A Nerve-wracking first day


Fifteen minutes later, Kamsi's voice pierced the silence, "Mom!!" Her mom's eyes remained shut, her voice a barely audible murmur, "Huh?"

But then, Kamsi's declaration burst forth like a sunrise, "I love you!" Her mom's eyes flew open, a soft smile spreading across her face like a warm breeze. "I love you too, sweetie," she whispered, her lips brushing against Kamsi's forehead in a gentle kiss.

"Now, sleep tight, you've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow," her mom advised, her tone laced with a mix of excitement and caution.

Kamsi's brow furrowed, confusion etched on her face like a puzzle. "What's happening tomorrow?" she asked, her tone laced with uncertainty.

Her mom's sigh was a soft whisper of exasperation. "Kamsi, how could you forget?!" Her eyes locked onto her daughter's, a mix of amusement and annoyance dancing in their depths. "It's your first day of school, remember?"

Kamsi's eyes snapped open like a window to a new world, her face a canvas of shock and nervousness. "Oh no, I'm so nervous!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling like a leaf.

Her mom's embrace was a warm haven, enveloping her in a soothing calm. "Shh, honey, you'll be just fine. You'll make new friends, learn new things, and grow in ways you never thought possible." Her mom's words were a gentle brook, soothing Kamsi's frazzled nerves and calming her racing heart.

Kamsi's eyelids fluttered shut, her body surrendering to the warmth of her mother's embrace. But the alarm clock's jarring ring shattered the peaceful morning, and Kamsi's eyes snapped open. "Rise and shine!" her mom chimed in, her voice a bright contrast to the sleepy atmosphere.

Kamsi's gaze darted to the clock, and her heart skipped a beat as she realized it was her first day at Washington International School. She sprang out of bed, her movements swift and urgent. In the bathroom, she splashed water on her face, the coolness jolting her awake. She applied a light dusting of powder, her fingers moving with a nervous energy.

Next, she donned her uniform - a crisp white shirt with a navy blue blazer adorned with the school's emblem, a golden eagle. Her skirt fell just above her knees, its pleats precise and neat. She styled her hair in a sleek knotless braid and ponytail, two stray strands framing her face like a delicate curtain.

As she slipped on her black shoes and socks, her eyes met her reflection in the mirror. She whispered a gentle affirmation, her voice barely audible: "You are beautiful, smart, and bold. So don't let anyone ever make you feel less." Her gaze held a steely determination, her shoulders squaring as she grabbed her backpack and hurtled downstairs.

"Mom!" she called out, her voice echoing through the kitchen, where her mom waited with a warm smile and a nourishing breakfast to fuel her daughter's first day.

As Kamsi greeted her mom with a radiant smile, her mother's eyes widened in wonder. "Oh my goodness, Kamsi! You're a vision in that uniform! It's as if it were tailored specifically for you," she exclaimed, her voice overflowing with pride.

Kamsi's smile blossomed, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Thank you, mom!" she replied, her voice filled with gratitude.

But as her mom announced breakfast was ready, Kamsi's enthusiasm waned. Her stomach twisted into knots, her appetite vanishing. "I'm not hungry, mom. I'm too anxious and nervous," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her mom's expression softened, her eyes filled with understanding. She drew closer, cradling Kamsi's face in her hands. "My dear daughter, what's troubling you? Tell me, what's on your mind?" she asked, her voice a gentle melody.

Kamsi's whisper was barely audible. "You are beautiful, smart, and bold... so don't let anyone make you feel less." Her mom's eyes encouraged her to personalize the affirmation, and Kamsi's voice gained strength. "I am beautiful, smart, and bold... so don't let anyone make me feel less." A resplendent smile illuminated her face.

With a gentle persistence, her mom coaxed her into eating a little, and Kamsi eventually relented. As they arrived at the Washington International School driveway, Kamsi's eyes expanded in awe, her breath catching in her throat. Her mom sensed her trepidation and offered reassurance. "Kamsi, everything will be alright. You'll receive your class schedule and all the necessary materials. It's going to be a beautiful day, I promise."

"I'll see you, mom," Kamsi said as she alighted from the car. "Bye, mom!" she waved.

"Bye, dear!" Her mom replied before driving off.

Kamsi took a deep breath before walking into the school hallway, where some students greeted her with surprise and awe, while others didn't spare her a glance.

"Good morning, Malam," Kamsi greeted the slim blonde who sat behind the counter. She raised her head to look at Kamsi with a polite smile. "Good morning. How are you?"

"I'm very well, thank you. I am Kamsi Chibaure," Kamsi introduced herself. "I'm new here and came to get my class schedule."

"Oh, welcome, Kamsi Chibuike," the lady said with a warm smile before searching through some papers. "Here," she said, handing Kamsi her class schedule and some other papers. "You are welcome to Washington International School."

"Thank you," Kamsi thanked. "First period... Biology," Kamsi read out. "Now, where do I find the Biology classroom?" She wondered, going through the school hall and looking at the numerous classrooms. She finally found it and slowly and quietly walked through the back door of the class, finding a seat at the back.

"Today's topic is Reproduction," the Biology teacher, Mr. Cole, started. "Any idea on the topic?" He directed the question at the classroom. The students immediately burst into laughter. "Keep shut!!" He yelled in anger. "Reproduction is defined as the..." Mr. Cole explained for about thirty minutes.

As Mr. Cole instructed the class to draw and label the female reproductive organs, the room erupted in a fit of giggles. But when he warned that failure to submit would result in detention, the laughter abruptly ceased. "Have a nice day," he added before departing with his textbooks.

Kamsi rose from her seat to head to her next class, but her gaze collided with the arrogant and spoiled brat she had encountered earlier. Her cheeks flamed bright red as she recalled their unpleasant encounter in towels. Panic set in, and she hastily attempted to flee the classroom, only to bump into someone else - the girl from her apartment.

"I'm so sorry,!" Kamsi apologized in a rush, her eyes darting around the room in search of Xavier.

"Nah, it's cool," came the polite response from the girl. "You're the one who gifted us with those cookies with your mom,right?" she asked, her eyes locking onto Kamsi's.

Kamsi greeted her awkwardly, "Hey... yeah, that's me." Her eyes continued to scan the room for Xavier.

The girl's eyes sparkled with recognition. "Thanks for the cookies, they were heavenly!" But Kamsi was too distracted to respond, her attention fixed on locating Xavier.

Just then, the girl asked, "Are you in a hurry or running away from someone?" Her eyes followed Kamsi's gaze, attempting to identify the source of her distress.

Kamsi's response was hasty, "Yeah, I am." Her eyes locked onto Xavier, who was approaching them amidst the crowd. She gripped the girl's hand tightly, her heart racing, and darted into a nearby closet to hide.