61. Ash-Scizor

"Beedrill, use Outrage!"

Facing Scizor's powerful Flash Cannon, the old principal and his trusted partner never gave up their resistance. Beedrill's already red bug eyes lit up with crimson dragonic craziness!

The move Outrage is a Dragon Type skill. Outrage is also one of the strongest Dragon type moves. When a Dragon type Pokémon becomes furious and starts to rage, their inner Outrage will come out, and the more powerful anger it is, the more it will destroy everything around it!

Beedrill hit Scizor's giant pincers away with one shot, causing the Flash Cannon to deflect into the sky and explode with a bright metallic light.

Another shot went to Scizor's abdomen, hitting his most vital point once again, causing huge damage!

Scizor retreated violently, and if it weren't for the Steel type's strong resistance to Dragon type moves, it would have fallen to its knees and even been knocked out.

"Outrage? Scizor, fight with continuous Bullet Punch!" When Ash saw Beedrill suddenly rising, not only did he not panic at all, but he became even more excited for the battle.

This is the last leg of the principal and his Beedrill. After the turns of Outrage is over, Beedrill will fall into a chaotic state of confusion, and his little physical strength will be exhausted by then, leaving him with no energy left to fight and a clear chance to win!

All he needs to do is use Scizor's agility to drag Beedrill out of his turns and make him exhausted, so that he can face the battle.

However, Ash did not do this. Instead, Scizor used Bullet Punch to meet Beedrill's Outrage head-on!

Scizor and Beedrill disappeared in an instant infront of all other than Ash who could easily keep up with the battle with his Aura powering his eyes!



In the center of the field, there was only the sound of clashing and hitting each other. These two Pokémon were fighting at an unimaginably high speed!

Ash's body was flashing with blue light, tightly controlling the details of the entire battle with his strong commands. Scizor relied on his speed to catch all of Beedrill's double spears and thus was barely able to dodge them, but this was already his current limit.

'Where is Sun Tzu when you need his battle strategies!' Ash thought in his inner subconscious.

Scizor didn't look away for a moment, and just when Beedrill's shot was about to hit him in the abdomen.


Ash's order was issued at that moment, the giant pincers changed moves between Bullet Punch and Slash, with this he successfully deflected the shot, and then slashed at Beedrill's body!

The two finally separated from their close combat, Scizor gasped and retreated to Ash's side.

Beedrill is also very tired and can no longer even maintain his ability of floating. The Outrage time has passed, and it has fallen into a very chaotic confusion state, all he see is everything spinning in circles.

And this very moment!

Scizor: 250/250

The Light of Evolution once again enveloped Scizor! But this time it's not just any regular Evolution, Bond Evolutions time is here.

Scizor, who is involved in evolution, is 2.2 meters tall and looks like a future warrior.

It seems to have a gray-blue war helmet on its forehead, and armor on its shoulders. Three ferocious thorns appear on a pair of giant pincers. The upper body seems to be very similar to the impression of Mega Scizor.

But the legs still maintain the appearance of Scizor, they just become stronger and more agile.

It was so awesome that one even closed their eyes looking at the huge gleaming metallic wings appearing behind him!

Name: Ash-Scizor (♂)

Attribute: Steel

Ability: Technician (Increases the power of low-power moves when attacking)

Light Metal (The weight will be halved)

Skills: Metal Claw, Slash, X-Scissor, Cut, Iron Head, Sword Dance, Bullet Punch, Agility…

After finishing Bond Evolutions, Ash-Scizor turned into a pure Steel type like Mega Aggron, which also gave it a lot more resistance and fewer weaknesses.

Coupled with the ability of Light Metal to maintain its high speed, he is now the real Red Flash!

"What is this?" The principal, Aya, the teachers, and everyone else present were stunned, staring at Scizor's cool posture and they were left speechless.

The battle quickly ended with Scizors Iron Head, Beedrill was knocked out the moment he was hit.

Molly was used to this kind of transformation by Ash and his Pokémon's but she still found it to be very cool, so when the battle was over, she ran over to Scizor.

"Scizor, you're si strong now!"

Scizor took Molly in his arms, the huge bright red metallic wings behind him spread out, and he took Molly up to fly in the sky!

"Flying?" Aya exclaimed.

You know that after Scizor evolves, it cannot fly due to its heavy body, and the wings behind it can only there to maintain his balance.

But Ash's Scizor here is actually flying with someone on him!

"Haha, it's so fun!" Molly cheered in the air. This is much more fun than any roller coaster she ride on before.

"Then, principle sir, I'll leave Scizor to you for now, please teach him well!" Ash asked Scizor to come back. Now the bond between him and Scizor has reached its peak. If someone is willing to help train Pokémon, Ash will certainly not refuse this and train his other Pokémon to do the same.

"Ash, I will teach all the secret ninjutsu to Scizor that I'm capable of! Thank you for letting me see all the possibilities of a Pokémon's potential!" The principle looked at Scizor, his eyes shining.

He can feel that the Pokémon Ninjutsu he loves so much will be carried forward by Ash and his powerful Scizor!

"Ash, are you over with your battle?" Misty suddenly came over.

She listened to Ash's words, and after escaping from that horrible beauty class, she learned the skills of riding Starmie on top water.

Sure enough after that, Misty came to look for Ash and Mitsumi excitedly, wanting to show off her training results to them.

With this skill, Misty's mobility on water will be greatly improved as a Water type Pokémon specialist in the future.

"Big Sister is so awesome!" Mitsumi was a little unhappy because she had to be separated from flying with Scizor but she was very happy for her Elder Sister figure.

Ash just rubbed her smooth hair.

Saying goodbye to the Pokémon Jujitsu Academy, Ash and his group continued on the road and soon walked out of the deep forest.

"Ash, after crossing the mountains ahead, we can finally reach Ecruteak City!" Brock said while looking at the map of Johto Region in his travel brochure.

In fact, according to the original direction, the road for their group was much smoother.

Just a short detour to meet Suzie and then to Ecruteak City without much issues, although there were many more mountains along the way.

But this is the joy of traveling, and the scenery along the way makes him satisfied.

He has completed Bond Evolutions with four of his Pokémon's.

Charizard, Houndoom, Slowking, and Scizor just some time ago.

Now Charizard is staying inside Charicific Valley to train and pursue the power beyond the legends!

Houndoom and Slowking, one Water and Psychic, the other Fire and Dark, the Pokémon that Ash left in Professor Oaks Laboratory were all training together and becoming stronger together, thus constantly improving Ash's reserve power.

Scizor stayed at the Pokémon Jujitsu Academy to learn ninjutsu combat techniques, and will return before the Silver Conference or anytime he needs him.

"Just wait, Ecruteak Gym, I will definitely beat you!"

"And Ho-Oh, I didn't know if I would see you again!"

In Ash's backpack, there is also the Clear Bell that Suicune gave him on that rainy night!