21. I Have A Dream.

Damon entered the upper lobby, with a strange intuition about what he would discover inside and who would not be there. Through their pack bonds, he sensed that she had left the house. And there it was, the familiar letter. The letter where she would once again explain why she had to leave, with all the usual explanations. Damon would read it, feeling the weight of his failure hit him in the face.

He had foolishly spent time with Mariella after only working in the kitchen for five hours. Meanwhile, Mimi had gone to the gym, and after four days, others joined them as Mariella had demanded. Mariella was jealous of how close Mimi had become to the Salvatores and how much fun they had in the kitchen, despite the presence of laxatives and other obstacles.

They had numbers two and four as Mariella, desperately tried to hold on to them. Mariella would have to adapt, and perhaps it was because of Mimi's intense, simmering rage that made it difficult for her to purify. The process was slower and more challenging than expected, draining a lot of her power. They needed to have sex to maintain their strong lust, as Mariella mainly operated through it.

The letter contained reasons that Damon knew all too well, reasons he couldn't deny. But these very reasons would make his soul ache with every step he took towards the chair where Mimi had sat and read, surrounded by piles of papers on the table. Perhaps they were directions on how to eat, what to eat, and when to eat. Mimi was fulfilling her duty as their protector.

Bitter thoughts flooded Damon's mind as he thought about his frustrating hive of Salvatores. Sure, Mimi was now their protector, but why did they always drop the ball when it came to her? With no other choice, Damon sat down and noticed a slightly sweeter smell of strawberries in the air. It seemed fresher, just like Mimi's scent. Damon realized he had only just realized this, and now it was too late for him to truly enjoy it. He considered himself a sex machine, but maybe it was for the best that Mimi was no longer married to him. He couldn't even be a good boyfriend, let alone a husband.

Taking a deep breath, Damon picked up the sheets of paper in front of him. They were printed, indicating that Mimi had written her letter on the computer and printed it out. His eyes fell on the first lines. 

"Damon, I know you probably don't want to find me gone and this letter waiting for you, but I have to do this. I will explain my reasons for my decision, and it's up to you to make up your mind. Please, Damon, don't hang your head in sorrow, or don't cry. (Sorry, I had to make that quip.)"

Damon couldn't help but shake his head. It was good to know that Mimi wasn't all doom and gloom, but this was still hard to read.

His eyes fell on the next lines, and he found himself smiling wistfully. "Believe me, nothing is over. Love is all around us, and it just takes time. We can take this step by step. You can't hurry love, and you should focus on what's important: purifying my whole donation. I've given a lot of it, and it takes more than just sex for you to purify it. So, I'm here, giving you the time. Imagine, I want to be with you, but my heart is complicated. (God, this is fun writing a letter.)"

Mimi was playing their game, so she must have some feelings for him. This gave Damon some hope, even if she was speaking reasonably. The rage they had shared took time and effort, and now that she was gone, they had time to work on it. It meant indulging in their normal carnal life: lust, sex, and nothing more. 

He continued reading, "I left because I wanted to give you some space to work. Don't worry, I won't have any setbacks. My recovery is going well. I understand if you have doubts since these are just words on paper, but I want you to know that I still care about our connection. You can check on me using your protector radar. I've left instructions on what to eat and how to use your energy. I know bedtime activities can take over, but if you don't want me to surprise you with a strong laxative when we meet again, I suggest you listen to my advice."

Damon shook his head, realizing that he had missed his chance with her. Oh, how he would have to react to that laxative, and whole cooking together, but he had to be a freaking fucking machine. 

The letter continued, "You were eager to help and heal me, but I'm not that easy when it comes to being myself. You noticed how quickly the novelty wore off and my true nature emerged. I don't blame either of us, it's just the way things are. However, I have a proposition for the future, and as the pack leader, it's up to you to decide whether we should consider it. I'll explain it soon, but for now, use this time wisely. Get rid of any distractions so that when we reunite, sex won't be the only thing on your mind. You're not very interesting company when you're in rutting mode."

Ouch, even in a letter, she could be brutally honest. Damon grimaced slightly, but he knew she was right. She was perceptive, and it was both impressive and intimidating. He wanted to be a better version of himself for her, so he kept reading.

"My proposition is simple, although nothing in this world is truly simple. It may sound simple, but we won't know until we try. It came to me while I was sitting here, reading those threat reports. There are threats to everyone in the pack, like Tim and Murdock. So here's the idea: we learn to live with each other in smaller groups. Let's say six groups, with one female in each group, and men whom we haven't lived with before. For example, the Salvatores would live with Katherine and Elena in two groups. There are guys like Dresden, Constantine, Tim, and Taylor whom I haven't lived with, only worked with. And the wolves. Have they ever seen what Wulfe does after using the bathroom or how irritating Magnum's humming is when he makes his coffee? We would spend a week or two in each group and then switch."

Damon frowned as his mind started to process this suggestion. Something was intriguing about it. He continued reading. 

"We could consider throwing the dice to determine who goes with whom, or, you could assign our groups. After that, each of us would have to throw the dice again to determine where we would be living. And during that time, what better way to make PR gigs? We could have work trials where each of us gets to try something new. I believe that a week or two would be more than enough to determine if you like it. However, could you do it, or would the three-day rule come into play again?"

Damon shook his head as he read on, thinking, "God damn it. She's something else, but yeah, that could work."

Memories of their time in England crossed his mind, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to experience it with Elena or Katherine. But the idea of ordering them around for two weeks sounded pretty nice, too. He was eager to read on and see what else Mimi had come up with.

"Now, it would be up to the protectors to update that information on our systems. While we live with others, there would be specific orders about what to eat and what not to eat, what to keep an eye on. I know you would want to show Elena and Katherine just how merciless Dr. Damon can be. But anyway, there would be information, and then we would come back as a whole pack. Maybe medicals or something might be in order, just to see how well each of us obeys our protectors. Additionally, we could keep a food diary, where each of us would have to write down everything we eat, and the protectors would review them. Of course, mine would be perfect, and none of the Salvatores would find anything amiss in it."

Her humor made Damon smile even more. The fact that she was gone was no longer that bad, considering what she was proposing. Well, maybe she wanted some freedom for herself, too. Sometimes, you just need to have time alone. 

Damon continued reading, "In this type of trial, it would reveal facts about each other and strengthen our pack, our family. Family matters, and it's important to know each other. Now, with about 30 or more of us, it may be a bit complicated, but in smaller groups, it would be easier. And when we switch, it wouldn't be forbidden to visit each other. You wouldn't have to be with your group all the time, but if you wanted, one or two could visit someone else nearby. One more thing. Maybe it would add more adventure if the portal room were closed. We would have to travel to see each other, making it less common. I have five jets, so that's an option. It would be a whole new way of living, and who knows what will happen when we come back together? Going to work wouldn't be mandatory, but there would be some incentive. You would earn money for yourself. Of course, our fridges would be fully stocked, and if the protectors wanted, they could also cook."

Damon couldn't help but get excited about this new life that Mimi so skillfully presented in her letter. The money aspect could work, and they could also make food for others, not just the protectees. If they had information about what was needed, Damon had a little idea for that, too.

He continued reading, "As you can see, I want this pack to thrive. With this idea or some variation of it, we can get to know each other better. Life isn't just about sunshine or lust and sex within our packs. It's also about those irritating little habits we notice in others, which can make our minds boil. But it's also about the feeling when you come home after a long day of work, tired as hell, and you're not alone. There are people, or several people, waiting for you. Maybe I'm reaching too far, and the pack isn't ready for my ideas. Or maybe they are, but I wanted to say it out loud instead of just thinking and twisting it in my mind."

"Baby, once we have purified your rage, you will have the time of your life," Damon muttered to himself or perhaps to Mimi, even though she wasn't there to hear him.

He was already making plans, figuring out how to execute them and what they would entail. Oh, baby, she would be in for the surprise of her life. He wasn't ready to present his idea to the others yet, nor let them read the letter. He continued reading.

"I'm feeling lazy, believe it or not, so I've read the threat reports. There's work for you. I know not all of you may be busy all the time, but if you are, you can send them to Joshua. He'll take care of them. There are also 18 cases for our clinic, consultations. If it's not something anyone wants to do, Will and George are available, so they can handle them. I'm too lazy to bother with them. I did include my suggestions on how to handle the threats and what needs to be resolved quickly. For example, there's a significant amount of evidence that suggests the Sarks have their own breeding program. They're trying to give humans supernatural abilities. It's partially a government initiative, the bad ones, with their idea of creating super soldiers. (Imagine me rolling my eyes at this.) They even have fear demons with the ability to freeze someone in place with fear. This means crossbreeding humans and fear demos to give humans fear-inducing ability. Not a good thing, but I'm too lazy to come up with a way to deal with them. Not sure if it can even be done or not. Of course, Krycheck is involved too. He's probably trying to brainwash the fear demons, and we know who the target is. Don't worry about me, I'll be safe. But for the future, there are plenty of other things to consider. These are just a few examples. As for clinic consultations, I put my guesses for initial diagnosis or outline the first steps of studying, please if you may, review them and add your expertise in there. "

As Damon thought about the program, his pulse quickened. They would soon discover what he was capable of. That would not gonna happen. His lustful thoughts subsided, and he realized that with ten of them, Salvatores and then others, not everyone needed to be busy with Mariella in bed all day, every day. Some of them would have time to address these damn threats. It would make him feel a little better. The letter continued, reaching its end. 

"Damon, my love, one day I want to lie in your arms and I wanna hear your heartbeat. I want to be with you, and I want our love to be sealed with a passionate, breath-taking kiss. I'm just a girl who loves you, not a sinner nor a saint. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be your wife again. I might be the queen of rain, as I've mentioned before, but it's almost unreal how much I love you. My heart will go on, no matter what. One day, we will have our bed of roses without thorns, and angels will sing hallelujah when our passion takes over. You know, the winner takes it all, and I intend to win over your heart. You are my angel in blue jeans."

Damon muttered to himself, "Damn, woman, did you include your entire playlist in here? I will get you one day, I swear."

He was amused and felt a love like no other in his heart, but he knew it wasn't yet time for them to reunite. It would take weeks, maybe even months, to deal with the rage that still lingered. She had gotten all of her inflamed rage out and it would take some doing to get it dealt with. The papers felt warm in his hand as he continued reading. He could almost hear her voice in his mind.

"As you can see, it's easy to do this when you write a letter. You have time to think about how many song titles to include. But I don't see it as cheating. After all, we've never set any rules. But the time will come when we'll be together again, maybe even back for good. Damn it, number two truly relights my fire, if you catch my drift. But I need to take it easy. I still feel quite incomplete, and not yet ready. In this mad world of mine, the last thing I want is to let you slip through my fingers. I have no intention of pondering what would happen if I let you go. As long as you love me, I'll be one happy lady. We might not be Romeo and Juliet, but you are my salvation in so many ways. When I give you kisses and tears, remember that everything I do, I do for you. Well, maybe I should stop adding more titles to this letter and wrap things up. Go, purify that rage, deal with those threat reports, think about my plan, eat as you should, and one day, my love, we shall see each other again. With all of my black old heart and my passionate love, Mimi, maybe someday, Mimi Salvatore. I'm kind of tired of being Springcove."

Damon gently lowered the letter, his hands trembling, and spoke softly, "Don't worry, baby. You will be Salvatore and never again Springcove, I promise. I will make things right for you. You can count on it. And I'll do what you suggested."

With that, Damon carefully folded the letter and placed it in his pocket. He organized files and reports on the table, then reached for his phone and started working. He understood what he needed to do and why, but there was a sharp pain in his heart, a constant ache reminding him of how he had let baby down. However, he held onto the hope that one day they would reclaim their happiness.

Damon soon began calling others to join him in his work, and he set out to find a suitable office or war room, as he preferred to think of it, for their endeavors. He made it clear to his team that some of them were responsible for dealing with Mariella, and they needed to do it exceptionally well. As for the others, he had specific tasks for the wizards and everyone else.

This was not a time for vacation, but a new chapter where they all needed to contribute to protect the pack. Damon had come to realize just how significant this decision was for Mimi, and he was determined to prove that she had made the right choice. After all, she was just as much of a control freak as he was, yet she entrusted him with protecting the pack. Perhaps this new version of Mimi would continue to surprise him, time after time.