Chapter 62 Are you both serious about this

"what do we want to sort out?"Anlan asked confused

"You made mention of Grandpa Heng few days back"Muchen said

"I've told you that it's nothing.. I just said the name it's not like someone like that exists"Anlan said the last statement with a low voice

"You don't have to lie now..Muchen went to do a thorough check on your background and he told me everything I only came to confirm if it was true"Ye juemo said

"W-what did he say?"Anlan asked

"That you are Second Master's childhood friend"Muchen said and Anlan burst into laughter

"Are you both serious about this?.. well let's sort it out I'm not"Anlan said firmly

"So you're not?"Muchen asked

"No I'm not"Anlan replied firmly after hesitating for a while

"I don't think that Grandpa Heng will be happy to hear this that his two favorite children has suddenly forgotten each other"Muchen said and smiled

"How do you know all this?"Anlan asked shocked

"Does it matter.. what matters is that you've forgotten"Muchen replied while Ye juemo sat quietly watching Muchen do it all for some reason he felt something strange making him feel dull . He wondered what could have made him forget such a moment in his life.

"Well yes.. I was Second Master's childhood friend back in Huangling but not anymore.. and if you would like to know I was also the person that saved him the night he was attacked by Feng Quain's men ..are you happy to know now what will you do about it when the Second Master himself has forgotten it all"Anlan spat out angrily.

Muchen was surprised that Anlan was the girl that had saved Second Master that explains why Feng Quain's men were after her life the other night. She still remembered about Second Master but poor her Second Master had forgotten about her long ago

"Do you think it's my wish to forget?"Ye juemo finally spoke after hearing that she was truly the one

"How would I know?.. I'm not psychic but one thing I know is that you forgot about everything even after saying all sorts of promises of how you were going to return.. maybe I wasn't able to match up to your status so I didn't have a special place in your life.. it's okay I'll take my leave"Anlan said and stood up to leave

"At least you should let Second Master explain.. he didn't forget because he wanted to"Muchen spoke up calmly

"You don't have to speak for him.. everyone has a reason for their decision and I can't judge him maybe he has a reason for that "Anlan forced a smile

"What of the offer..I think you've gotten enough time to think about it"Ye juemo spoke coldly 

"Hmph offer? well I don't need that I'm okay with my job.. I'll leave now"Anlan bowed slightly and left the cafe

"Can we leave?"Muchen asked

"Hmm"Ye juemo said and they both left the place