16. Mama.

I walked slowly and restlessly in our den, taking pauses to lick my flanks. The birth contractions persisted, but I found some solace in this simple action. I knew Damon had his hands full with three other females and tending to our nest. Our den had been meticulously cleaned, making it a safe haven for me and my soon-to-arrive cubs.

I could sense the pack nearby, their presence palpable. Even Mariella, drawn by my alpha female pheromones, had ventured close to our den, much like a lioness compelled to assist in the wild. But as a jaguar, I wanted to experience this journey alone. There was no need to alert Damon when the contractions intensified; my instincts guided me, and I felt no urgency to call for help. I could handle this on my own, both the birth and the subsequent bonding.

Later, once my cubs were born, I could reach out to the pack. The power of pheromones was essential in fostering strong bonds, and I wanted my cubs to connect with me deeply. Of course, during the birthing process, my pheromones would be at their strongest, and it was crucial that I remained the sole occupant of this den.

I kept this knowledge to myself, a secret that emphasized my role as the alpha female. Challenging the males from time to time was a part of that role, though not always the wisest choice.

Mimosa, sensing something amiss, grew restless. There was a subtle itch in her instincts, hinting at something concerning Mimi. Uncertain of what to do, she cautiously approached Mimi's den, keeping a safe distance as Damon had instructed. Yet Mimosa managed to find a spot where the wind carried the scent from inside the cave.

As she explored the surroundings, she discovered the vastness of the cave, noticing natural openings and additional ones created by the Salvatores to ensure the proper airflow. While a protective spell barred germs from entering, pheromones permeated the air.

And then she caught the scent. Mimi had begun the birthing process, though she had chosen not to inform anyone yet, desiring an exclusive bond with her cubs. Mimosa looked into the past, realizing that she, as the strongest among them, had a responsibility to share her discovery.

She transformed into her lion form; her tricolored coat resembling that of a domestic cat on a grand scale. Her fluffy tail swayed, and her long hair cascaded around her. Despite the heat of Bolivia, she remained cool, harnessing her energy as an extraordinary creature. 

Mimosa approached Mariella in her majestic lion form. The two felines pressed against each other, their fur brushing together as they greeted and met. Finally, Mimosa settled down and locked eyes with Mariella. She spoke softly, her voice filled with concern.

"Mimi is giving birth," Mimosa began, her voice tinged with urgency. "And here's the thing, she's been reading this special book about pheromones and cubs. She wants to ensure that her cubs perceive her as stronger than Damon. It's all new information to me, and I imagine it is for Damon, too. I'm not sure how he's taking it. But Mimi is in labor, and she won't say a word to anyone. She's as alpha as can be."

Mariella sighed, quickly relaying the news to Damon. It didn't take long for Damon to appear, a massive black lion with wings. His voice resonated with determination.

"So she's up to her little tricks again, our alpha female, little Mimi. Fine. I'll deal with her. The boys will find that book, and we'll read it. We'll delve into the fascinating world of pheromones, all the while helping our cubs be born. I'll keep her under control, ensuring our pheromones are on point."

Mimosa interjected, sharing what she had gleaned from Mimi's thoughts. "I'm not telling you what to do, but Mimi believes the cubs will sense love. If there's a genuine scent of love, their bond will be stronger, as they understand the authenticity of the connection between a male and female. Conversely, if there's less love and more dominance or coercion, the cubs will pick up on that too. Mimi doesn't want you to be loving; she wants the cubs to worship her. She still doesn't trust your love."

Damon sighed inwardly, fully aware that Mimi's trust in love had been shattered, including by his own actions. Nonetheless, he was determined to try. These cubs would smell his love for her. He wouldn't be a brute who abused her. Instead, he would enter the den as her mate, offering his help and care. Perhaps this would bring them closer, a merging of their alpha powers. He longed for that connection, even if it wasn't entirely real. Despite everything that had transpired, he missed it, not just for the power but for the love.

Damon stood proudly in his magnificent black-winged lion form, his massive mane flowing around his neck and face, cascading down beneath his belly. The sound of his wings rustling filled the air as he addressed Mariella and Mimosa, two lionesses by his side.

"Rest assured, there's no need to worry. I will notify you once we're finished, but I strictly forbid anyone from approaching our den. I mean it," he warned, his voice carrying a commanding tone. "Take it easy, my dear lionesses. There are others to assist you. I will be in touch at some point, but for now, I require peace and time to aid my mate in delivering our litter. Only contact me if it is absolutely necessary."

Both females nodded obediently and gracefully walked away, their paws making no sound on the forest floor.

With calm determination, Damon approached the den, marking his territory with warning signs, reinforcing the message that trespassing was forbidden without his permission. He knew they were on the verge of welcoming their cubs into the world.

Already, he could detect the scent of birth in the air, a hint that it had not progressed too far yet, allowing him ample time to be by his mate's side. This time, he vowed to make everything perfect, to show her that breeding and raising cubs could be a joyous experience for both of them. The anticipation swelled within him as he imagined the delightful scent of their offspring, the overwhelming love he would feel when he first laid his eyes on them.

Meanwhile, I, as the mother jaguar, lay on my side, feeling the weight of impending labor. I had meticulously prepared a cozy nest, ensuring the utmost comfort for my soon-to-be-born cubs. My tongue diligently licked my flanks, soothing and purring to the little ones nestled within me.

As their arrival drew near, I saturated the chamber with my care and love pheromones, filling the air with an intoxicating scent that would envelop them in their first breath. It was my instinct as a jaguar, as a mother, and as the alpha to forge an unbreakable bond with my cubs, securing their place within our pride. Perhaps, in doing so, I was also acknowledging the painful truth that a bond forged out of true love between Damon and me would never come to fruition. Nevertheless, I poured all the love I possessed into my cubs, determined to give them the affection they deserved. 

"Baby, you should have said that you are in labor," Damon said, his voice soft and calm.

I could see him walking into the den, his magnificent lion form padding down the corridor that led to my chosen chamber for giving birth. His arrival brought a sense of authority, and I knew he could smell my pheromones. Uncertain of his next move, he sat next to me, releasing his pheromones and gently pushing against me.

As he licked my flanks, I could feel his soothing touch, sensing my contractions and the need to push. Laying next to me, his larger body pressed tightly against mine, the vibrations of his purr resonated through me, easing my pain and calming my nerves.

He spoke softly, saying, "I haven't been with you for many birthing moments, just the two of us. Let me help you, push when you need to. I'll give you energy."

In disbelief, I questioned him, "Why? You have three others, all close to giving birth. You usually..."

Damon interrupted, saying, "I know I normally hang around Mariella, but baby, this is happening, and I want to show you what I can do as your mate, not just an alpha male. Trust me, even though it's a big ask."

Under my breath, I muttered a string of curse words, and then a stronger contraction hit, causing me to push. Damon purred, both of us still in our feline forms. He assisted me as I pushed again, feeling the cub start to move. With his energy surrounding it, each time I pushed, he guided it.

Before long, the cub was out—a red lion with wings. As he took his first breath, Damon gently licked him clean with his enormous tongue.

He said to me, "Carry on, my love. I will change my shape now. This little one needs some drops, or he is about to fly. It's just their instincts to use those little wings and teleport."

I nodded and continued. His energy continued to support me as a cub after cub was born into this world. 

Giving birth is a tremendous amount of work, but having my mate by my side makes it bearable. It was our first time as mates, just the two of us, with no other pack members present. He assisted me, gently providing drops and flanks for energy, and even giving me a few bumps to drink. He also offered me bits of meat to sustain me. As he watched over me, stroking my fur, I could sense his true happiness emanating from him.

Throughout our relationship, I had always relied on my keen sense of smell to understand his intentions. Words were meaningless compared to the truth revealed by his pheromones. But now, he wanted to be here, by my side. It became clear to me that he truly loved me, as well as our cubs. Mariella and her well-being were no longer his priority; I was. This realization frightened me, as it meant I needed to grow and learn to accept his love. We were in this together, no matter what.

Our litter comprised a diverse range of species, including specimens with wings. Even though their wings were small and underdeveloped, the cubs' magical abilities would eventually allow them to fly. However, their lack of sight or hearing could lead them astray. In the past, we had experienced instances where the cubs ended up in unexpected places.

I found it amusing to hear inventive curse words coming out of Damon's mouth as his usual method of hiding their wings, his dental substance, failed to work. He was determined to find a better solution before our cubs took flight prematurely.

Meanwhile, I was busy licking my cubs as they milled around me. Their soft fur tickled my nose, and the sweet scent of newborn cubs overwhelmed my senses. Their bond with us was palpable. However, my labor was still ongoing, with over a hundred cubs already born.

Damon diligently marked each cub with a magical tattoo and took samples to determine their species and whether they were hybrids. He shared details about each and every one of our cubs, showering them with little kisses on their noses before placing them to feed from bottles.

He said to me, his voice filled with tenderness, "Fine baby, this little red lion, I think this could be Damon Jr., or what do you say?"

I said, feeling a mix of surprise and excitement, "Oh, you're already giving them names. I had no idea you wanted one to be Damon Jr."

He chuckled softly and replied, "Just wait, baby. When I see you pregnant with our babies, we'll get to name them and care for them, ensuring their well-being by giving them vaccinations and binding their powers. It will be perfect."

I grunted, focusing on the task of delivering more cubs into the world. It wasn't long before our litter grew to over 200. And at that moment, I decided to be brave. No matter what would happen next, I had been given a truly wonderful experience, and it was time for me to embrace it.

I spoke to Damon, who had just finished feeding and wiping the last cub, patiently awaiting the birth of the next one. "I love you, I really do, and it scares the hell out of me. Because I know how it feels when you break my heart. God knows you've done it so many times. But I can't stop loving you. This has been like a fairytale to me, and as you know, I can smell pheromones. So, I've sensed your feelings for me, and my god, I'm scared. I have no idea how to react, what to say. And all the while, I'm afraid that I'll scare you away, make you go back to Mariella."

Damon moved closer, his touch gentle as he stroked me, his voice soothing. "Hey, come on now, no need to be so scared. I know I've broken you, crushed you, many times before. But you can smell me. I'm not going anywhere. This is me, not number four, not two, but me. You can smell my love for you and our cubs. This is not just about breeding. I'm not here because my instincts tell me to be. I'm here because I want to be. I want you to have this. I want to have this with you." His words resonated within me, bringing a sense of calm and reassurance.

I let out a sigh and confessed, "I'm also scared that I'm not worthy of your love. I'm not Mariella. I don't worship you or put you first in my priorities, devoting my entire existence to you."

Damon gazed into my eyes, his voice filled with tenderness as he whispered, "I love you just the way you are, my baby. There's no need for you to change, not at all. You are a truly unique creature, like a majestic unicorn, a force of nature. When I feel this powerful force of nature, this beautiful being with a big heart and a soul filled with pain, daring to love me, I can't help but want to be worthy of it. Your love is something to be cherished, something of immense importance to me. It's almost more precious than life itself, this overwhelming feeling of your genuine love for me, baby. Right now, nothing, not even Mariella, could make me any happier than I am."

Finally, the birthing process came to an end, and our litter consisted of over 300 cubs, each one truly special and deeply loved. The air in the caverns was saturated with our love pheromones, creating an intoxicating scent that filled the birthing chamber. Despite knowing that I would have another litter in a week, I couldn't help but feel uncertain if Damon would still be by my side. Nonetheless, this had been one of the most incredible experiences of my life, and exhaustion washed over me.

Damon, now in his magnificent lion form, lay beside me, emitting a soothing purr that resonated through our nest. He kept me and our litter safe, warm, and filled with love. This was our sanctuary, our precious time together. Feeling his true love enveloping me, it was no wonder Mariella held him in such high regard. The sensation of being so deeply loved was addictive, and Damon knew exactly how to love. Once you have experienced his love, there are no words to adequately describe it.