"Where is he?" Angelo asked now, taking the mobile tray.
Although the cherubic-faced Omega wore a black and white maid uniform, Angelo could see that there was a cold layer of steel underneath her angelic face. He was an assassin, he could instinctively tell another assassin when he saw them.
"Don't know, didn't ask. Eat it all or the boss will break my legs." She said in her deceitfully sweet voice.
Angelo wisely took the tray of food, wondering why Nikolai had the dangerous Omega serve him instead of the bodyguards who seemed to be in charge of that before.
"Are you leaving?" He asked again. What he really wanted to know was where Nikolai was but he hadn't asked when he had the chance so now he was forced to make small talk.
"Not till you're done eating," She was kind enough to let him know, "What? You need company too?"
The scowl on her face looked out of place, contrasting with her clear blue eyes and golden curls.