't that your mate?"
Davian looked up, dropping the knife in his hands at the sight of Lake, he walked around the counter, heading to the door. "Were you looking for me?"
Lake could only nod, still not comprehending what was going on. He had expected chaos, and a lot of broken teeth, not his mate taking up a job at the restaurant they went to eat dinner at.
"I tried calling but you didn't pick up," He scolded, "Where did you toss your phone?"
Davian reached into his pocket under the apron, wincing at the sight of the missed calls he had gotten.
"You said you were going to the bathroom," Lake kept going off, "But I went there and didn't find you, I even called Doctor Perez…" He trailed off to glance at his phone, remembering that he had called the doctor.