Xavier's gaze and moms embrace

Kamsi indulged in a languid late-night shower, the warm water cascading down her skin like a soothing serenade. Emerging from the steamy embrace, she enveloped herself in a plush white towel that hugged her thighs, twisting her damp hair into a turban with a smaller towel. Her gaze wandered around the room, and her eyes landed on the balcony with a newfound sense of discovery. "Now..." she breathed, her voice barely audible, "How did I overlook this little oasis?"

She pushed open the door, and a warm breeze caressed her skin as she stepped out into the night. The city skyline stretched before her, twinkling like a canvas of diamonds. Kamsi's eyes widened in wonder. "Wow..." she whispered, her awe echoing off the walls of the balcony. She leaned against the railing, savoring the moment.

Her gaze roamed the balcony, and then, her eyes collided with a figure at the far end, making her heart skip a beat. Xavier stood there, his cigarette dangling from his lips, the glow of the ember casting a soft light on his features. His smirk was a thin veil for the intensity in his eyes.

Kamsi's frown deepened, her expression a mix of annoyance and fascination. "I didn't know our next-door neighbor was a nudist," Xavier quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm, his eyes never leaving hers.

She felt a flush of heat rise to her cheeks, partly from anger and partly from the vulnerability of the moment. "I didn't know our next-door neighbor was a jerk," she shot back, her voice sharp.

Xavier chuckled, the sound low and mocking. "Touché," he replied, taking a real drag of his cigarette this time, the smoke curling lazily into the night air.

Kamsi crossed her arms over her chest, her grip tightening on her towel. "Do you always make a habit of spying on people?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing.

"Only when they make it this interesting," Xavier retorted, his gaze unabashedly lingering on her.

Kamsi's irritation flared, and she turned on her heel to retreat back inside. "You're disgusting," she spat over her shoulder.

Kamsi's face flushed with embarrassment as she realized her scantily-clad state. She darted into her room, the towel clinging to her curves. Xavier's low, husky laughter echoed through the night, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he gazed out at the city skyline.

she stepped back into her room, she could still feel his eyes on her, the encounter leaving her both infuriated and unsettled. The balcony, once a place of unexpected wonder, now felt tainted by Xavier's presence. She resolved to avoid it as much as possible, vowing not to let him get under her skin again.

Kamsi's mortification was palpable as she paced back and forth, her bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" she muttered, her hands flying up to her cheeks. "He saw me in towels! Oh no, I'm finished... Why did I have to go out in just towels? Curse that beautiful balcony!"

Her agitation was palpable, her mind racing with the humiliation of the encounter. Sleep eluded her, and she finally surrendered to her thirst, padding downstairs in search of water. But as she descended the stairs, the sound of muffled sobs reached her ears. Her heart skipped a beat as she followed the sound to the living room.

Her mom sat on the couch, her face contorted in anguish, the empty bottle of Andre Romale a stark testament to her distress. Kamsi's worry was etched on her face as she rushed to her mom's side. "Mom, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Her mom's eyes, red-rimmed and puffy, met hers, a faint smile trembling on her lips. "Kamsi, are you awake?" she whispered, her voice cracking.

Kamsi's frown deepened as she took in the scene. "Mom, you're drinking again," she said, her tone a mix of disappointment and worry. "You promised not to!"

Her mom's repudiation was swift, her eyes flashing with defensiveness. "Ugh, it was just a slip, darling," she said, her voice laced with a hint of belligerence.

Kamsi's expression softened, her eyes filled with empathy. "Mom, you know you can talk to me. Something is bothering you. Instead of drinking yourself into oblivion, let's talk about it," she coaxed, her voice gentle.

Her mom's gaze faltered, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "It's nothing, darling. I just had a sip... to calm my nerves. That's all," she muttered, her eyes avoiding Kamsi's.

The tension between them was palpable, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Kamsi's eyes never left her mom's face, her expression a mix of love, concern, and understanding. "Why are you up? It's late," she asked, her voice barely above a whisper."

"Oh... I came to get water," Kamsi replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes fixed on her mom's concerned face.

Her mom's expression softened, and she hurriedly poured a glass of water, her hands shaking slightly. "Water. Here... have some," she offered, her voice laced with a hint of urgency.

Kamsi's eyes locked onto the glass, her thirst evident in her gaze. "Thanks, mom," she thanked, her voice filled with gratitude, before gulping down the water with a sense of relief.

Her mom's eyes never left hers, her expression a mix of worry and love. "And some more?" she offered, her voice soft and gentle.

Kamsi's response was a gentle decline, her voice barely audible. "No, thank you!"

The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence, the tension palpable. Her mom's voice broke the silence, her tone laced with a hint of exhaustion. "Let's go get some sleep," she suggested, her eyes pleading for rest.

Kamsi's agreement was immediate, her eyes locked on her mom's. "OK, honey," she agreed, her voice soft and reassuring.

The silence that followed was filled with a sense of longing, Kamsi's voice breaking the silence. "Moom..." she called out, her voice filled with a childlike innocence.

Her mom's response was immediate, her voice filled with love. "Yes, dear?"

Kamsi's request was met with a moment of silence, her eyes pleading for acceptance. "Can I sleep in your room?" she asked, her voice filled with a sense of vulnerability.

Her mom's response was a gentle nod, a small smile on her lips. "Sure," she agreed, her voice filled with love.

Kamsi's face lit up with a sense of relief, her eyes shining with gratitude. She rushed to her mom's side, locking arms with her, leading her to her mom's room. They went to her mom's bed, and Kamsi snuggled in close, feeling safe and protected in her mom's presence.