25. So What!

It was time for us to gather more supplies, but this time our pets would have to stay home. I could still take them for outings in the park, but I decided against bringing them to the local farms I planned to visit. However, I felt confident in keeping my babies safe myself. My pets were fiercely protective of me, as I was the one who provided them with love and joy. This situation felt like a twist of fate, a reminder that it's not always wise to eliminate everyone when they can be useful from time to time.

Oh, how satisfying it would be to have Sark, the evil one, protect me from others. Sadly, he was not a vampire. I wondered if my bite could addict a human, but I wasn't interested in detoxing, so I had no intention of sucking his blood. However, if his family's magic had made him some sort of supernatural being, maybe his blood would suffice for me. As I packed my car, I took my time. I didn't want to rush back to work and risk luring the pack near me. Besides, I wanted to give them space during their breeding season. Constantine had informed me about how pregnant they were and the fate of Drusilla, Rebecca, and Freya. Good for them.

This peculiar experience had been my life, my choices. Even my pets had revealed their desires in that spell, which had taken on a life of its own, scattering pieces of me throughout everyone. Perhaps that's why I wasn't in a hurry to see everyone. I didn't want to answer questions or explain myself. I had no idea whose pieces I had acquired.

Most likely Damon's, as he was my protector, my biological half, and now even more so, thanks to his gene therapy. Well, at least the jealousy and possessiveness stemmed from him. But there were other influences, too. Did something come from Wulfe, from Charles? I had no idea. From Mimosa? I had formed connections with so many pack members, and it would take time to fully separate what wasn't truly me. However, somehow, it felt like me the most. It was just a lonelier, harder version of myself, a true multiverse experience. 

I had loaded the babies into the spacious interior of my SUV, their cries filling the air. Cole had begged to stay behind and cook, but I insisted on putting them in their cages to prevent any wandering. Once my orders arrived, there would be plenty of materials for him to work with. Having three man servants was initially strange, but I had grown accustomed to it. It was odd, however, to have my mortal enemies worship me. I remained vigilant, knowing they only desired my bite, the mysterious poison that ran through my veins.

I couldn't trust them completely, even though they cared for my babies. I could sense their presence in my mind, each bite forging a stronger connection between us. Perhaps one day, they would be fully under my control, and then I could finally relax. For now, I kept them in cages, always on guard. I didn't want Damon to know about them, as he had already taken my crew. There was a part of me that suspected he would take them, too. It was my vampire nature, selfish and protective, not the entirety of who I was.

Damon noticed when Wulfe's spell began to take effect. He focused on finding Mimi, sensing her through their pack bonds. Keeping his probing secret, he allowed her to do as she pleased. Damon was eager to confront her, to reunite her with the pack. But the breeding season was approaching, so that would have to come first. She would breed, just like the others, and Damon would provide for her, buying her clothes and ensuring she was fed.

Addressing number two, Damon said, "I can feel her presence. She's in New York, and it seems she's heading to a local farm. It's time for Magnum and Wulfe to see her there, but I have my own plan for this."

Number two nodded, eager to witness the upcoming confrontation. Oh, how he expected Mimi's expression when she would face the jealousy and protectiveness of Magnum and Wulfe. Especially Wulfe, an ancient vampire who saw Mimi as his own and was reluctant to share her.

Mariella felt Mimi too. Her radar woke up, and there were a few anomalies in there. For example, she noticed Mimi was not eating as she should, and there was a subtle change in her metabolism. It seemed like she was using a lot of calories, which could mean that she was pregnant or had already given birth.

Damon, on the other hand, had not yet activated his protector radar, but he wanted Mimi to be his protector too. It would be a new chapter in Mimi's life, taking up the responsibility that had always belonged to her. Damon couldn't help but imagine the expression on Mimi's face when she realized this. Responsibility was something Mimi took seriously, which meant he would be bound to her, and she would be duty-bound to him.

Of course, Mariella could also be his protector if she wanted to, but she had her hands full with so many others, including Magnum and Wulfe. They were her new projects, and it was a whole new experience for them to have a protector ordering them around. Mariella knew exactly how to use Salvatores in this situation. She might even have to make one or two of them taste Wulfe's or Magnum's blood, so they knew what to feed them.

Damon had already taken them to the medbay for a thorough medical check-up. He made it clear that blood tests would be mandatory and frequent, as he needed to establish baselines and guidelines for administering IVs. He was strict about their health, as one had to be in excellent condition to avoid complications.

Mariella had already gotten her bags via IV a few times because her values had not been perfect enough. Only time would tell what Mimi would have to go through in the medbay, whether it would be a simple nap or something else. But that's just the reality of pack life. Wulfe couldn't help but grumble that Damon was worse than Colin and number four combined. Damon shot him a glare that could have withered a wheatfield. Dr. Damon was merciless, but he was a professional. He knew his business, and there was no room for negotiation. 

Now, they were eagerly preparing to visit a local farm in New York, but Magnum had an intriguing idea. Instead, they would venture into a magnificent Pennsylvania mansion. Mimi had always kept it as her personal sanctuary, but Damon knew they hadn't fully used it. Adam and Charles had revealed tales of many locked doors, sealing the deal. It was time to explore the house in its entirety, transforming it into a true home.

Adam and Magnum emphasized how much time Mimi had spent there working, hinting that she may do so again. Somewhere within its walls, Mimi had her office. Damon pondered if they would actually stay there. The mansion might require renovation and a fresh touch, turning it into an entirely new place. One thing was certain - Mimi despised her sanctuaries being invaded.

Sharing was not her forte, and even Wulfe found it peculiar. Wulfe was rapidly becoming a true pack animal, relishing the sense of belonging. Mariella had discovered just how lonely Wulfe had been, and they were determined to make him feel like a valued member of the pack. The future of this pack remained uncertain, its potential vast and immeasurable. 

As I drove to the farm, the wind rushed through the open windows, carrying the sweet scent of autumn. Singing at the top of my lungs to November Rain by Guns N' Roses, one of my all-time favorites, I couldn't help but feel a surge of joy. Thoughts raced through my mind, wondering if I would ever have the courage to sing this song at karaoke, and if I did, who would be the lucky recipient of my performance?

The answer seemed elusive, dependent on my ever-changing moods. Would it be someone in my little minx mood, number four? Or perhaps number one, the perfect target? Then there was my foursome, but were they even mine anymore? Only a few days had passed since I joined the pack, and we had been so focused on work that I hadn't had time to gauge anyone's feelings towards me. Then this damn spell hit us and took quite many months. As the song says, sometimes one needs time alone, but if there's no love to be found, it's best to walk away into the November rain. No use in waiting for something that isn't there.

As I sang, I couldn't help but analyze the lyrics, searching for meaning in my own life. It was a habit of mine, finding solace in the words of songs. It made me question who I was and what I wanted. I was already more than halfway through my journey when Lenka's "Trouble is a Friend" began to play, and once again, it felt like the song had a message just for me.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, I caught a glimpse of the heart-shaped marks on both sides of my neck. A pang of pain shot through my heart, causing my breath to hitch. It was a painful reminder of what I had lost, but I had to be thankful for those kisses, for the chance to feel them again. Despite the difficulties we had faced, those precious moments were something I cherished. My memory would keep them alive, allowing me to feel those kisses, their arms around me.

I couldn't help but wonder if any of my actual memories had transferred to someone else. I hoped not, as my memories were my own, filled with both joy and pain. It was one thing I couldn't control. In the backseat, my babies slept peacefully, their small bodies protected by the vaccinations they had received. Giselle had bound their powers. For now, visible signs of their magic were temporarily hidden. She had also been taken aback by my pets, looking at them with disdain. I could only imagine the mischief they had caused in the magic house. But for now, they were my pets, my responsibility. 

It was a warm summer day, with the sun shining brightly as I drove along the winding road towards the new farm. The weather was perfect, creating a picturesque scene. I had never been to this farm before, but I had a few others on my list to visit. It was exciting to explore new places with my babies in tow. I felt a sense of security knowing that they were safe in their reinforced strollers.

This was a new chapter in my life, free from the constant threat of spies and failed missions. I longed for a normal, everyday life. However, I couldn't ignore the possibility that my hints and their powers might attract the attention of the pack. I still had no control over them, and the memory of the pain and panic they caused when I flooded my blood with them was still fresh in my mind. I had drained them into Damon, letting him go. Still, that version of me is me but still was I so damn hardened and hollow?

But for now, I was focused on enjoying myself and embracing my role as a mom. It seemed like the universe wanted me to have babies at the most unexpected times, which wasn't always convenient. Nevertheless, I accepted it and did my best. Only time would reveal where this journey would take us. Being a mom kept me occupied and allowed me to bond with my babies. It was a constant learning experience, figuring out which one was the troublemaker and who was more laid-back. I measured and studied them every day, determined to keep that project going.

As I approached the farmhouses, they came into view, and I knew I was almost there. I looked forward to gathering more ingredients for whatever awaited me. The sweet melody of "Annie's Song" filled the car as I pulled into the parking lot. I sat in my car, listening to the song, humming along. It reminded me of Charles, who would sometimes sing it to me as a lullaby. I missed his beautiful singing voice dearly.

The pack arrived at the farm, led by Adam. Mariella and the wolves were also with them, despite Mariella being heavily pregnant. It was time for the young lady to see what her future might hold––pregnancy and the support of the pack by her side. No more lonely nesting and birthing, but a sense of belonging within the pack. This breeding season would be like no other, with no outside nests, only the comfort and security of their own Pennsylvania mansion. It was a dream come true, and the pack couldn't wait to explore it.