chapter 24: Night of passion

"No I won't let my men teach you because I would be the one to teach you everything you need to know." Andre stated.

Adria's eyes widened, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. She froze, her lips parted as if words had stolen her breath. It wasn't what he said, rather it was the possessiveness she felt in his words.

A sly smirk appeared on her lips, moving so she settled herself astride him, palms on his chest as she leaned over, whispering into his ear.

"But I think that would be a distraction for you. I want Marco to teach me." Leaning back, she had a cunning look on her face, watching his reaction keenly.

Andre let at a low growl, his eyes darkening just at the thought.

His hand wrapped gently around her neck, caressing it softly as Adria visibly shivered. His slim cold dainty fingers sending signals to her core, making her tremble slightly.

With a swift and sudden move, he delicately yanked her head down, their foreheads meeting briefly as he trailed his lips along her collar bone, leaving a trail of shivers in his wake.

"Careful Tesoro, I know what you're doing." He rasped huskily, his fingers tracing her delicate curves, awakening desires.

Her throat moved slightly when she gulped down nothing. Her lips parting slightly as his hands latched on to her bare thighs, exploring the terrains of her smooth and delicate curves.

Breaths coming out in short rasps, her meticulous fingers trailing lightly on his biceps as she stared into his eyes, biting her lips seductively.

"And what am I doing carino?" Her voice sensual, eyes daring, fingers gliding along the contours of his face as they slid into his hair lustrous raven black hair, caressing them softly.

He groaned deeply, his eyes going darker as he fought for control.

"Making me jealous." He grunted out, slowly losing the battle as his hands roamed around more possessively.

Fluttering her eyes innocently, her lips forming into a cute pout but the mischievous glint flashing in her eyes betrayed her innocence.

"What would you do if Marco was to train me?"

Her hazel eyes searching his grey ones as she asked the question, their lips almost touching as their breaths mingled.

"If any man other than me was to touch you Tesoro, I would chop his hands off and feed it to him, watching as he choked it down with his blood mixed with wine, ensuring that he swallows every last drop." He uttered possessively.

Adria couldn't resist any longer as her lips claimed his, both their palms interlaced as she kissed him passionately. Her insides warmed with the fact that she was his to claim, completely and utterly.

The white and grey room was a testament to the intense feelings they both felt for each other with their lips locked in a fierce and consuming burning passion.

Andre released his hands from her grip as her traced them along each and every curve, leaving shivers where his delicately long fingers trailed. He flipped them over as he hovered over her, leaning his weight on his elbows, his evident bulge pressing her thighs, his eyes searching her's with uncertainty.

But all he could see was the intense desire her gaze unveiled, heavy with passion. Without wasting anymore more second he latched his lips on her, penetrating through her barrier as his tongue danced with her to the beautiful symphony of their heartbeats. Exploring every inch with his tongue, trailing wet kisses along her neck as he moved his face to her chest.

He lifted his head staring deeply at her through hooded eyes, watching every look of pleasure appearing on her face as he trailed his fingers downwards, watching her breaths come out in short puffs after their intense kiss.

Her entire being shivered in pleasure as the tip of his fingers traced the curves of her full round breast, moving along her skin, teasing her, making her want more.

In a swift and precise move, her top was gone, laying somewhere in the dimly lit room, leaving her in only her shorts.

Her breasts were exposed, her nipples hardening more when a gentle breeze swept pass them. His darkened gaze caught her's briefly, claiming her already plump lips, giving it enough attention as he left her lips and latched onto her throat.

Nibbling softly, leaving hickeys on her fair skin as he moved downwards and latched his mouth on her breast, his hand gently fondling the other, giving enough attention as he switched. Adria writhed in pleasure, enjoying his warm mouth on her breast, taking her to new heights with each suck and each fondle.

He trailed more kisses down, making sure that he left his mark where he kissed, staking his claim on her. His hands fumbled with the band of her shorts, impatient in getting rid of the barrier.

She had on black lace panties that only did more in fueling his raw desire. Ripping them apart, his hot gaze lingered on her wet glistening pussy.

Adria legs instinctively closed, her gaze wandering unable to meet his. Andre knew exactly what was running through her mind,

"Don't hide from me Tesoro, you are fucking beautiful." He uttered deeply, eyes flashing of genuine emotions. Voice whispering sweet nothings, nibbling on her earlobe.

Adria's legs parted slightly, her posture relaxing, giving into the addictive drug that was Andre. He smiled reassuringly at her, moving his head down until he was at eye level with her throbbing pussy.

A deep sultry moan was drawn from her lips, her eyes widened in shock and pleasure at what he did, what she didn't expect.

Bringing out his tongue, he gave her a long sensual lick, driving her towards an impending pleasure. Lifting her legs and placing them on his shoulder, his head between her thighs, tongue between her folds.

He continued pleasuring her, taking her to new heights of ecstasy. Her body trembled more, an intense feeling bubbling on her lower stomach, begging to be released.

With one last final lick, her pelvic clamped as she reached her height of ecstasy. Her core exploding in pure bliss.

"Andre..." His name was torn out from her lips in a moan. Her eyelids closing momentarily at her orgasm.

Andre didn't stop until her licked her dry, her warm cum trickling down his throat as his Adams apple bobbled. Giving her a moment to gather some of her wits back, he pulled away but her sudden movements stopped him.

Though she was still a bit tired from her recent orgasm, her eyes held determination. She made him sit at the edge of the bed, getting down on her knees, staring up at him with hooded eyes. Her eyes glinting mischievously, filled with determination as her hands worked on the band of his trouser, pulling it and the boxer in one go with his help.

His member sprang out, finally released from the restricting confines of his boxers. Her eyes widened at the size of it, she had felt it was big but not this big. Gulping visibly, she lifted her gaze from his member with difficulty as her eyes met his. A chuckle rumbled from his chest from her reaction to his size.

Thumb caressing her lips, he whispered hotly.

"Sure you can handle me, love?" A hint of a challenge in his voice.

Her once wavering gaze blazed with determination, taking on his challenge as she wrapped her hand around his member, barely covering the whole length. She began moving her hands slowly, his veins bulging as his length grew bigger.

Bringing her lips closer, she wiped the precum away with her tongue, taking his length in her warm mouth. Her head bobbed, moving up and down, her hands rubbing the length her mouth couldn't contain.

A low rumble sounded in his chest as he let out a deep moan, encouraging her to do more. She increased her pace, hands moving faster, she gagging as his length hit the back of her throat. Burying his hand in her hair, he began thrusting, moans echoing and bouncing off the walls of their bedroom.

Adria couldn't help but move he fingers down there as she began touching her self. His moans turning her on, her pussy dripping wet.

He moaned out her name, his hand falling back on the bed as they both cumed together. His cum spilling into her mouth while her's dripped onto the ground. Adria tried swallowing everything but some spilled on the side of her lips.

Andre pulled her back on the bed as they lay side by side, still coming down from their orgasms. He pulled her over him, making her straddle him as he claimed her lips, tasting himself in her small mouth.

Pulling away, he trailed his lips along her collar bone, leaving more hickeys, whispering hotly, making her tremble from the pleasure his voice gave her.

"Like I said earlier, no other man is allowed to touch you except me."