Angelo snatched his hand back, Nikolai's touch burned hotter than the metal of the gun had. "I don't mind blood," He found himself saying, he would just wash his hair tonight.
Nikolai took his wrist again, this time, he used it to pull Angelo to the side to shoot Bean in the neck. He was already bored of this, it was getting late and they still needed to eat dinner.
Angelo barely noticed the man choking on his own blood, hyper-focused on Nikolai's hold on him, it wasn't the kind of nauseating discomfort he got from most people touching him but it was unsettling all the same.
He sighed a silent sigh of relief when Nikolai let him go and slipped his gun into the inner pocket of his trench coat, rising to his feet.
The club was dead silent as they walked out, the hairs on the back of Angelo's neck were raised, certain that they would get shot in the back but none of that happened.