104. Corsola

After resting for a whole week on Blue Point Isle to allow Ash's body to recover to his peak, the group went out to sea again and came to the second island of Whirl Islands, Yellow Stone Isle.

The guide book said that this is not a tourist island, but an island with breeding farms, terraced fields and aquatic products.

In other words, you can buy some Whirl Islands specialties from here.

The key thing is that the rock here is really yellow.

"Big Brother, look, this is so beautiful!" The little Molly had no resistance at all to shiny, pink and beautiful things.

And the same could be said for Misty.

"This should be made of Corsola's horns, right?" Ash took a bracelet and held it in his hand.

The clerk nodded, "Yes, the horns of the Corsola will be found in the sea after they fall off during a battle, so they are processed into these. Isn't beautiful?"

Ash took a small pendant and hung it around Molly's neck, and then took two bracelets, "Ma'am, I'll buy these three things here!"

"It's so beautiful!" This small pendant suits Molly very well and she said that she will never put it down.

Now Ash has a lot of money. During the journey, he solved many incidents and was given many things back. Whether it was for those dark Poké Balls or the capturing of Raikou, Professor Oak applied for rewards for him. There will also be rewards for him after he helped propel and finding new things.

It's not even pocket change for Ash to buy some decorative products for his friends.

"This is Molly's, this is Misty's, this pink cool rock is for Brock, and then how about we send this one back to Mom!" Ash scratched her hand and gave a bracelet to Misty.

After taking the money, the clerk praised, "What a beautiful Pikachu! We people in Yellow Stone Isle all have a deep affection for yellow Pokémon!"

Speaking of the yellow Pokémon, Misty thought, "I have one too!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Psyduck jumped out, "Yes, it's you!"

Sure enough, the store clerk immediately praised, "Wow, what a cute Psyduck you have there!"

Misty is also very happy when she hears someone praising her Psyduck. Even though she always seems to dislike him, she actually loves him the most as he often brings unexpected good things to Misty out of nowhere.

Psyduck, who was looking at her, suddenly started to run away.

"Psyduck, where are you going?"

The group quickly followed him, only to find that it had come all the way to the beach, pointing in one direction and looking very anxious.


A small house actually floated over from the sea, and sitting on it was a Corsola, a little girl about the same age as Molly, shouting for help.

Ash thought that this house must have been washed away by the water, and if it continues like this, it will go to the huge whirlpool outside the island.

"Blastoise, go save her!" Ash summoned his Blastoise and jumped onto him, "Blastoise, be quick!"

Blastoise was very fast in the water and quickly caught up with the house.

"Don't be afraid, because I'm here!" Ash grabbed the house. Fortunately, he or Psyduck found it in time. Ash's mobility was even better. The house was not rushed into the whirlpool and was easily caught.

"Blastoise, please take this back!"

After finally pulling the house back to the shore, the little girl's family also came over and said, "Thank you very much saving her!"

"Thank you for saving my little sister!" As soon as the young lady finished speaking, Brock rushed over, "No need to say thank you, your smile is more than enough. My name is Brock. Would y-."

Before he could finish his words, Misty pulled his ear away and said, "Okay, okay, Ash is the only one taking action this time!"

This family, father, older sister and younger sister, are craftsmen who make Corsola horns.

The house that floated away was originally built on Corsola's lair. They live on Corsola's nest so that they can collect Corsola's shed horns in time to make and sell their products.

"At that time, this Corsola appeared out of nowhere!" When her sister Andrea mentioned herself, the Corsola that was rescued by Ash jumped up and down, looking particularly active, even more than the one with they saw with Professor Elm.

"I don't know where it came from. It always likes to attack our Corsola, and today we suddenly found that all the Corsola in the nest were missing!"

"As a result, the coral of those nest became brittle, causing our house to slide into the sea. This Corsola seemed to be trying to pull the house back but it was impossible to have that kind of strength with a small body like her."

"If my sister hadn't met you, Ash, she might have still been in danger! I really don't know how to thank you!"


This Corsola was very active, and seemed to like Blastoise who came to save it, so it directly bumped into it.

"Bla!" Blastoise didn't feel anything and picked it up gently.

Molly's eyes lit up and she rushed over, "Blastoise, let's play again with this Corsola!"

"So, this Corsola is wild, right?" Misty also realized this, "I should hurry up and catch it!"

But before batting, there is one more thing to do!

They still have other things to prioritize in.

"We have to find those Corsola, they must still be somewhere on the island!" Andrea said. Ash nodded, "This is simple!"

He gently tapped the Corsola in Molly's arms, "I'll leave her to you guys for now!"

This Corsola is here to make new friends, and obviously its Tackle attacks is a way of expressing her friendship with others. It's just that the other Corsola didn't like it and deliberately avoids her.

Sure enough, it quickly found some Corsola at Andrea's house that jumped up and down with joy after being found.

"Okay, it's time to catch you!" Misty and Corsola, one-on-one battle.

Corsola is just waiting for Misty to release her Pokémon, which shows that it has recognized Misty and is willing to be captured by her if she wins.

"Go ahead, Poliwhirl! Use Bubble Beam!"

The sharp bubble hit Corsola head-on, but the Water-type skills did little damage on her. Corsola is a dual Water-type and Rock-type Pokémon, and the Grass-type is its biggest weakness. It is also weak to Electric-type and Fighting-type attacks.

But Misty is a Water-type Pokémon Trainer, so she does not have many Pokémon that is not from her type range.

"Poliwhirl, use Double Slap!"

Misty's Poliwhirl was knocked away by Corsola's Tackle, but it ended up in a tight position and he was ready to slap Corsola crazily!

Corsola was knocked out, but golden light of healing appeared all over her body, and then she became lively again.

"Would you look at that, she actually knows how to use Recover!" Ash's eyes lit up. This is a skill that is very powerful, not in the offensive spectrum but as a defensive skill. If used properly, it can greatly improve the endurance of tired Pokémon.

This Corsola has an outstanding talent!

"Damn it!" Misty gritted her teeth, "Poliwhirl, use Water Gun!"

Poliwhirls Water Gun failed to achieve any success like last time. Instead, Corsola managed to hit Poliwhirl with double the power!

"Is it Mirror Coat?" One of Wobbuffet's two signature skills is being able to hit back a special attack with double the attack power. Misty is very familiar with it. "Then use continuous strikes to defeat it. Poliwhirl, use Double Slap again!"

Corsola was shot away again.

"Quick, before it recovers itself!" Brock urged from the side!

This is indeed the best time!

Misty took out her Lure Ball, "I want to use the best Poké Ball for her!"

The Lure Ball shook twice and went out!

Misty caught the coveted Corsola that she wanted from the very beginning!