Chapter 40 there is no need to waste time here

Anlan left the house after she was done. She was sure that she left her little Yao yao with the right person and there was nothing to be worried about , she trusted Mei Xia and knew that she was going to take good care of Yao yao. After hearing Mei Xia's story she felt leaving Yao yao with Mei Xia was going to help her alot and might make her forget about her past at least that was the best she could do.

When she arrived at the school she paid the driver off and walked into the school and looked at the large building smiling faintly, she remembered when when she got accepted into the school her mum who could not afford the money to make her further her education was very happy about it. Seeing the smile and joy on her face that day made Anlan happy and proud of herself, she had vowed ever since that day to study hard and become successful so that she could make her mum proud and live a life of luxury but somehow her mum seemed to to hate to live a life of luxury always wanted a simple and quiet life but wished that her children would be great and successful

But now her mom was ill and is still being oppressed by Feng Quain and there is nothing she can do about it. Anlan broke out of her long reverie and walked further admiring the school

Yan University was one of the best University in the country and every dream of every student but only genius were allowed here but few dull rich kids attended the school. Anlan went to the director office and when she got there she saw a young woman in the office she was dressed so cooperate and looked smart with her outfit

"How may I help you?"The woman asked calmly looking at Anlan strangely

"Good morning ma'am can I have a seat?"Anlan asked walking in

"Yes you can"The woman replied dropping the papers in her hand

"I'm Anlan. I got a letter from this school that I could start as a scholarship student this year"Anlan explained

"Ohh..I would check your name in the list with me"The woman said and picked up a paper going through it while Anlan waited calmly

"Oh yes I've seen your name it's nice to have a bright student like you in our school"The woman said and smiled warmly

"Thank you ma"Anlan replied

"Well you can start your classes right there is no need to waste time here"The woman said

"Okay then I'll leave"Anlan said and left immediately, she wished to call her mum and show her the school and how beautiful it was but she couldn't