8. Have Yourself Merry Little Christmas.

"Mommy, mommy, wake up!" A small voice gently pulled me from my slumber, but I still felt groggy, as if I had been drugged. Confusion flooded my mind, and it took a moment for me to open my eyes, wondering why I felt so heavily sedated. As I stirred, Josephine and Jessica were by my side, their hands touching me, shaking me to wakefulness.

Finally, I opened my eyes, my voice barely coherent as I asked, "What's the matter?"

Josephine replied, "Mommy, it's not good to sleep this late. Come on, I want to make more gingerbread houses with you."

I reached for my phone and checked the time. It read 13:15. Why in the world had I been drugged so thoroughly? Ignoring my confusion, I positioned myself better, pulling the girls into my lap and tickling them as they squirmed with delight. These two were usually more reserved, so it was nice to connect with them. The adults who were actually raising them had left yesterday morning, and while Damon, salvatores and mariella their kids and the wolves and their brood had gone on a sleigh ride, not everyone could fit in, so we had separate days to enjoy our activities.

Yesterday, with Wulfe, Magnum, and my four ones,meaning Adam , Charles and boys, I had gotten whimsical and made gingerbread batter. We had created several gingerbread houses and other buildings, which we planned to decorate today. I had carefully placed them in a safe spot, away from Damon and Mariella's reach, so they couldn't ruin them just yet. We had made plenty, so they could join in the decorating if they wanted.

It was December 15th, and everything had been going perfectly. It had been about two weeks since our medical checkup, and nothing had been done to me at that time. But now, something had been done, leaving me heavily drugged. However, I had been trained to work under sedation, so I could still be somewhat normal for these little ones. 

We were still having a blast when the bedroom door swung open and Damon walked in, his voice filled the room, "Come on, you two. Time to get going. We have a sleigh ride reserved for you as well. Let mommy wake up. I already told you, mommy is fine, she was just sleepy."

Josephine chimed in, "Yeah, we woke her up. She's such a sleepyhead."

The girls scurried away as number two, Damon's accomplice, entered and beckoned them with a crooked finger. As the girls disappeared, Damon leaned against the wall, his gaze fixed on me.

Curiosity got the best of me, "Why the hell am I still drugged up to my gills? I had my medical check-up two weeks ago."

Damon calmly responded, "We removed a 9-kilo spleen from your gut, so you're a bit lighter now. We operated on you during the night so you could be awake during the day. The kids mentioned that you made gingerbread houses, so we'll decorate them together. Now, go shower, get dressed, and join us for breakfast. The kids are out soon on a sleigh ride with Wulfe and Magnum, so you have time to fully wake up and clear your mind."

His tone was gentle yet commanding, and I knew better than to complain about the drugs. I sat on the edge of the bed, carefully stood up, and made my way to the bathroom. As I stepped into the shower, the cool, refreshing water cascaded over my body, instantly awakening my senses. It felt invigorating to wash away the remnants of sleep.

The thought of being a full-time mom crossed my mind, imagining the occasional tantrum or two that would make things less enjoyable. However, the wonderful atmosphere created by the beautifully decorated trees in the castle and the scent of freshly baked gingerbread filled the air, evoking a warm, Christmasy feeling.

Emerging from the shower, I found a neatly laid-out outfit waiting for me. No surprise there. I slipped into a red silk button-down shirt and a heavy satin skirt, its smooth texture brushing against my skin as I walked into the kitchen wearing my fuzzy slippers. Salvatore's eyes glanced at my slippers, a hint of amusement in his gaze. Over the years, I had purchased several pairs, knowing that they were too small for Damon's larger feet. It was a small victory, but I kept my satisfaction hidden, not wanting to stir up any mischief.

I had already ordered some Christmas presents, and we had a comprehensive list of items we planned to get. Mariella and Wolves had kept Salvatores quite busy with Christmas shopping, so I got to do my online shopping in peace. I added a few items to the list for the adults to see, and they would put their initials next to each item to avoid duplicates. I did most of my shopping online and bought plenty of wrapping paper and strings. It would be wonderful to wrap those gifts with paper instead of using bags or boxes. I even had a perfect room reserved for wrapping. 

As I sat down to eat, Damon joined me after bringing me my first meal. The kids were playing around, and Damon watched as I ate, saying, "We'll wrap them together, baby. After this meal, it's time to start decorating the gingerbread houses and such. It's great that you've done most of the work, and now we get to be creative. Mariella will bake cookies with the kids, and we'll wrap the presents in the evening when the kids are asleep. We can even order some more together for our children."

He sat right next to me, gently brushing my hair out of my face, smiling warmly. He continued, "Who knows if the next batch will be with us for a long time? There's no need to give them away. We'll raise them. One can never know, right?"

I nodded as I ate, feeling yet again like the ground was shifting beneath me. I had assumed that Damon would focus on his brood now that the adults were gone, but here he was, wanting to do parenting stuff together.

Apollo had started eating better since they taught him and the others to drink coffee and made coffee-infused treats. There was a noticeable difference in all the kids, and Damon had informed the magic house about this so they could prepare for it in the future too. 

As I sat there, the newness of it all overwhelmed me. Damon's presence beside me, his desire to engage in activities together, threw me off balance.

Thoughts raced through my mind as I ate, prompting Damon to speak softly yet dangerously, "Stop overanalyzing and move on. Let's focus on what we're going to do today instead of playing psychoanalyst."

Suddenly, a memory from a previous mission flashed in my mind. It was a botched mission that left me in a terrible state.

I couldn't help but blurt out to Damon, "You know, there was this one mission where my mouth got me into even more trouble. It just came to me."

Damon responded dryly, "I can guess that it wasn't the only time your mouth got you into deep shit."

I looked at him, rolling my eyes, and sarcastically replied, "Well, you're right. It wasn't the only time. But that's who I am, and that damn... Anyway, it was at a medical facility. There were a lot of victims or subjects there, classified based on their body type, usefulness, and even their temper. I didn't score very high in any of those categories. It was during my first fleas, so I was still skinny, not hungry yet."

Damon raised his eyebrow, intrigued, and asked, "So, how did you end up in that mess?"

I explained, "There was this lead doctor, a vampire actually, who was full of himself. He called himself a master and would grope the humans. There were even pregnant women there, but I wasn't sure who the father was since there were about 30 men who were collected daily by these curvy nurses. They were quite fat. And one day, they brought this entourage to my cage."

I paused, recalling the scene vividly. "I could have played it safe, acted all innocent and young-looking, maybe even escaped. But then there was this young blonde female doctor with a too-small lab coat. She was fat, but she had squeezed herself into some sort of corset that gave her a semblance of a shape. They came to see me, and this female doctor said, 'Fred, dear, look at that skeleton. What can we do with that? I know you don't want it; you prefer your women to be shapely.'"

My voice grew quiet as I continued, "And then she pressed herself against the vampire, pushing her udders in his face. I couldn't hold back. I quipped, 'Not shapely, but fat. You're at least three times too heavy. Is that the biggest lab coat there is, or are you trying to squeeze your blubber into yet another cover to look human?'"

Damon looked at me, his brow raised, and asked, "Sure, you can say it, but what happened next?"

I remarked, "Vampire did not seem that upset, actually. This fatso, her voice grated my ears, started to demand him to act. I said to the female doctor, 'You are delusional if you think that vampire will see you as anything other than a plaything and ultimately as food.' Again, the doctor took offense and got mad. Well, the vampire got bored with my attitude and ordered one guard to shoot a dart at me. The pure ketamine did not faze me. I could have faked being drugged, but I was not in the mood. The doctor got fed up and came into the cage, but I just couldn't get him to drain me. He said to me that he does not drink from mutts. I was not afraid of him, so he injected some test serum, knocking me out cold. They tested me for a weeks before I snapped, killed everyone except that doctor, and left him standing in the middle of the carnage."

Damon looked at me sharply and said, "You are not telling me everything, baby, but it doesn't matter now. Eat up, we have things to do. Someday you will tell me what actually happened and what you are hiding."

I did not comment or think about it. I was again protecting one of my secrets, kind of. It was a secret and then it was not. I mean, if they were to do their diligence, surely they would discover it, but I was not going to say it.

After I had eaten, I went to sit in my chair, but again, Damon came by, scooped me up, sat down, and put me in his lap so that we were face to face.

He said in a low, husky voice, "Our kids are on a sleigh ride, the other kids are out playing, and you are in my lap. It might be necessary to make sure you won't drop there, maybe by inserting some internal support."

I looked into Damon's ice-cold eyes that had a special spark and rubbed against his pelvis, feeling the big, hard bulge in his jeans, causing him to grunt. "Careful there, darlin', actions have consequences."

I murmured to him, "Hmm, I remember. You once told me that if I were to seduce you, the consequences would be a week full of wild fucking. Maybe I'm just checking if that still stands."

He didn't ask as he reached and ripped my panties right off of me, opened his jeans, lifted me slightly, and sank his huge, hard cock in one merciless push into my pussy. I gasped out of pleasure; he kept his grip on my hips, thrusting into me, lifting me up and down on his huge hard cock not letting me ride him but using my pussy, my body.

I was soon gasping for breath, my chest rising and falling rapidly. His gaze locked with mine, his eyes filled with an intense desire. Time seemed irrelevant, all that mattered was our shared passion. We bit each other, our eyes turning a fiery yellow as our feline forms emerged, marking each other's bodies.

I lost count of how many times he had already filled me, our bodies entwined, a tight knot keeping us connected. Pleasure engulfed me, causing my body to tremble against his strong chest. I leaned into him, feeling the knot binding us tightly, his throbbing cock releasing the hot, powerful jets of his thick hot cream of love inside me. His hands roamed my body, opening my blouse and biting my breasts, draining them of milk. I was covered in bites, a testament to our lust. I had bitten him all over too, his shirt was tattered as I had ripped it into shreds.

Suddenly, the excited voices of children reached our ears, and Damon muttered something under his breath. He made a spell, a fresh shirt on him. I couldn't move, we were stuck together.

I hastily buttoned my shirt in a rush as Damon chuckled in my ear. "Oh baby, this is a situation I've never experienced before. It's quite amusing, we've been caught in the act."

I replied, "Not exactly the word I would use, oh my god..."

Before I could finish my sentence, another wave of pleasure washed over me as Damon rolled his hips, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He pulled me closer against his chest, my skirt conveniently covering our joined bodies. I longed to move, but I was trapped, constantly on the brink of climax. Damn, my lack of self-restraint. It wasn't easy being this aroused.

Damon whispered in my ear, "Just think, baby, this chair will forever be sacred, a symbol of our passion. We can move it to a linked room, so its scent can remind us of what happened here. We may not have achieved our original plan of filling an entire house with our lust, but how about this? One chair at a time, one bed at a time, so even the most powerful magic couldn't erase the scent of our desire. We will get our sex nests done someday. "

I trembled in his arms as he continued to release himself inside me. I felt embarrassed about the whole situation. Usually, my self-restraint was impeccable, but here I was, in the middle of the day, engaged in passionate sex, knotted together for the entire pack to see. Damon found it amusing, even as I reached a climax after climax. He knew just how to move ever so slightly, making me come undone once again. He wanted to see how well I could mask my pleasure, not to scream his name with every release. He wasn't ashamed; he was proud.

Soon, the sound of children's voices filled the room. Mariella walked in, her giggles echoing in the air. As she looked at us, it was clear that she had caught us in the act. Number two, joining in on the laughter, approached and took a seat on the sofa.

With a mischievous grin, he exclaimed, "Oh, look at you two lovebirds, unable to keep your hands off each other."

Suddenly, Jake, Apollo, and several of Mariella's kids rushed into the living room.

Jake, curious as ever, asked, "Mommy, why are you sitting on Daddy's lap? Can I join in too?"

My voice failed me, unable to respond. We were knotted like dogs and now our son wanted to come to our laps. My face blushed, from arousal, from utter shame. Damon kept his cool. To him, this was just one more novel experience as a lust creature, but not for me. Goddamn it. Mariella was bursting with laughter as she heard Jake's question.

Damon, ever the playful one, replied, "Sure, come between us. We'll squeeze you in tightly." I fought to suppress my embarrassment, my cheeks aflame. He actually let him come between us. Could this be any more awkward? Damon kept moving, so the sensation of constant orgasms overwhelmed me, and now this, having our son come between us while we were intimately connected.

I resolved that this was a lesson that would sink in deeply. No more spontaneous sex sessions while the kids were around. Jake leaped onto our laps, his weight pressing down between us. The pressure caused Damon's knot to move inside me, intensifying my pleasure. Biting my lip, I was grateful that Jake was facing Damon, unaware of the sensations coursing through our bond. My eyes rolled back to my head. Mariella buried her face in number two as she could not stop laughing when she saw my expression of lust, shame, and whatnot. 

Damon tickled Jake, diverting his attention, and I played along. Mariella was on the verge of bursting with laughter, while Wulfe wore a smug expression, fully aware of the awkwardness of the situation. It wasn't just Jake affecting me; Damon's movements in our union kept him aroused, though he managed to remain composed on the outside. The children had no inkling of what was happening, and I vowed that this would never occur again.

It took a painstaking two hours for Damon to untangle himself from me, shifting me discreetly and using a spell to mask any wet smacking sounds. My pussy was left yearning for a hot, hard cock inside it, but I curbed my lust as I got off. Of course,

Damon kissed me passionately first, before letting me go and he whispered, "Baby, I could have let you go instantly, but this was way too much fun to torment you."

Oh, my god. I was flabbergasted by his audacity. 

I just informed the kids that Mommy needed to use the bathroom, and Daddy would entertain them. Maybe Mariella wanted to sit on Daddy's lap, too. Mariella gave me a disapproving look as I calmly strolled towards the nearest bathroom. Once inside, I took a refreshing shower, a cold one to curb my lust once and for all. I was becoming a real sex kitten and now it was not the time, and slipped on my panties and jeans to resist any temptation.

I emerged from the shower fully focused, ready to decorate some gingerbread houses with the kids. I arranged our creations on the tables, filling the kitchen with vibrant energy. Each Salvatore took one of my little buildings, accompanied by a few kids, and they began decorating them. I had set aside a special one for myself, an old Chicago house. Not many kids would understand it, and I wasn't sure if Damon did either. But I knew what I had created.

I prepared my sugary decorating paste, an assortment of candies, and other embellishments. I had crafted colorful candy windows for several houses, but for this one, I had made windows from sugar and was planning to install them. As I worked on a separate counter, meticulously attaching the windows to their frames at first, I noticed Mariella and Damon decorating a sleigh with their kids. They were picture-perfect examples of family. I was not jealous. Mariella caught sight of my work and whispered something to Damon, who then turned his gaze towards me.

Making these windows required careful attention, but I was a pro. It was just a matter of attaching them. After I got them in their tiny frames. I liked to challenge myself from time to time with baking and this sort of delicate work. I was not a magical creature, so no nifty spells to make it perfect, but just my own two hands.

II was just about to start attaching them when Damon came up behind me, pressing his hot, firm body against mine.

He said, "Naughty, naughty, doing a little project here. Oh, I see, Chicago house."

Adam overheard and came to see it too.

He said to Damon, "We should preserve some of these houses. I doubt kids will eat them, but with a little hocus-pocus, we could have a new set of Christmas decorations. They could stay forever, as our very own Christmas village."

Damon replied, "Bloody hell, Hauptmann, that was a stroke of genius. We could make replicas for each of our houses and castles over time."

Damon skillfully took my sugar glass windows and placed them gently, using a bit of magic to ensure they fit perfectly. He focused on decorating the house. His work was perfect, as always. He did not aim for the likeness, but it was, after all, gingerbread houses, and Christmas decorations, so there were all things whimsical, too. Adam stood by, watching.

I rolled my eyes and went to another counter to make small, tiny decorations for the other houses as well. I created rugs made out of licorice and candies so that kids could decorate the houses. They were edible dollhouses. I focused on making chairs and tables from sugar frosting. As Mariella walked by, she understood my idea and took several items on a big tray. She showed the kids how to open the houses and put their stuff inside, making it even more fun. She crafted items for herself as well as the kids. 

We were working in the kitchen for what felt like hours. Kids had no problem focusing on this activity, there was so much for them to do and taste too. It was picture-perfect as I leaned against the counter, watching Damon call Josephine and Jessica, who were still a bit wary, to decorate the Chicago house with him. They came over and mostly observed, knowing how to behave.

Once again, I saw myself in them. Like me, they were reserved and cautious, always looking before acting. Damon slowly helped them come out of their shell, giving them a little nudge in their minds. I noticed they understood they had to behave, but they weren't as relaxed as the others. Perhaps a hint of their future powers, and their strong connection as twins. But we had time, and I could see Damon informing the other Salvatores. Number four looked at them sharply, a slight frown on his face.

It was good to see Damon's paternal instincts kick in. He wanted those girls to relax, have fun, and be kids instead of being so reserved. These were going to be happy times, the perfect time for us as a family. The next time we interacted with them, they might be adults or teens, so this was a precious time.