100. Vs. Chuck

We really hit 100 chapters! Thank you all for tuning in!


"The Gym Battle between Cianwood City's Gym's Leader Chuck and Pallet Town's Ash Ketchum, with Badge as the bet, begins now!"

"The number of usable Pokémon is two for each side!"

Ash returned to the Cianwood City Gym with something new and the battle begins immediately!

"Listen, Ash! The Pokémon I will use are Machoke and Poliwrath!" As he spoke, Chuck summoned a Poliwrath, and Machoke stood beside him.

This is the battle between martial arts masters, aboveboard and straightforward.

Ash expressed his appreciation for this kind of thing!

When Misty saw that Poliwrath, she knew something about from just looking at it, "That Poliwrath must have gone through rigorous training, look at those mucles!"

"This is the same for Ash's Primeape and Heracross. It's just that Primeape has just returned. I don't know if Ash can cooperate well with him after such a long time. After all, Ash doesn't even know the fighting skills learned by Primeape during his time with Anthony!" Brock said immediately. Now comes the point of no returning.

But in fact, Ash is not worried about this at all, "What I will to use in this battle is my Primeape and my Heracross!"

Ash also summoned his two Fighting-type Pokémon!

"Very good, Ash, I'm starting to appreciate you more and more!" Chuck looked at Ash with a look of approval. He knew that this was Ash's special exchange to challenge his Gyms lineup!

"Come on, Poliwrath!" Chuck shouted loudly, and the Poliwrath rushed out with amazing momentum!

"Show them your, Heracross!" Faced with the momentum of this powerful dual Water and Fighting-type, Ash was not afraid at the slightest. His heroic Heracross fluttered his insect wings and rushed out into battle!


They began wrestling after the head-on collision!

"Heracross is a hero!" Ash said in a light voice, Heracross's eyes suddenly opened, and the terrifying power from his horn suddenly burst out!

Chucks Poliwrath was thrown away in one hit!

"Poliwrath! Bring out your power! Use Double Slap!"

"Arm Thrust!"

Two Fighting-type Pokémon, he shot one and then I shot one!

They were multiple attacks in a row, and Heracross caught and parried all the Double Slaps coming from the Poliwrath! Didn't he see the helpless look in Primeape's eyes behind him? What was he trying to do?

"Okay, no more fun time!"

When the two Pokémon separated, Ash's face suddenly darkened, "Heracross, Close Combat!"

Heracross, who had just taken a step back, suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of the Poliwrath, punching it on his spiral/lord helix patterned belly!

Poliwrath was knocked back several meters by the huge force behind those attacks, but Heracross still seemed to be glued to him. Heracross followed closely with the opposing Poliwrath, using his two strong fists and his strongest one, his horn, at the same time and hit the Poliwrath!

"Poliwrath! Show him your mighty muscles! Buff Up!" Chuck kept adding buffs to his Poliwrath, and then Chucks Poliwrath suddenly opened his eyes and squeezed Heracross's arm tightly!

"Great, now is the time, use the Hydro Pump close quarter!"

Hydro Pump hit at close range and knocked Heracross away, however at the last moment!

"Heracross, use Aerial Ace!"

Then, when Ash's Heracross that was sent flying suddenly flapped his wings, made a spinning dive, and hit the Poliwrath head-on. This is a Super Effective move against the Fighting-type Poliwrath!

"Poliwrath is unable to battle any further, meaning Heracross wins this battle!"

Ash took back Heracross, "Heracross, you did a great job!" Ash right fully praised his Heracross for his victory against that Poliwrath.

Chuck, who was opposite to him, was actually moved to tears again. He was really a good man with passionate emotions!

"You already did a great job, Poliwrath, and I will never forget your contribution!" He took back his Pokémon, and the next step was his Machoke, the one he was training with before.

"Your turn, Primeape. Go show them your punches!" Ash let Primeape go into this battle against Machoke.

"Come on, Machoke, use Brick Break!" He readily ordered his Machoke to use Brick Break, hitting him with one palm after another. "Come on, this is nothing! Show them your fighting spirit! Come again!"

What a cruel way to boost morale!

After all, a Pokémon was defeated. For martial artists, a good morale is a very important thing to have. With high enough morale, half the battle is won before the battle even began!

Ash saw Primeape next to him also eager to try and ready his rings, so he quickly stopped him, "Don't hit me, those black rings of yours are very hard!"

Primeape scampered out!

"Ash, your Primeape is a trained very well for his species!" After Chuck was beaten the first battle, he looked at Ash's Primeape and couldn't help but praise it.

As an expert in Fighting-type Pokémon, of course he could tell at a glance how powerful and well trained Ash's Primeape was!

This must be a hard battle, so he must use this method to boost Machoke's morale!

"Of course!" Ash accepted Chuck's praise without politeness. This is also a way to boost Primeapes morale!

"Come on!" They both said at the same time.

The next moment, the two of them roared in unison!

"Machoke, use Brick Break!"

"Primape, we also use Brick Break!"

The hands of both sides were slashed together. Just like Ash said, the black ring on Primeape's wrist is very hard! This is its very important weapon for moves like this!

Primeape has the upper hand in this case because of them!

"Use Screech, now!"

This is a move that Primeape could already use when he met Ash for the very first time!

A harsh sound erupted from Primeapes mouth, and Machoke suddenly lost his ability to defend himself from Primeapes attacks!

"Machoke!" Chuck exclaimed, but Machoke couldn't hear him or anything in general other than that screeching!

"Now is the perfect opportunity, Thrash!" Ash directly gave the order for Primeape to attack freely!

Primeape's eyes flashed, and he punched Machoke in the stomach. Then he swept his feet and knocked Machoke to the ground with a sweeping kick!

"Machoke! Come on! Listen to me, Machoke!" Chuck's voice finally reached Machoke's ears. Its eyes suddenly opened and it finally managed to push Primeape away from him. It pushed its hands on the ground and bounced off the ground. He finally got up!

At this time, Primeape fell into a temporary Confusion State because of the side effects of Thrash.

"Machoke, good job! Use your Submission!" Chuck also knew that his opportunity was coming, and immediately asked Machoke to use the Submission skill that he had worked hard on before!

Machoke hugged the confused Primeape and threw him to the ground together with him. He rolled desperately and controlled Primeape's body to fall to the ground!

This move also caused a lot of damage to Primeape!

However, it was also this move that solved Primeape's confusing state.

Not only that, when Primeape opened his eyes again, his eyes were red with anger.


It let out an explosive roar for the first time during the whole battle, and the cross veins on his forehead swelled due to rage, one after another!

Chuck was also stunned and murmured, "No way, Anger Point?"

That's right, the Ability of Ash's Primeape is exactly Anger Point! After being hit with a Critical Attck, its attack power will explode to his strongest!

He looked at Ash, looking at his calm smile, "Ash, did you let Machoke attack it on purpose?"

"Yes, this is the real power of Primeape and also the reason I told him not to do anything!" Ash already understood the power of rage that Primeape has right now, "Primape, explode, Close Combat!"

The furious Primeape instantly appeared in front of the Machoke, stretched out his hand and pinched one of Machoke's wrists tightly. The red anger in his eyes made Machoke dare not look directly at him!

This is true power!

It held Machoke's wrist with one hand and punched him again and again! One punch! Two punch! Three punch!

Punch after punch hit Machoke's body!

Until he completely lost his ability to fight!

Heracross: 235/255

Primeape: 190/230


Power Stones please.