Figured out too fast

Micheal face etched with fear when he saw the system notification, "Is this a joke?Am i really a vampire?" He thought.

They arrived at the sparring class, Micheal noticed that Kaylee and Lisa leaving the Class, Blake went up to them to ask if the sparring was over, while Kaylee walked past them like she didn't see them, "Lisa, is the class over?".

"Yes, Where had you guys been? " Lisa said as she noticed Micheal and Cole staring at Kaylee as she was going. "We were in a bit of a situation" Blake replied.   "Okay, there is a Team Match this weekend, We will be sent to a planet with low grade beast to defeat, the team with the highest skill wins, so you better be prepared." Lisa said as she walked away from the three.

"Hey guys, you wanna head to the training ground?" Blake asked as he pointed his hands to the direction towards the training ground.

"Okay, you guys go on, I have to use the toilet real badly, I will catch up with you" Micheal lied while pretending to be in an hurry.

Micheal had actually wanted a find a way to finish the quest without having to drink blood.

"Darn it. What do I do?. I have messed up real bad this time." Micheal thought as he faced his head up. Another screen popped up again.

"Whatever. I ain't gonna hesitate this time. I can't die. No, i mustn't" Micheal thought as a wide maniacal smile had started to appear on his face, Micheal noticed the student the system had mentioned as a prey, 5walking towards him. Micheal immediately approached him with a smile.

"Hi, You're Alex, right?..." Micheal paused in between and realised that it was a waste of time by starting a conversation with him.

He quickly held the student by the collar and dragged him closer, "Sorry for this" Micheal said as he opened his mouth, his teeths had become fangs, he couldn't control himself and he didn't even bother trying to. He was now being controlled by his instincts, his teeths sanked into the student's neck, blood oozed into Michael's mouth.

The boy didn't seem to feel any pain from this and he couldn't resist, the bite seemed to have a paralysis effect on the victim, Multiple notifications popped in from the system.

< quest completed>

<20 Exp rewarded>

As the message appeared, Micheal didn't seem to care, he continued to feast on the Student's blood.

"What are you doing?" Someone said as they watched Micheal suck the blood of the student. Michael heard this and immediately detached his fangs from the student's neck, the student's had passed out as his body fell to the ground. Micheal turned around to see who had caught him, surprisedly, it was Blake and Cole.

"Is he dead? Or wait,  Are you a vampire?" Blake asked with a frightened expression. He moved closer to see the student who was on the ground unconscious,

"First, We need to get him to the healing bay, then you will explain to me about the heck that had just happened"  Cole said as he bent down to see if the student was still alive. Fortunately, he was still alive, Micheal started to get his senses back.

"I.... don't know what happening to me,I almost died but after I sucked his blood....l" Micheal said with a panicked look on his face.

"Keep that for later. i will carry him. Let get him to the healing bay before anyone see's us hanging around a unconscious body. He's still breathing" Blake stopped Micheal in between his words.

The only problem was that, two bite marks had appeared on the students neck, he lifted the boy up with his two hands, surprisedly, the boy was flimsy then he had expected. He ran towards the healing bay, Cole and Micheal followed him from behind.

Micheal remembered that he had seen some notifications from the system as he was sucking the boy's blood, he decided to view the notifications later. putting all that aside, he had a bigger problem currently, He wandered if the boy would remember him once he wakes up. He had to do something about this.

If anyone found out about his ability, that would be the end of him living a life full of freedom. Micheal knew that he had to get stronger to be able to avoid this. As the three of them walked down the hallway with the boy on Micheal's back, some eyes seemed to be on them.

Micheal brushed off the feeling and thoughts from his head. They had arrived at the healing bay, Dr. Danielle was inside healing some other students. "You guys again?? The three of you just left recently. this is the second time today, Who's it this time? ", Micheal was about to reply then Blake cut in "We found him unconscious near the sparring class."

"Okay, drop him on that bed  over there then you can leave, I will attend to him soon."

Blake did as he was told and placed the boy on one of the medical bed. At the moment half of the healing bay was full, he noticed that most of them were grade 1. They had been beaten up and were now badly injured, there was not even a single high grade among them.

Blake and Cole dragged Micheal outside the healing bay. "Are you a vampire? Cause that is cool." Blake said.

"Well this confirms it, i guess. Aren't you guys scared of me?" Micheal replied.

"What a joke." Blake laughed, "of course. We are scared you. But we just want to trust you and be sure that you won't drink us." Cole replied.

"I promise." Micheal replied

"That's settled. I hope we are the only one who saw you." Blake said.

Micheal nodded as the three of them headed to the training ground. He immediately opened up the system tab:

"Blood manipulation. Everything is related to blood" Micheal thought. He tapped on the ability and another screen popped up.

< Cost: -1 hp>

Micheal was stirred by his new ability, so he had decided to test it out on their team match. He was uncertain how sucking blood from someone makes him stronger. But he had no choice.

"I have no choice. Am literally going crazy. I don't wanna die, darn."  Micheal thought as he looked at his hands.

"Do you need blood to survive, what happens if you can't get it?" Cole asked Michael curiously.

Michael was sure that it meant death just as the system had portrayed, he replied "Death. I just die."

"Woah. How did you becoma a vampire? I thought they don't exist. Were you born with it or bitten by another vampire?" Blake asked.

"Is there more like you? That's gonna be crazy if there is." Cole exclaimed.

He knew that he couldn't tell them about the system existence because they will definitely think he is crazy. since no one can see it apart from him. He thought about it for some minute then he answered the questions.

"I don't know if there is more like me, and also i just woke up and found out i was a vampire."

Blake and Cole exchanged glances.