Chapter 8: Evil Puppets

"Impressive analytical ability and strong willpower, coupled with caution and restraint. This young girl impresses me more and more, hahaha."

Shun spoke to herself aloud, watching Feng Yan as she celebrated breaking through to the second stage. Shun considered Feng Yan's performance excellent thus far. While observing Feng Yan, a malicious smile appeared on Shun's face:

"Feng Yan has won two battles on her first attempt, significantly boosting her confidence and excitement. I think it's time for the real test to begin, don't you think, Feng Yan?"

With eyes full of malice, Shun began preparing the puppets for the next floor. As she watched Feng Yan on her screen, preparing for the true test, Feng Yan had no idea that hell was about to start for her!


"I can't believe the energy this time was more than I imagined, so much that there's not much left to reach the third step as well. Someone pinch me, am I dreaming?

Not only that, but all my wounds have disappeared, and even my fatigue, hunger, and thirst are gone. How amazing!"

Feng Yan examined every inch of her body, exploring the changes. This time, she felt her agility had slightly increased from before, and the strength of her fists had become a bit stronger. After throwing a few punches in the air, Feng Yan was very pleased with this significant achievement. She realized that all her previous efforts had finally borne fruit. Although the wooden puppets were strong, the results were remarkable as well.

"I can say that the wooden puppets were three times more difficult than the clay puppets. If the puppets on the third floor are three times harder than the wooden ones, my chances of winning against them will be very slim. I doubt I'll come out in one piece from such a battle!

True, my strength has increased a bit, but the problem lies in my combat skills, which remain the same. All that has increased in these two rounds is my combat experience!"

Feng Yan pondered the upcoming dilemma, knowing that learning and mastering combat skills was no easy task. She knew it required training from a young age to engrave the combat teachings into her bones, and actual combat to engrave the combat teachings into her soul. Feng Yan had real combat experience and had engraved combat skills into her soul, so how would she engrave combat skills into her bones?!

"I see you're puzzled, don't worry. The Combat Tower was specifically designed to produce the strongest fighters. Certainly, it has addressed the issues you're thinking about!

You'll soon see the solution, so there's no need to overthink. Just do what is asked of you, Feng Yan."

"Damn you, can you read minds too? Shun!!!"

"And what if I can? What can you do about it, Feng Yan??"

Shun mocked Feng Yan's helplessness. Feng Yan was about to explode if she didn't realize that Shun was provoking her for the enjoyment of her reaction. So, it was best not to give Shun what she wanted. After taking a deep breath, Feng Yan decided not to argue with Shun anymore and waited to move on to the third floor.

"Trying to act strong, huh? Let's see your strength in the next stage, Feng Yan!"

Then, Feng Yan heard an automated voice saying:

"Combat Tower Test Initiated – First Round – Third Floor – Evil Puppets."

Immediately after hearing the automated voice, Feng Yan began to ascend. She paid no attention to the process of ascending, thinking about the name of the puppets on the third floor, "Evil Puppets," and was very puzzled. On the first and second floors, she faced clay and wooden puppets, which were made of clay and wood, respectively. So what would the "Evil Puppets" be made of? Surely, they wouldn't be made of evil, right?


Without realizing it, Feng Yan had reached the third floor, and the ten gates were opening in the same manner as before. She watched as her new opponents emerged. After the gates fully opened, Feng Yan saw the Evil Puppets with her own eyes. Her eyes widened in shock, and fear crept into her heart at the terrifying sight before her!

Clank, clank...

"Brothers, let's advance. It's time for dinner; the prey has arrived!

Nana nana..."

"My God, what am I seeing???"

Feng Yan looked around and saw Evil Puppets the size of a seven-year-old child, with claw-like hands where their fingers should be. Due to their small size, they were very agile and quick. The most terrifying aspect was their high intelligence, which allowed them to speak and mockingly express emotions on their faces at Feng Yan.

"I'm in deep trouble!"

Feng Yan moved to attack one of the Evil Puppets, but before she could, the puppet in front of her jumped back with a small leap. Before Feng Yan could increase her power to catch it, she heard a voice from behind her that made her heart drop into a deep abyss:

"Big sister, you shouldn't turn your back on your enemies!"

Feng Yan felt cold air touch her neck, signaling the imminent threat of decapitation. Spiritual energy surged through her body with full force, causing Feng Yan to twist in the air at an unreal speed. She raised her left arm to block the attack, only to see an Evil Puppet with an evil grin, waving its long claws to slice her neck!

Feng Yan blocked the attack with her arm, resulting in her arm being torn down to the bone. Her blood splattered on the ground. Because of this, Feng Yan couldn't land properly and lost her balance, rolling on the ground. After three rolls, she regained her balance and looked at the Evil Puppet that attacked her with eyes full of hatred and resentment. Before she could say anything, she heard another voice from behind her, speaking in a mocking tone:

"Big Sister, You Don't Learn from Your Mistakes and Keep Making the Same Mistake Again!"

Feng Yan had no time to say anything. Worse still, the voice was much closer than the first time, forcing her to tilt her body to the right. In an instant, she felt a searing pain in her left shoulder:

"Fifth Claw, I've told you a thousand times not to play with your food!"

"Fifth Claw apologizes to First Claw, I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge to sip some blood!"

"Brother First Claw, why do you let Brother Fifth Claw have all the fun and drink blood as he pleases? We want to drink blood too!"

"That's right, Brother First Claw, I'm Sixth Claw and I want some fresh blood too!"

"Me too, me too!"




"Enough! Everyone will get their share of fresh blood, so let's focus on the prey in front of us, alright?"

The leader of the Evil Puppets, known as First Claw, who was the same puppet that initially attacked Feng Yan, stopped the bickering among the Evil Puppets with a single command. After sighing in frustration at being the eldest sibling to all these childish-thinking puppets, he found it very hard to manage. He had many duties, such as distributing food equally, resolving conflicts among his siblings, and much more. It was his sole responsibility to handle everything. Life was tough for First Claw.

"Do I look like a sheep on a chopping block to you?"

Feng Yan suddenly interrupted the family-like atmosphere of the Evil Puppets with an angry shout. All the puppets turned to look at the prey they had forgotten about. They saw that Feng Yan was still alive, leaning against the hall wall to stand. Her left shoulder was completely drenched in blood, so much so that her once-white garment had turned entirely red. A small pool of blood had formed on the ground. Seeing this, the Evil Puppets cried out in horror at what they saw:

"My God, this is terrifying! Look at what you've done, Fifth Claw! You've wasted so much blood; all this blood should be deducted from your share alone!"

"I agree with Third Claw, we should do that!"

The other puppets echoed their agreement with Third and Fourth Claws against Fifth Claw. First Claw saw the chaos forming and looked up to the sky, pleading for help from God. Why did he have to deal with such a huge responsibility? He wondered why, as a good brother, he had to face all these troubles.


Feng Yan collapsed, unable to stand due to the significant blood loss, which caused her heartbeat to slow down gradually. She looked at the Evil Puppets arguing over who to blame for wasting her blood. Feng Yan thought to herself:

"These bastards, did they ever see me as an opponent in the first place?

No, in their eyes, I was just a walking dinner, nothing more, nothing less!

I can't believe my life will end in such a humiliating way.

My dreams, my revenge, all my hopes, everything will disappear because of some puppets!

I can't accept such a ridiculous end!

Am I going to die in such a pathetic manner?"

Feng Yan felt her thoughts slowing down, the pain easing, and a coldness spreading throughout her body. An irresistible drowsiness began to engulf her mind, dragging her into a fog of forgetfulness. Before losing consciousness, Feng Yan heard a whisper in her ear:

"Big Sister, you made just one mistake that led to your death. Unfortunately, this is the reality of life-and-death battles; one mistake can end your life!

Until next time."