Blood drugs

**Chapter 5: Blood drugs**

The sterile confines of the laboratory had become Dr. Alexander Harken's sanctuary and prison. In the aftermath of his transformation into a vampire, he turned his relentless scientific mind towards a new goal: the creation of synthetic sustenance. He called these substances "Vampire Drugs"—compounds designed to mimic the nutrients and energy he could only derive from blood.

### The Need for Vampire Drugs

Alexander knew that to maintain his humanity, or what remained of it, he had to control his bloodlust. Feeding on human blood was not a sustainable option. He needed an alternative that could provide the same nutrients and energy without the moral and ethical dilemmas.

His research into Vampire Drugs began with the basics of human blood composition. Blood is a complex mixture of cells, proteins, ions, and various metabolites. The challenge was to recreate the essential components in a form that his altered biology could metabolize effectively.

### Chemical Components and Formulas

#### 1. **Hemoglobin Mimic**

The primary component he needed was a synthetic hemoglobin mimic to transport oxygen and provide metabolic energy. Using his extensive knowledge of biochemistry, Alexander synthesized a molecule he called **Hemovita** (C₃₄H₃₂N₄O₄Fe).

**Chemical Formula:**

\[ \text{C₃₄H₃₂N₄O₄Fe} \]

Hemovita was designed to closely resemble hemoglobin, with a similar ability to bind and release oxygen. The challenge was ensuring it remained stable and functional within his unique physiology.

#### 2. **Nutrient Solution**

Next, Alexander focused on the plasma components. He created a nutrient solution rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. The formula for his **Nutrient Plasma** included:

- Glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆): Energy source

- Sodium Chloride (NaCl): Electrolyte balance

- Calcium Gluconate (C₁₂H₂₂CaO₁₄): Bone strength and cellular function

- Potassium Chloride (KCl): Muscle and nerve function

**Chemical Formulas:**

\[ \text{C₆H₁₂O₆, NaCl, C₁₂H₂₂CaO₁₄, KCl} \]

#### 3. **Synthetic Blood Serum**

To complete his concoction, Alexander needed to replicate the plasma proteins. He synthesized **Syntheserum**, a solution of albumin and other key proteins. The main component, **Synthetic Albumin** (C₆₆₃H₁₀₁₀N₁₉₆O₂₀₉S₆), was created through recombinant DNA technology.

**Chemical Formula:**

\[ \text{C₆₆₃H₁₀₁₀N₁₉₆O₂₀₉S₆} \]

### Experimental Trials

With his formulas ready, Alexander began a series of trials to test the efficacy of the Vampire Drugs. He started by injecting small doses into himself, monitoring his body's reaction through a series of rigorous tests.

#### Physical Tests

In the lab's reinforced gym, Alexander tested his strength and speed after each injection. The results were promising—his enhanced abilities remained stable, and the bloodlust was significantly diminished.

#### Cellular Analysis

Back in the lab, he conducted detailed blood analyses, observing how his cells metabolized the synthetic compounds. Using a high-powered microscope, he noted that the Hemovita molecules were efficiently transporting oxygen, and the Syntheserum was being absorbed and utilized by his cells.

### Challenges and Adjustments

Despite the initial success, there were challenges. The synthetic compounds were metabolized more quickly than anticipated, requiring frequent dosing. Alexander went back to the drawing board, tweaking the formulas to increase their stability and longevity.

He experimented with various stabilizers, eventually settling on a combination of **Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)** (C₂H₄O) and **Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA)** (C₁₀H₁₆N₂O₈) to extend the half-life of the Hemovita and Syntheserum.

**Chemical Formulas:**

\[ \text{C₂H₄O, C₁₀H₁₆N₂O₈} \]

### Breakthrough

After weeks of relentless experimentation, Alexander achieved a breakthrough. The revised formulas of the Vampire Drugs provided a more sustained release of nutrients and energy, allowing him to function without the constant, gnawing hunger for blood.

### Reflection

As he sat back in his chair, the dim light of the lab casting long shadows on the walls, Alexander allowed himself a rare moment of satisfaction. He had turned his curse into something manageable, a way to bridge the gap between the monster he had become and the man he once was.

Yet, amidst the relief, there was an underlying tension. The synthetic solution was just that—a solution, not a cure. His quest for redemption and a true return to humanity was far from over. But for now, he had found a way to maintain control, to channel his dark gifts towards a purpose that could one day lead to the salvation of humanity.

And so, as the first light of dawn filtered through the cracks in the lab's heavy curtains, Dr. Alexander Harken prepared for the next phase of his journey. He was no longer a mere scientist nor a mindless predator. He was the one who created the first vampire anti dependant medicine(VAD),'i like that name'