2. Forever Yours.

I, Mimi, the alpha female of the pack, had hoped to change my last name from Springcove. However, it seemed unlikely, even though I was engaged to five different men. I hummed softly to Tina Turner's "What's Love Got to Do with It" as I hung my shimmering light curtain on the large window downstairs. Of course, I needed a tall ladder to reach up and make it look fantastic.

It was already November, and the nights and evenings were dark and gloomy, so some extra lighting would be nice. This mansion was enormous, and I was considering spending Christmas here, although I hadn't made a final decision yet. It would be wonderful to celebrate Christmas as myself.

I remembered one special Christmas when I took Mariella, Damon, Adam, and Charles, the wolves, to the church. I could still see the expression on Mariella's face as she whispered to me, and Damon sedated her as she was ready to walk to the priest and go talk, ready to correct a few things if necessary. Let the humans keep their faith and any misconceptions they may have. The Christmas church had its own charm, and although I had no actual faith, I most enjoyed the atmosphere. It was just one of those things that belonged to Christmas, not necessarily the actual gospel or anything like that, but the grandeur of the church and the hymns. Maybe it was a reminder of my human past, but I'm not really sure.

As I continued to concentrate on my task of hanging the light curtain, I failed to notice the pack entering the house through the portal room and making their way towards me. It wasn't until Mariella gasped that I realized they were there.

I rolled my eyes and explained, "I'm just decorating my house for the upcoming season, nothing more."

Damon calmly replied, "What are those things you're trying to hang up there? And could you please come down? We don't want you to fall."

I responded, "They're fairy light curtains, kind of like a web. There are 17 more on the table, this is just the first one."

I heard someone approaching and looked up to see Magnum, the goddamn betrayer.

He said, "These would be perfect in Halifax. Look at the dimensions. There are big windows there, and it's even darker in the evenings."

Damon said, "You heard him, baby. Take them off or come down. Otherwise, I'll bring you down myself. Once we're in Halifax, we can have the magic house install them. They'll be ready by then."

His voice was so sharp that I quickly turned off my lights and descended. Even though my new rule was not to obey, there was enough steel in his voice to make me comply. I put my lights on the table and headed to the kitchen. I quickly prepared my food, as I was hungry. I didn't take the carcass outside because of the rain. It wasn't a good time for outdoor cooking.

As I entered the kitchen, I heard several footsteps behind me. I grabbed a huge bowl of salad, or something resembling a salad, though not as light. I had recently acquired new plates, but they were too beautiful to use. They had a dark blue exterior and a pure gold interior. I might use them one day, but not yet.

I opened my cupboard, and of course, Damon was right behind me, admiring the plates. He pressed himself against me, sandwiching me between his hard, hot body and the counter. He reached for the plates, took a few, and showed them to the others who loved them.

Wulfe said, "Now, those are what I call plates. Will we be eating from them?"

I replied, "Only on special occasions. I just got them. They're handmade by Henry Thomason, the artist we saved from that lethal enzyme place during those seven years."

Wulfe recalled, "Oh, I remember him. He promised you some portraits. Did he deliver?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, they're in Bhutan. Beautiful work. He turned me into a fairy and gave me wings and everything. As you may remember, he also paints for children's books."

Wulfe remarked, "His artwork was truly exquisite."

Mariella was enthusiastically showing Damon something on her phone or tablet.

He responded, "Baby, those paintings you will show us are incredibly rare and valuable. We should definitely display them in our museum. We should plan a trip to visit those places."

Number five chimed in, "We've already been through them, but Baby keeps getting new shipments, so it's an ongoing task." 

Meanwhile, I grabbed my large pink plate and filled it with my salad. I usually ate from this particular plate; it was like my personal plate. I then prepared my salad, which consisted of crisp lettuce, cucumber, and mozzarella cheese, Edam cheese in tiny cubes, along with shredded cooked meats like ham and various others. I used to include tomatoes, but since they were poisonous to me, I discovered a fruit in the jungle that tasted almost like tomatoes but wasn't actually one. It was bright yellow and juicy, so I added that to my salad as well. It was a perfect combination, and I piled it into a mountain on my plate.

Afterward, I returned my bowl to the smaller fridge and took out the ham from the oven, which I had removed the netting from and kept warm. It weighed about 9 kilos, and as I lifted it onto the counter and reached for my knife block, a powerful hand suddenly grabbed my wrist.

The voice whispered in my ear, "I've told you, baby, little girls and big knives don't mix well. Now, I'll handle the ham, and then we'll see what you're actually going to eat."

Damon moved me away from the ham, taking multiple plates with him. Other Salvatores were raiding my fridges, and someone was even sampling my mozzarella. Charles found a bowl somewhere and started serving Mariella and the others portions of my salad.

Number five remarked, "Good find, baby. It just needs a little tweaking, but it's a great variation. Sit down. We'll serve you soon enough."

I rolled my eyes, realizing that the Salvatores had once again embraced their roles as protectors.

I warned them, "If your shelf gets empty, there are labeled dishes in the freezer. I've made a lot of food for you, so eat what you're supposed to unless you want my fangs to react."

Damon chuckled and said, "Well, I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing what your fangs can do."

Number ten responded sourly, "You haven't missed out on much. It's not something you want to experience."

 Damon expressed his curiosity, saying, "Sometimes experiencing unpleasant things might actually be beneficial. At least I would be on the same page as everyone else."

I rolled my eyes and thought to myself about my radar. Well, he was blocked somewhat so we might just empty him before it gets any nastier. Fine, if that's what he wanted. I reached over and swiftly injected my special laxative into his neck, which would break down the mass in his gut and cause him to empty himself. He wouldn't be able to neutralize it, only I could. And I would know when he was completely empty.

He looked at me, swallowed, and asked, "What did you give me?"

I replied, "You were blocked and wanted to be in line with others, so there you have it. Neither you nor Mariella can neutralize it. Only I can. It will take effect physically in ten minutes, so drink up. No need to eat yet, as it will come out, but drinking will help."

Mariella smiled at Damon, seemingly delighted that he would have a less enjoyable time. The other Salvatores exchanged apprehensive glances.

I calmly reassured them, "No need to worry just yet. I don't want to fill every bathroom in my mansion with Salvatores needing to use it. If there is a need, the time will come for the rest of you to get clearing."

I focused on my meal. I had some ham, but not too much, and my salad portion was reduced. However, my portion of perfect mozzarella was increased, which suited me just fine. It was incredibly delicious, especially since it was the best cheese for me.

I also found some snack salamis for myself, which were just perfect. I got up to get more drinks and grabbed a packet of them from a cupboard, taking about ten sticks. They were plain versions, but I also had one with nuts and one chicken version. After getting two big bottles of Coca-Cola, one bottle of Palma for myself, and a small bottle of Jaffa, which I opened in the fridge and took a long swig from, it was perfect.

I walked back to my seat, and of course, Mariella said, "That Palma, Wulfe, please take it. You need it unless you want me to make an extra lemony smoothie for you."

Wulfe smirked and took my Palma. Fine.

 I opened my Jaffa again and raised it to take another swig. Just as I was about to drink, Damon grabbed my wrist and directed it into his mouth so he could take a big gulp.

After practically finishing my entire bottle, he looked innocent and said, "You told me to drink. I love that drink, baby. You know you want to spoil me."

He then noticed the sticks in my hand and asked, "What are those? Did I approve of them?"

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Salami sticks. They're fine with me."

Number two reached over, took one, and started eating. Number one and number four also had one. Number one then took the rest and gave them to number five, who had just gotten up to fetch some more food to the table.

Number five said, "These are good for your meals. Thank you for giving us the ingredients. We can make them even more useful for you."

I focused on eating my meal and drinking my Coke. Not that there was anything wrong with it, but sometimes I craved a change.

Mariella said to me as number one rushed to the bathroom, "Mimi, I have a little game for us too. I'll tell you about it soon, and you can be our mentor again. Remember when you used your pheromones when you were sick? We want to learn to use our pheromones better, and I want you to show us what you can do."

I replied slowly, "What do you mean? What can I do?"

Mariella explained, "Instead of just decorating rooms, we girls will give you our ideas, and you'll make them happen. You get to choose who your targets are, and we'll see which one of your victims accomplishes the most of what we wanted. All you can do is use your pheromones, nothing more, and you have to do it without them realizing it."

I pondered the challenge. There was definitely something intriguing about it, but I wondered what Mariella's true intentions were.

I asked her, "Why? What are you really trying to achieve here?"

Mariella mentioned, "I have a problem with my pheromones. Even though they work, their effect is not subtle enough, and I tend to overdo it. What happened to me was awful, like something out of a horror movie. I was restrained in bed, screaming my ass off while everyone chanted and tried to separate those forces. It was like a scene from a fucking exorcist. You don't have to believe me, but it was no sex holiday. For what it's worth, I'm truly sorry if I messed up your life and caused you pain. You taught me to use everything I have, and I want to learn more about my abilities, including how they affect males. It's important for them to understand what it's like when someone uses pheromones; maybe they can even learn to block my attacks. Besides, you are one of our weapons. We need to know exactly what you can do with your pheromones."

I nodded and replied, "Alright, I'm in. But we have to wait for number one to clear himself before we proceed with our little play. It might take a few hours."

Mariella smiled and requested, "Could you please share that formula with me as well? I might need it for my own purposes. If your stuff can make as blocked as number one, shit himself to empty, it is important for me and also Mimosa and Shadow to know. One can never know when you need that stuff."

I agreed, saying, "Sure, but it works best on your biological half, which is Charles. So please don't make my Charles suffer too much."

Mariella noticed my choice of pronoun but didn't comment. I continued eating the rest of my meal when number one returned. He grabbed two bottles of coke, sat down, and started drinking.

Number ten smiled and remarked, "I told you, Mariella is a true protector of pussycats. This one is a wicked little thing."

Number one simply nodded, looking at Mariella, who smiled and declared, "Damon, it's time for you to learn the consequences of stuffing your guts with what doesn't belong there. I may have been too kind. Operating on you, taking out those guts, and not making you shit yourself empty. Mimi, on the other hand, shows no mercy. Think about your future."

Damon grunted and said, "My radar tells me she has eaten as she should, more or less, so no chance of getting back."

I took a glass, slit my wrist open, filled it with my blood, and gave it to number two, who looked at me suspiciously, not believing that I had eaten as I should. As I noticed a slight smell of burning bush, I took an extra glass, filled it, and handed it to Wulfe, who took it with a slight smile, as if he was certain that I saw him as a betrayer.

I said out loud, "I never attack those who are just obeying orders. My beef is with those who give those orders."

Damon looked at me, and Wulfe frowned slightly. Oh, I had many nasty memories of being killed by order, and I always went after the one who gave the order.

Number two said to me telepathically, "Who was he? I saw that guy in your mind. Who was he?"

I replied, "Ancient history. No need for you to get bothered by it. Just let it be."

There had been so many of them, and I didn't bother to remember every single time.

I said to Mariella, "It takes about two hours for him to empty out. I am going to have my dessert and then go to my hamster storage. It's fun to do in my free time, and I have a lot of stuff in there."

Wulfe looked at me and said, "Yeah, Unicorn, you have an army there too. We want to be a part of it too. Oh, what joy it would be if each of us goes to one storage room to receive and then informs you if we need more or don't need more."

Mariella smiled. I realized that this was just a pack life. Well, let's see what comes out of it. I went to the fridge to get my dessert, but number two had drunk my glass of blood and was already whipping up some orange concoctions.

I was just thinking that this little game gave me such a good opportunity to implement my plan when they literally offered themselves to my mercy to be manipulated. Oh, what joy! Heat would probably come after Christmas and New Year, and then Mariella and Salvatores would be so passionate with each other, leaving me, Wulfe, and the girls to have fun with others. So damn perfect.

I was feeling pretty damn smug, and for good reason, too. This was just what my plan needed. Sure, I could teach other females during this time, but no one would notice anything until it was too late. At least, I hoped so. It was time to show this pack what I was all about.