Chapter 54 Huangling village

Muchen drove Anlan home, Anlan was silent through out the ride she felt like what Ye juemo said was right she had to think about her mum's health and her family's safety she knew that Zichen had told her severally not to get burdened thinking about all this because it wasn't her responsibility but his but she couldn't help but get worried they were speaking of her mum's health and safety and by the way she was also worried about him, he seemed to be stressing himself lately . She knew fully well that her job wasn't going to help raise the funds for her mum's treatment quickly but at least it was something but she couldn't wait any longer because grandma had said that her health was rapidly deteriorating

She always felt useless through out her life first her family had to risk their safety sending her to the city even after knowing the torture they were going to receive from Feng Quain. A part of her felt like considering Ye juemo's offer but another part still seeked for peace and didn't want to engage in anything fake or dangerous or even served as a threat to her and Yao yao's living but at the same time she was ready to engage in anything that would take away that peace she seeked just for her mum to get better she didn't want to loose her now. Tears rolled out slowly and Anlan bit her lips trying to get rid of the tears

"Are you alright?"Muchen who had watching her through the front mirror asked

"Yes I am.. have we arrived"Anlan asked and cleaned off the tears quickly

"No we haven't but we're close"Muchen replied

"Okay"Anlan replied and looked out the window

"What village are you from?"Muchen asked

"Why do you want to know?"Anlan asked

"It's for some reasons but if you don't want to share it's okay"Muchen smiled and looked away

"Huagling village in Jiangxi province"Anlan replied faintly 

"Hmm"Muchen said

"Are you satisfied?"Anlan asked

"Yes I am"Muchen said and the car came to an halt

"Finally"Anlan said and got out

"Think about the offer"Muchen said with a serious look

"Hmm I'll try"Anlan replied and watched the car drive out till it was out of sight.

She turned to leave but found Chengxiao standing behind her 

"Hey how's long have you been there?"Anlan asked

"I just came out now"Chengxiao replied as they both walked in

"Who was that..a friend?"Chengxiao asked

"Not actually just someone who decided to drop me off"Anlan replied and smiled faintly

"Don't you think you should be careful entering a random man's car"Chengxiao scolded worriedly

"I think I know how to live my life I'm not a kid"Anlan said and rolled her eyes

"Is that all you have to say.. I'm trying to care and you're acting rude"Cheng asked angrily

"I'm not acting rude I'm just trying to say that I'm not a kid and I think that I'm being careful enough so I don't think there's need for you to scold me"Anlan said getting pissed off 

"Seriously?"Chengxiao asked surprised by Anlan's rude behavior she has never been like this before

"I'm not just in the mood okay? maybe some other time"Anlan got into her apartment and locked the door

Chengxiao was surprised he had never seen her this pissed off and rude before he knew there was something wrong and he was going to find out no matter what she said

Later that afternoon Yao yao returned from school and hugged her tightly when she saw her

*Who picked you up from schoo?"Anlan asked

"Uncle Chengxiao did"Yao yao said smiling and Anlan sighed even after speaking to him rudely he still went over to pick up Yaoyao from school

He was only caring and she screwed things up by acting rude to him but she couldn't fully blame herself he was beginning to get to hard to deal with always acting too overprotective and he came at the wrong time completely

"Mum I'm hungry what's for lunch?"Yao yao asked

"Noodles.. but you have to take your bath first"Anlan said

"Ok I'll be back"Yao yao said and left to the room just then there was a knock on the door Anlan opened the door to find Han Jing looking pale and exhausted

"This job is squeezing the life out of you"Anlan said as Han jing walked in

"Of course it is"Han Jing said and fell to the couch

"I'm sorry I can't contribute in any way"Anlan said

"I'm not complaining for you to feel bad... I'm happy to do all this I'm not complaining"Han Jing said and held Anlan's hands

"Thank you"Anlan said and hugged Han Jing

"Let me go make lunch"Han Jing said

"No you don't have to i made noodles"Anlan said

"What? Why"Han Jing asked

"My cooking isn't that bad.. but if you still want to make lunch you can go ahead"Anlan said and pouted her lips

"I'll go ahead"Hsn Jing giggled and left

Later that evening Anlan prepared and left for work she had planned to apologise to Mei Xia but when she got to work she was informed that Mei Xia wasn't at work and was not coming