
"Darn it. The system didn't even notify me." Micheal thought as he fell to the ground, bleeding. Zion lunged towards the invisible Makisis almost like it could see it. Blood claws line came out of its claws as it attacked the Makisis. Micheal was stunned that Zion also had an ability related to blood. After all, it was called the Blood Wolf Beast.

Micheal stood up from the ground. He removed the spike from his stomach, and groaned in pain. The deep wound closed up immediately. "This is why i should have filled up my blood saver."  He opened up his stats screen while Zion continued to attack the Makisis.

[Agility: 40/40]

[Strength: 35/35]

[Health: 35/40]

[Speed: 35/35]

Micheal had lost 5 hp when the spike hit him. He realised that if the spike were to hit him eight more times, it meant death. He immediately formed a great sword.