Final Blow + Blood Shadow= Defeat 2

They arrived at the place where Kaylee, Blake, and Cole were still battling the beasts, while the Makisis stood behind them, grinning. Micheal was about to jump in when Lisa stopped him instantly. She readied her crossbow and placed a unique, short white arrow. Micheal focused on the arrow, having never seen or heard of it before.

"This arrow is called 'White Dragon.' It's made from the fangs of a legendary white dragon. Only three of these arrows exist, and my family owns all three. It can kill a grade 12 beast with ease. Just thought you might be curious," Lisa explained as she aimed at the Makisis.

She fired the arrow, which became invisible as it flew through the air. Micheal was stunned; he could no longer see it. The Makisis instantly turned and caught the arrow.

Micheal's eyes widened. "What? It can sense the arrow!" Micheal exclaimed. The battlefield had turned into a bloodbath.