109. Trinity

After Misty's Politoed evolved, she became much more powerful and had more confidence in her strength as a Water-type Trainer.

Now with Politoed and Starmie, she already has two powerful Water-type Pokémon's, thus meaning she is one step closer to her dream of being a Water-type Pokémon Master!

"Ash, you really are amazing!" Misty is very aware of Ash's ability, more than any other contestant in the tournament. The most admirable thing is that he can accurately control the moves of his Pokémon and he can make sure they follow through with his commands!

He can literally feel the hearts of his Pokémon's!

This is also the fundamental reason why he is growing so rapidly now!

"But I will never lose without going all out!" Unexpectedly, when Misty was just about to send out her strongest Pokémon, Starmie, there was a burst of light and the cute duck seemed to sense Misty's Poke Ball and jumped out!

Then, he fell into the water and began to struggle desperately in the water!

"Is is drowning? Misty's Psyduck looks like it's unable to swim!" The tournaments explanation of Misty's Psyduck was very professional and also very true!

After finally struggling to climb up, when he saw Misty, he actually gestured a "yeah" smile, but how could this look reliable?

"Psyduck, why did you come out of your ball?!" Misty asked menacingly.

But now that he did come out, Misty can only use it for her second one because of the rules!

"Kingler, use Vice Grip on the head of that Psyduck!"

Ash gave the order, and Kingler swam towards Psyduck at a fast speed. Such an opportunity was rare, and Ash also wanted to see how strong this Psyduck was!

He had seen Psyducks strength in his memories from the previous Ash. Now that he had the chance, he wanted to see how strong he truly was.

Kingler clamped hard Psyduck's head between his pincers and lifted it up into the air. The strong pressure gave Psyduck a headache!

"Ash!" Misty couldn't help but want to pinch Ash when she saw the pain that he was causing to her beloved Psyduck.

But soon, Psyduck's wailing turned into a roar, dazzling blue pink light burst out from its eyes, and the powerful he was emanating forced Kingler back, hitting a pillar and losing his ability to fight any longer!

However, Psyduck, who released his true power, also fainted soon after!

"It's a tie. Kingler and Psyduck both lost their ability to fight at the same time, so this game is won by Trainer Ash!"

"Congratulations! Trainer Misty burst out with great power at the last moment with her Psyduck. It was really an amazing scene to witness!" The commentator seemed to be stunned just as everyone else. He only let out a surprised roar when the referee announced the result of the battle between the two friends.

Afterwards, the entire venue cheered!

Misty took Psyduck back, returned to the rest area, and confronted Ash directly, "Ash, why did you deliberately order your Kingler to pinch my Psyduck's head?!"

The look of blame and distress frightened Ash a bit, "Wait, I just did that to show everyone Psyducks power! I promise that's what happened!"

"Yeah right!" She seemed kind of angry at him.

At this time, a young lady in a long skirt came to their lounge and said, "Hello, are you Sir Ash?"

Ash smiled and said, "No sir, just call me Ash!"

"You are-" Brock exclaimed, "The one who won her match the easiest!"

This is Brock, when watching a battle, any beautiful young lady will remembered very clearly in his heart and brain. He will take notes if necessary for research purposes.

"My name is Trinity, and I am your next opponent in the third round! Your tacit understanding with Pokémon is so admirable, and I am really looking forward to fighting against you!"

This Trinity lady is just here to say hello to her next opponent, nothing else. Like Misty, she is a Trainer who focuses on training Water-type Pokémon. She looks to be a very kind person.

The third round started on the second day, this time it was a 16-to-8 battle! The first battle of the day was between Ash and Trinity!

The rules of this round of the competition are still two Pokémon, like that last round!

"It's time to start, Gyarados!" Trinity actually sent out her Gyarados, this is a very powerful Pokémon! This is also the only Pokémon that she used since the beginning of the Whirl Cup.

"Blast them away, Blastoise!" Ash directly sent out one of his strongest Water-type Pokémon. Suicune would not appear unless it was absolutely necessary.

And Slowking couldn't make it to the team because he was helping the Professor in discovering something about his species.

Gyarados vs. Blastoise, this can be said to be the battle of the tournament between two very powerful Water-type Pokémon.

Before the battle even started, cheers of support erupted from the stadium!

"Gyarados, use your strongest Hyper Beam!"

Using such a big move right from the start, even though Trinity looks too kind to use this kind of approach, she is really merciless in a battle!

"Blastoise, Hydro Pump!"

Ash refused to give in to this, and directly used Hydro Pump to attack the incoming Hyper Beam.

Ash knew how to deal with Hyper Beam like an expert. He has been in too many cases where he is being attacked by a Pokémon that knows Hyper Beam, like his own Tyranitar.

Those two cannons of energy and water were really an amazing view! A big explosion occurred again, and Gyarados was blown back continuously because of being closer to the blast range.

When the smoke cleared, Blastoise jumped out of the water, almost unscathed!

"Now, Flash Cannon!"

There will be a period of stiffness after using a move like Hyper Beam. This is Ash's best opportunity to directly knock out Gyarados!

The two metal light cannons emitted light again and this time with the Steel-type energy. The heavy bombardments hit Gyarados hard!

"Gyarados!" Trinity exclaimed and watched her Gyarados fall down hard.

Ash is even more ruthless than she could ever expected!

"This is the final blow, Blastoise, use a close range Waterfall!"

Seeing Gyarados struggle standing up again, Ash decisively added another powerful attack.

The Waterfall with concussive force was thrown into the water, causing waves, and knocked Gyarados down again, this time for good!

"Gyarados loses the ability to fight, meaning Blastoise wins this battle!"

"Ash's Blastoise was too strong, and the last attack was merciless. Gyarados was knocked down even before the Hyper Beam's stiffness was over!" The commentator didn't realize that was yelling into the mic, he is losing his voice because of the high pitched sound he was making!

"Ash, you are really more powerful than I could ever imagine!" Trinity gritted her teeth while she took Gyarados back into his Poke Ball.

She know knew that she was facing a very strong opponent, it was definitely a big mistake on her part to use a move like Hyper Beam right from the start.

In all her previous battles, she might have gotten through the opponents in seconds, but against Ash and his Blastoise, she used special moves from the very beginning, obviously looking for a beating! (She said it.)

"That's my second Pokémon!"

She sent out a Chinchou, it is a dual type Pokémon with Water-type and Electric-type. This is also the Pokémon that Ash introduced to Misty and Brock at the beginning of the Johto Journey!

It's a pity that Misty hasn't caught one yet for her team.

"Blastoise, get it done!" Ash said in a light but commanding voice.

Seeing the confident looks of Ash and his Blastoise, Trinity could only grit her teeth and said, "Chinchou, use Discharge on that Blastoise!"

The two shining tentacles on the top of Chinchou's head look quite cute, releasing electric sparks towards Blastoise.

"Flash Cannon!"

Another shot, the Steel-type's bombardment directly dispersed the electric attack, sending Chinchou flying away and hit a pillar.

Instant knock out, this is completely crushing in terms of level, Ash won without any trouble!

"Chinchou loses the ability to fight, Blastoise wins!"

"Trainer Ash defeated Trainer Trinity and advanced to the semi-finals of the Whirl Cup!"

The tournament continues!