Chapter 57 you still miss her don't you

Anlan missed Mei Xia so much and wished that she was here but Fang Lou was there making sure to keep her company and not make her feel like someone was missing but everything still felt completely different she truly appreciated Dang Lou's effort and didn't want to make her feel sad so she didn't tell her or make her know that there was no how she could replace Mei Xia

"You're a really fun person"Anlan said and smiled

"Of course I am I've been told that lots of times"Fang Lou said confidently

"Hmm"Anlan replied and sighed

"You still miss her don't you?"Fang Lou asked with an eyebrow raised

"Yes I do.. I never knew she had such a great effect on me I don't know why I miss her so much we've only known each other for a few days now"Anlan said

"Awwn it's so cute... maybe it's just your instincts .. she's been nice to you so you just feel like you are drawn to her some how"Fang Lou said and smiled

"Maybe.. do you know where Mei Xia lives?"Anlan asked

"Luckily I do"Fang lou said

"Oh my your the best"Anlan exclaimed and hugged her

"Oh my goodness you've finally said it"Fang Lou said faking a cry

"You're funny.. let's return to our work"Anlan suggested with her mood feeling a little lighter

"Yep that's right because the glares from the others is quite intimidating"Fang Lou said and rolled her eyes

Later the next day Anlan collected the address from Fang Lou and waved her bye,Anlan boarded the next bus to Mei Xia's . 

When she got to her destination she got down of the bus . she walked into the street that was written on the paper given to her and looked around for Mei Xia's apartment the street was quiet and calm unlike her own street

When she was finally able to locate her apartment,Anlan knocked on the door gently waiting for someone to open it but there was no answer she knocked again and the door opened the next minute. Anlan looked at Mei Xia who was standing at the door with a gentle expression and she suddenly felt guilty for what she had said to her

"How did you know I live here?"Mei Xia asked

"Fang Lou did"Anlan said with her head slightly bent

"I'm not surprised..why are you here?"Mei Xia asked angrily

"You weren't at work last night"Anlan replied and raised her head up

"I wasn't at your house the night you weren't at work"Mei Xia said

"Why are you acting rude would you let me in or not?"Anlan asked bluntly

"Come in"Mei Xia said softly leaving way for Anlan to walk in

"You have such a lovely home"Anlan said smiling warmly

"Thanks"Mei Xia replied faintly

"You could have told me that you were angry than just ignoring me"Anlan said sadly

"Why are you here?"Mei Xia asked ignoring Anlan's question and sat on the chair

"Mei Xia I'm sorry I didn't mean to judge you I'm sorry I just felt like that kind of life didn't suit you I thought you deserved a better life that was why I said all I said the last time please forgive me I'm sorry"Anlan said with tears rolling down her eyes

"You should be exhausted why did you have to come?"Mei Xia said fighting back her tears

"Please don't ignore me I said I'm sorry"Anlan said letting the tears flow out freely

"I didn't skip work last night because of what you said..I just felt sick and didn't want to come"Mei Xia said and looked away

"If you don't want me here or want to accept my apology then say it than rather lie to me"Anlan said with a faint voice

"What you said had triggered long past memories back.. you sounded like my sister when you said all that.. she always wanted me to live a decent life filled with happiness"Mei Xia said wiping off the tears that she couldn't hold any longer

"Where is she?"Anlan asked calmly

"I don't know.. she was taken away when we were so young"Mei Xia replied and smiled faintly

"Why?"Anlan asked surprised

"Because I-i.. I was a murderer I killed our parents"Mei Xia said and broke down in tears,

"I killed my parents Anlan...I had the teenage life ever.. I'm not who you think I am"Mei Xia said crying

"You can tell me anything.. please tell I'm ready to share your pains with you"Anlan said crying holding Mei Xia's hand

"Anlan I had the dad on earth he would beat my mum and us .. he was the worst Anlan .. one day he came home late and started to beat my mum like he used to and that night I decided to defend my mom I decided to kill my dad so that we could be free from him so that my mum could be free from his troubles but it didn't go as planned I stabbed him but I was late he had already killed mum..I -i was devastated I lost both parents at the same time I was taken away from me because I was seen as a threat to her living but there was no way I was going to kill her was there ..I don't know anything about her whereabouts I don't know if she's alive or dead I don't but I hope she's okay because I hope to see her some day"Mei Xia said and hugged Anlan

"You truly needed someone to pour your hearts to.. you've been through a lot"Anlan said and sighed sadly

"I've isolated myself so much I kept lots of feeling all to myself and needed someone to talk to and when I met you I felt this indescribable happiness and drawn to you"Mei Xia said and chuckled sadly

"I've been through a lot but I'm not the first"Mei Xia added and sighed

"I know that you won't want to relate with me after knowing I'm a muderer"Mei Xia said

"Of course not.. you see I don't think so about you and I'm not planning to stay away from you... I also have a crazy story..I was also killed my sister and it's a long story you won't want to know"Anlan said and smiled

"Of course I would want to know"Mei Xia snapped back

"From birth I was sold to a mafia organization as I was told I had to live my life doing wrongs and I didn't have to live like every other kids back mum was not rich so she was forced to sell me because they threatened to kill my family if I wasn't handed over to them..there was nothing she could do she was helpless. I also learned how to adjust to such a life going for dangerous missions and so on. My sister got pregnant with Yap yao at a young age and the man whiom she loved so much left her with the child all alone and after she had little Yao yao she handed her over to me to be her mum because the family she was to get married mustn't know she had a child because it would cause a problem between her and her family. I decided to help her because of how much getting married into the family meant to her"Anlan said and paused 

"So what happened next?"Mei Xia asked curiously

"After getting married into the family they treated her badly and her won't say anything about it but he also joined in beating her everyday..I felt like she help because every time I told her to leave the man she would disagree and say that it didn't matter.. so I thought of helping her myself one night I tried to kill the man to free her from bondage but she gave her life for him.. when I shot at the man she stood in front of him..I felt devastated for days but my family tried to make me feel better by saying that I wasn't responsible but only trying to help..I decided to love and cherish Yaoyao for the rest of my life just to show how sorry I was"Anlan said with tears rolling slowly from her eyes

"What of your dad?"Mei Xia asked

"I don't know anything about him my mum didn't tell me anything and warned my sister not to my brother doesn't know much about him.. but I know she has a reason"Anlan said and wiped off her tears

"Anlan I never thought you'd have gone through such things"Mei Xia said

"Well I have and there's nothing I can do"Anlan said

"So what about the organization?"Mei Xia asked

"I ran away.. my mum wanted me to have a free life and made me run away even after knowing the consequences"Anlan sighed and fell on the couch

"I'm happy you're here and I was able to share my feelings with you"Mei Xia said

"I'm happy also"Anlan replied