Chapter 70 You're here in

Anlan returned from the toilet so she could not see who had arrived but she was able to notice the girls attitude, blushing and murmuring words to themselves but she ignored them maybe it's one of their talks again . She walked back to were Mei Xia was sitting with Fang Lou

"Anlan you're back"Mei Xia said after noticing her presence

"Yes I am"Anlan replied and sat close to them

"You missed a lot Anand"Fang Lou said and held Anlan's hand

"Your beaming face says a lot"Anlan said and chuckled

"It does?"Fang Lou asked

"Of course it does... so tell what did I miss"Anlan asked curiously

"There was a very handsome good here wait not one but three handsome Greek gods"Fang Lou said dreamily

"Oh goodness"Mei Xka exclaimed surprised at Fang Lou's foolishness and Anlan giggled

"So who are they?"Anlan asked she actually thought that she had missed an epic episode but wasn't expecting such a boring topic but what could she do nothing but listen

"Well they are the"Fang Lou paused after she heard her name from behind

"Would you keep talking or you would get back to work?"The middle aged lady asked angrily and left

"Such a nuisance..I don't know why she hasn't left yet"Fang Lou said and frowned

"Don't worry we could continue next time"Anlan said happy about the intervention of the middle aged woman she wasn't presently ready for the talk

"Okay then wait I'll be back once I'm done"Fang Lou said in a rather scolding tone

"Ok boss"Anlan replied

"Bye "Fang Lou said and left

"Ahg finally"Anlan said and relaxed on the chair

"You also have some work to do"Mei Xia spoke up seeing that Anlan feeling free

"Ahh what's that?"Anlan asked

"There's a very important guest up stairs in the 17th room you have to go attend to them"Mei Xia said

"Why do I have to go...why didn't you just let Fang Lou go?"Anlan asked sadly

"She's too obsessed with those men she will mess things up and the manager doesn't want a single mistake"Mei Xia explained

"Ok ok I get it"Anlan said and stood up to leave

"Be careful"Mei Xia said

"Hmm did you by any chance get to see those men?"Anlan asked

"Nope I didn't"Mei Xia replied

"Okay then"Anlan said


Xio Sheng watched the dancing women with interest , smiling sinisterly while Ye juemo and Su Cheng sat at a corner using their phones

"Won't you both come and join the fun"Xio Sheng said laughing

"Fool"Su Cheng cursed loudly

"Does he even have any plans for his life"Muchen said pitifully

"Of course I do but once in a time we have to have fun"Xio Sheng said as one of the ladies walked up to him caressing his body with a smile on his face

"You look pretty"Xio Sheng said

"Thank you"She replied seductively, she was paid for it so she had to do it and who would want to miss the chance of getting close to someone like him

Yes juemo stared outside blankly wondering why he was here, was it for the contract or to explain things to Anlan?

Why did he care so much about what Anlan now think of him, he couldn't remember a thing from his childhood but he wished he could for some reason he could not identify yet

"I'm leaving"Ye juemo said walking towards the door he didn't care if Xio Sheng was going to spend his life here

"What? but we just arrived"Xio Sheng said confused, why did he suddenly decide to leave?

"I'll come with you"Su Cheng said and stood up

"You both are so funny..why don't you just leave your ignorance behind and join the fun besides you won't be much of a gentleman leaving this damsels behind"Xio Sheng said

"Or am I not right?"Xio Sheng asked the ladies and they nodded sadly

"You'll be digging your own grave if you say one more word"Ye juemo said coldly

Just as he got to the door he found the person and reason he was here

"You're here"Her soft voice rang out