Chapter 16: The Soul Contract

"At first, I was puzzled about how to resolve things between you two. But now, seeing how things have turned out, there's no longer any doubt. What do you think about a way to end the conflict between you both?"

Claw One spoke to the two girls with a confident smile. At that moment, he knew which side he would choose. Between Feng Yan, the girl with a will of steel, and Yu Yue, the girl who only knew how to build bridges from the corpses of those around her to achieve her goals, Claw One had definitely decided to choose Feng Yan.

In Claw One's eyes, Feng Yan carried a torch of hope for the Eternal Tower and for himself as well. This made him more determined to grant her limitless talent. He had completely lost patience in searching for someone better than Feng Yan. Just as he was convinced that the Eternal Tower created geniuses rather than searched for them, he would stand by Feng Yan and do everything in his power to ensure she stayed on the right path.

"So, what's your suggestion? Why don't you tell us, instead of staring at me with those strange looks?" (Feng Yan)

"My apologies, elder sister. My suggestion is a soul contract, which states that you release Yu Yue from your inner world. In return, Yu Yue will not interfere at all during your challenge of the ten floors of the tower. But this does not come without a price. On the final floor, you will face each other in a life-and-death battle to decide everything between you. If Feng Yan wins, she becomes the heir to the tower! If Yu Yue wins, Feng Yan will die and share the same fate as those before her!"

Claw One finished presenting his proposal. Essentially, it was a life-and-death challenge between Feng Yan and Yu Yue to settle their fate in a somewhat fair duel. This was the best suggestion to solve their issue and also an opportunity to resolve the problem of the Eternal Tower.

Yu Yue smiled at this suggestion. Despite being restrained by the power of Feng Yan's inner world, she was confident, almost certain, that she could defeat Feng Yan in a face-to-face battle. Feng Yan noticed the look on Yu Yue's face and saw the confidence radiating from her. She couldn't blame her; she had seen the strength of the battle between Yu Yue and Claw One, which to her was a battle between giants, a place not meant for humans like her. She also doubted whether she could reach that level of power in such a short time.

"I can guess some of your thoughts and questions, so let me explain a few very important points.

First: In the life-and-death battle, Yu Yue is not allowed to use the power of the Eternal Tower at all; she must fight with her own strength. In return, Feng Yan must challenge Yu Yue within a period of fewer than a hundred rounds, starting from the next round.

Second: I will be the temporary overseer of the Combat Tower's trials instead of Yu Yue for the next hundred rounds. I will also use every method possible to help Feng Yan reach the appropriate level of strength to fight Yu Yue. In return, if Feng Yan fails to defeat Yu Yue, I will die along with her.

Third: My brothers will be completely removed from the equation, and their punishment will be nullified. In return, the winner will receive the full inheritance of my world-destroying power. That's everything for this contract!"

Claw One clarified all the important points that concerned Feng Yan and Yu Yue, making them both think that this contract might offer some opportunities for both sides. This made the contract feasible between the two.

Yu Yue looked at Feng Yan with ferocious eyes, drawing a predator's smile as she stared at her prey. Feng Yan responded with a confident smile. When Claw One saw that, an excited grin appeared on his face. Despite risking his life, this made his blood boil with excitement. Having lived his entire life in the Eternal Tower, he had never experienced any real danger, which made him thrilled at facing his first life-threatening situation.

"Feng Yan, you know well that no matter what happens, you will never be able to defeat me. So I advise you to kill me now, and then you'll gain the Ancestors' Will. As I told you, you can become stronger with some planning and self-control, even becoming the ruler of the continent!" (Yu Yue)

"Are you trying to mock me, Yu Yue? It's fine if I can't take such a simple risk. How can I claim to be a Great Noble? In reality, if I obtain the Eternal Tower, I will aspire for more than just being a Continent's King. Another thing, Yu Yue, I will never accept being a mere slave to the Ancestors' Will. I prefer death, so don't worry, Yu Yue, I'll come soon to free you from this curse!" (Feng Yan)

"Interesting, Feng Yan. You're good at talking big without doing anything. So why the delay? Let's sign the soul contract!" (Yu Yue)

"Let's do it." (Feng Yan)

With one movement, all the power restraining Yu Yue in mid-air vanished. Yu Yue landed on the ground and stood before Feng Yan. Claw One stood beside them, watching the sparks fly between them. Then he waved his hand to reveal the contract paper.


Out of nowhere, a pale blue flame appeared in his hand, transforming into a white paper surrounded by a blue aura. Claw One extended his hand and made the paper float between them. Although Feng Yan didn't know what a soul contract was, she was sure it could control the actions of people like Yu Yue and Claw One from breaking the contract in some mysterious way.

"Then I'll start first," (Yu Yue)

taking the contract paper and beginning to write with her fingertip. Magically, her finger acted as black ink on the paper. Within seconds, she had written down all the rules stated in their contract. She handed the paper to Feng Yan, who read it and found everything as agreed.

"Elder sister, is there a problem with the contract?" (Claw One)

"No." (Feng Yan)

"Then I think we should sign it." (Yu Yue)

Quickly, Yu Yue and Claw One's hands moved with great speed, each grabbing one side of the paper and swiftly tearing a piece. Before Feng Yan could understand why they did this,


The pieces of the paper in their hands ignited with a bright green flame. Not just their pieces, but Claw One's and Yu Yue's parts as well. The ashes began to merge with their hands. As Feng Yan watched this extraordinary event, she heard a sharp voice in her head:

"The soul contract is complete!"

Feng Yan tried to find the source of the voice but to no avail. Then she looked at the two beside her, seeing their bodies tremble suddenly as the ash merged with them. She concluded that she wasn't the only one who heard the voice. Deciding not to ask to avoid appearing ignorant, she turned her attention back to them.

Yu Yue opened her eyes and stared at Feng Yan with malice. She then said, "Feng Yan, I'll be eagerly waiting for you. Don't keep me waiting too long. Until we meet again."

Then, Yu Yue disappeared from Feng Yan's inner world as if she had never been there. Feng Yan looked at Claw One, who was exchanging glances with her. After a brief silence, Claw One spoke with a gentle smile:

"Don't worry, elder sister. Since I've staked my life on this, I'm sure we have a chance."

"I wasn't looking at you for that reason. I was just puzzled why you resemble my father, Claw One?" (Feng Yan)

Claw One was surprised by the sudden question but gave Feng Yan a mysterious smile in return. As he slowly faded away, he replied,

"I don't call you elder sister for nothing!"

"Wait, what does that mean?"

But unfortunately, Feng Yan couldn't stop Claw One, who vanished from her inner world entirely. Feng Yan remained alone in her dark inner world, the only light coming from her spiritual essence. After regaining her composure and taking a deep breath, she clenched her fist as her heart burned with excitement:

"I, Feng Yan, will conquer the Eternal Tower!"