13. Fly High Charizard

Using the three Pokémon with the highest compatibility, Ash easily defeated Violet Gym.

Obtained the Zephyr Badge from the Violet Gym.

Ash just spent some redemption points and found the system to redeem a Badge Case.

It must have always feel a little itchy on the inside of your clothes. He also used some points to get new shirts and pants.

[Ash Picture]

Misty blushed heavily when she saw the things he was wearing.

'HANDSOME HANDSOME HANDSOME' This is waht Misty's mind was going through.

Ash obviously noticed it, Brock either didn't notice it or just ignored it.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

What surprised Ash was that Charizard's bond value had reached more than 200 points!

You know, the current Pikachu's bond value is only 210 points.

However, there is no way to compare this. After all, Pikachu is a Pokémon that has not yet evolved to its final point.

Moreover, when the bond value reaches more than 200 points, the efficiency of improvement will decrease.

But after getting the Violet Gym Badge, Ash seemed to remember that he was not far from a certain place.

"Misty, Brock, I think I need to stop for a while and give Charizard some special training!" After leaving Violet City, Ash stopped in an open wilderness.

Brock and Misty were a little confused about this, "Ash, why are you so anxious about Charizard's special training? Charizard is already very strong now!"

Ash shook his head, "It's not enough. I want to become much much stronger!"

This wilderness is very open and there are no Pokémon around. It is just the right place for Charizard to show off his skills.

Seeing Ash's serious look, Brock and Misty looked at each other and smiled, "Since you have decided, of course we are willing to support you!"

"I will prepare plenty of food for you!" Brock said with a smile, holding his famous spatula umbrella.

Ash nodded gratefully, and the three of them found a big tree on the hillside. This was indeed an ideal camping spot.

The big trees block the dazzling sunshine, the warm breeze blows, and the view is wide.

Ash also summoned all the Pokémon. With the help of Chikorita, Misty climbed onto the sleeping Snorlax's belly.

This is truly the most perfect mattress.

Ash smiled slightly and looked at Charizard beside him. After this period of special training, Charizard is now much stronger.

Moreover, its momentum has become very calm, and it is no longer as impetuous as before.

"Charizard, this time we have to learn how to fly with you!"

If it were the original Charizard, he would have been shocked by Ash's request.

But now, it nodded seriously.

After all, the Pidgeot that he fought with before could also carry its Trainer to fight in the air, so there was no reason why he couldn't do it.

"Let Charizard learn to carry people! What a great idea!" Misty said with a smile from on top of the sleeping Snorlax.

It's certainly a good idea, and isn't riding a flying Charizard the best thing ever?

Moreover, this will definitely help Ash and Charizard's bonding value to be greatly increased!

"Well, first of all, take me for a walk!"

Ash has the power of a Aura Guardian, and his athletic ability has been improved again. He believed riding Charizard should not be difficult.

In fact, riding Charizard is not an easy task. It is not as simple as sitting on the back of Charizard and letting it fly.

Just like riding a horse, this requires the knight and the horse to cooperate with each other. In particular, the knight must make corresponding postures according to the rhythm of the horse's footsteps.

Therefore, although Charizard is training manned flying, Ash is actually training himself to cooperate with Charizard's flying.

Ash sat astride Charizard's back, "Charizard, don't be impatient. Walk slowly. Our breathing must be slowly adjusted to the same level. Do you understand?"

Charizard nodded and slowly took a step forward.

"Yes, that's it! Move forward!" Ash smiled and stroked its neck.

Seeing the appearance of Ash and Charizard, Misty and Brock were very pleased, "Ash has become much more patient now and will not rush around blindly as he did before."

"Yes, Ash has gradually become more reliable now, right?" Misty's little eyes were shining.

Brock recalled how patient his father was when he taught him how to ride the Onix. In comparison, riding his Onix is ​​much easier.

After a yawn, Misty felt so relaxed and comfortable on Snorlax's belly, "Brock, please watch Ash and Charizard while I take a nap!"

Misty hugged Togepi and fell asleep on Snorlax's belly.

Togepi, who transformed into an egg-like posture, rolled down from Snorlax's belly, and then met a young Sentret. . . .

"Very good. Can you start running slowly?"

The system's beep is ringing in Ash's ears!

Charizard: 205/255

Charizard: 210/255

Charizard: 215/255

. . . . . .

Ash and Charizard have gradually formed a tacit understanding, and Ash tries to get Charizard to run.

Heavy footsteps sounded in the wilderness, and countless Sentret, Diglett, Sandshrew and other Pokémon poked their heads out.

Seeing this scene, everyone cheered, seemingly cheering for Ash and Charizard!

Charizard: 230/255

Charizard: 235/255

"Very well, Charizard, fly!"

Just under Ash command, Charizard carried Ash and flew high!

"Haha, Charizard, great job! Speed ​​up! Look how fast you can fly now!" Sitting on Charizard's back and flying into the sky, Ash was really excited.

Being able to have this experience was definitely something he is happy about after coming here!

"Ash, come back quickly!"

Suddenly, Ash heard Misty's call, who had just woke up.

"What's going on, Charizard, over there!"

Charizard was very fast and quickly found the location where Misty's voice came from.

"This is?"

The scene in front of him really shocked Ash.

It was a huge Arbok-shaped chariot, which was using drills, fists and other weapons to forcefully carve out a thick rock wall.

Ash, who was flying in the air, discovered that the direction of the strange Arbok mecha was exactly the next town on their journey!

If this robot is allowed to move forward like this, the town will be in danger.

"Ash, we got to think of something. Hurry up and think of a solution!" Misty and Brock rode on the Onix and chased behind the Arbok Monster. On the tail of the Onix, there was also a trio of Team Rocket sitting on the tail.

"Ash, Pikachu and Togepi are inside!" Seeing Ash coming back, Misty quickly shouted to him.

"What did you say?"

It turns out that the naughty Togepi and a young Sentret accidentally broke into the Abok mecha tank built by the Rockets to catch their Pokémon, and started it by chance.

Misty and Brock have made many attempts to stop it, but unexpectedly Pikachu accidentally fell inside there.

"Just block it and destroy it!" Ash's eyes turned cold, and the flames on Charizard's tail exploded crazily.

Charizard blocked the path of the Arbok mecha and blocked it with Dragon Claw. "Charizard, Flamethrower! Pikachu, take advantage of the moment!"

Charizard's flames opened the passage, and Pikachu quickly escaped with Togepi and Sentret!


There was another Flamethrower, and electric embers appeared everywhere in the entire battle tank, followed by an explosion, blowing the Rocket trio into the sky who took the opportunity to sneak into it and try to regain control.

"Why is it always us!" There they go blasting off once again.

Charizard: 245/255