A friendly Ear and a crush

Melanie trudged through the school gates, her head hung low in shame. She couldn't believe what had happened in class. Lara's angry face and the teacher's disappointed expression kept replaying in her mind.

Just as she was about to head to her locker, a friendly voice called out, "Hey, Melanie! Wait up!"

Sophia caught up to her, a warm smile on her face. "Hey, I heard what happened in class. Don't worry, accidents happen!"

Melanie sighed, feeling a lump form in her throat. "It was so embarrassing, Sophia. And Lara's being a total bully about it."

Sophia put a comforting arm around her shoulders. "Don't let Lara get to you, Melanie. You're an amazing person, and your powers are a gift. Remember, we're all here for you!"

Melanie smiled weakly, feeling a bit better. Sophia always knew just what to say to make her feel better.

As they walked down the hallway, Melanie's eyes suddenly locked onto a familiar face - Karl, her secret crush! He was leaning against his locker, looking adorable in his soccer team jacket.

Melanie's heart skipped a beat as she quickly looked away, trying to play it cool. But in her haste, she didn't notice the floor in front of her... and promptly tripped over her own feet.

Karl rushed to her side, helping her up with a charming smile. "Hey, are you okay? That was quite a stumble!"

Melanie's face turned bright red as she brushed herself off. "Y-yeah, thanks. Just a little clumsy, I guess."

Karl chuckled and introduced himself, and they struck up a conversation. Melanie couldn't believe it - she was actually talking to her crush!

As they parted ways, Karl said, "Hey, Melanie, would you like to grab coffee with me sometime? I'd love to get to know you better."

Melanie's heart soared. "Y-yes, that would be great!"

Sophia grinned at her as they walked away. "Looks like your day just got a whole lot brighter, Melanie!"