Chapter 36:Battle Of Tokyo(1)

Alexander stood before a sprawling map of Oasis pinned to his wall, red pins and lines of string crisscrossing the city's major districts. This plan would be his masterpiece—a coordinated strike against the council to eliminate them once and for all.

He knew he couldn't do this alone. He needed allies, and more importantly, he needed distractions. The plan involved multiple phases, each meticulously timed and executed.

**Phase 1: Information and Disinformation**

Alexander spent weeks planting false intelligence. Using his network of spies and contacts, he leaked information suggesting a powerful relic was hidden in the heart of Oasis, capable of bestowing ultimate power upon its wielder. The council members, driven by greed and fear of each other, would converge on this location, leaving their strongholds vulnerable.

**Phase 2: Sabotage and Diversions**

Simultaneously, Alexander and his allies set up multiple diversions across the city. Veronica, using her werewolf agility and strength, planted explosives in strategic locations: power plants, transportation hubs, and communication towers. At the exact moment when the council was lured to the supposed relic's location, these explosives would detonate, plunging the city into chaos.

**Phase 3: Divide and Conquer**

With the city in disarray, Alexander's allies—each with their own vendettas against the council—would strike at the council's personal strongholds. These attacks were not meant to kill but to further distract and spread the council members thin. As the council members rushed to protect their interests, they would be isolated from one another, making them easier targets.

**Phase 4: The Trap**

The heart of the plan was a large underground chamber beneath the city, discovered during one of Alexander's earlier experiments. This chamber, once part of an ancient vampire lair, was fortified and rigged with traps. Using the false relic as bait, he would lure the remaining council members here.

**Phase 5: Confrontation and Elimination**

In the underground chamber, Alexander had set up an array of traps and enchantments designed to weaken even the most powerful vampires. The chamber's entrance would be sealed with a powerful ward, preventing any council member from escaping once inside.

Alexander planned to confront them here, using the environment to his advantage. He had hidden caches of weapons and potions throughout the chamber, each designed to exploit the council's weaknesses. Veronica, alongside other trusted allies, would join the battle, turning the chamber into a killing ground.


As the night approached, Alexander and Veronica stood on the rooftop of an abandoned skyscraper, overlooking the city. The wind howled around them, carrying the distant sounds of the bustling metropolis below. Alexander glanced at his watch, the second hand ticking closer to the appointed time.

Veronica handed him a small earpiece. "Everything's set," she said, her eyes glinting with anticipation. "Explosives are in place, and our people are ready."

Alexander nodded, slipping the earpiece into his ear. "Good. We need to move quickly once the chaos starts."

They descended into the heart of the city, blending into the shadows. As they moved, Alexander's mind raced with the intricacies of the plan. He knew the council members would be on high alert, but their greed and arrogance would be their downfall.

The moment arrived. Explosions echoed through the city, plunging it into darkness. Power lines crackled, and buildings shuddered as the blasts tore through critical infrastructure. Panic spread like wildfire, and the city's inhabitants fled in terror.

Amidst the chaos, Alexander and his allies moved with precision. They struck at the council's strongholds, drawing out their forces and creating further disarray. Smoke and fire filled the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the city.

Alexander watched as the council members, driven by desperation, converged on the underground chamber. The trap was set. He followed them from a distance, ensuring they remained unaware of his presence.

As the council members entered the chamber, the ward sealed the entrance behind them. Alexander smiled grimly. The stage was set for their final confrontation.

He stepped into the chamber, his footsteps echoing through the cavernous space. The council members turned, their eyes widening in shock and fury.

"Welcome," Alexander said, his voice cold and commanding. "You've all come so far for nothing but a lie."

The council members snarled and lunged at him, but the chamber's traps activated, disorienting and weakening them. Alexander moved with deadly grace, striking with precision and exploiting their every weakness.

The battle had begun, and the council's downfall was imminent.
