4. I Want You.

 I was still in hamster storage, surrounded by three Salvatores and Wulfe. My pheromone cocktail had taken effect, causing them to sit amidst piles of boxes, reminiscing about old vampire times and laughing, completely oblivious to my presence. I remained focused on my work, but couldn't help but smile smugly every now and then. It was a breeze.

This task had always been one of my zen moments. Interestingly, my body was designed for movement and physical labor - lifting boxes, moving around, and climbing. It made a difference, and I found it enjoyable. I had a flood of old orders for magichouses, and when they sent them to me, they were still from previous batches, not the most recent ones.

Just as I opened one box, I discovered it was filled with baby clothes. I couldn't resist taking a look. I regularly ordered baby clothes because whenever we had babies, most of their clothes would go with them to the magic house, so there was always a need. I wasn't just ordering for myself, but it was something I enjoyed doing. I would send these clothes to the washing room so I could clean them of any chemicals, ensuring my little ones had safe and fresh clothes when the time came.

Of course, buying clothes was always a mother's joy, and Mariella and Wolves often received clothes for their babies, from Damon but he bought never any for mine. There was simply no need, and Damon never bothered to ask. As I sat on one box, I began sorting through the clothes to see what sizes I had. I had even gotten myself a naming machine to print each baby's name on their clothes, so they each had their own personalized items. I wasn't sure if the magic house would remove those names, but the babies were growing so fast and it had been fun to reserve clothes for them. Perhaps we would keep these babies with us for a long time, watching them grow and enjoying their company.

However, as my thoughts wandered, I forgot about the impact of pheromones and how they were connected to emotions and my desire to have babies. Unbeknownst to Damon, my alpha female pheromones had just revealed my longing for babies and cubs. He had unknowingly absorbed those pheromones, allowing them to affect him.

Meanwhile, I continued organizing the baby clothes into two separate bags - one for sizes up to 3-4 months and another for sizes up to 7-8 months - so that I could keep them in different places. Just as I was doing this, numbers ten, nine, and five arrived. They had come to spend time in this area and move the three Salvatores and Wulfe elsewhere. 

As Number Ten stepped in, he immediately noticed a few things. Firstly, Number One, Two, Four, and Wulfe were sitting on boxes, engaged in conversation and reminiscing about old times. They seemed relaxed, happy, and, most importantly, not paying any attention to Mimi. Mimi was wearing a white t-shirt that showcased her fit body, along with a pair of jeans she had taken from Damon, or rather, from Ten, when they were still together. He recognized a small stain on the knee and couldn't help but feel irritated by the fact that she had taken his jeans. However, this irritation also brought a pang of longing for Mimi and their life together. He wanted her back.

Mimi was sitting on a nearby box, sorting through a few others and putting baby clothes into two bags. The sight of the adorable clothes made Ten freeze for a moment. Even though the babies wouldn't be his, he couldn't help but feel a connection to them. He wanted to be next to Mimi, sorting the clothes with her.

However, he was distracted by the sharp, subtle scent of raspberry smoothie. "Oh, Missy is playing the pheromone game again. No wonder those three seem carefree."

He relayed his observation to his companions. "Beware of the raspberry smoothie scent. Her pheromones are making them relax and have fun, so they forget about her. She wants to keep her business to herself, so she's quite clever."

Number Five grunted and walked up to Mimi.

I was startled from my daydreams by Number Five's sarcastic voice. "Hello, baby. Your pheromones smell like raspberry smoothies. Alright, Number Ten got it. We'll block them. Now, what are you doing? Why not just send the clothes to the baby storage instead of putting them in bags?"

I asked him. "I'm sorting them into two sizes, small and big, and then sending them downstairs to the washing room. Once I have enough, I'll put a few loads in the washing machines to be washed, so avoid any chemicals when they're needed."

Number Five explained. "Alright, I think we have some agents available to take care of putting those clothes into the machines. Have the other clothes in the baby storage been washed?"

I replied to him. "Only the ones I've gotten so far unless you haven't washed yours,"

He then spoke into his mic, "This is Eagle Five. I need some agents to go to the baby storage, gather the clothes from packets, place them in washing bags, and take them to the washing room to be cleaned. Everything except what Mimi had gotten, and well hell wash them again too. Use detergent with scent, suitable for babies."

 Damons numbers 6, 7, and 8 were acknowledged, and they went to ensure that each garment would be washed. They also wanted to learn how to use the washing machines, as they had been relying on magic in the house to clean everything. I realized they were trying to emulate me and replicate the things I had done. The lazy period was coming to an end, and there would be fewer shortcuts and easy ways out. It was time for them to experience real life. I hoped that washing laundry would not be their favorite, as it was one of mine. I was just one more zen thing to do and my machines were drying ones. 

I saw ten Damons and Wulfe being ushered out of the hamster storage and into the rug storage. Mariella and Mimosa were already there. Once again, I had no idea what I had made happen. The alpha male had picked up the strong scent of pheromones from the alpha female, who was eager to have cubs and babies. Now this "loaded gun" was going to be in the same area with other females. The outcome was predictable.

I no longer had time to sort the clothes, as Number Five declared, "This is my job now. Just keep sending the stuff."

Fine. As I climbed up, I pondered which pheromones to use on them. I felt mischievous, so I let the next batch of pheromones start to seep. It was exhilarating to be up high, surrounded by a strong cloud of pheromones that the Salvatores would subtly breathe in. This batch would make them excited, creating a sense of never-ending fun and a desire for change. Just perfect.

Mariella asked me, "What have you done with your pheromones? These four are in such a good mood. They keep reminiscing about old times and not doing much work."

I replied, "Nothing much, just a steady stream of relaxation pheromones from the alpha female, along with a sense of security. Like I told you, it's all about creating feelings. Being in the hamster storage allows my pheromones to have a stronger effect."

Mariella's voice was dripping with sarcasm as she said, "Yeah, but now they're discussing women and comparing what kind of babies they would have had with them, even Wulfe."

I had paid little attention to that aspect and simply told Mariella, "You wanted to see what I can do. Well, I have the next batch in progress. You'll see then."

She asked, "Who do you have in there?"

I replied, "Five, nine, and ten. You will notice what I did."

She harrumphed and muttered something, clearly fed up with the old times.

But I told her, "It gives you a glimpse of their past. Listen and learn. It might provide a deeper understanding."

She didn't reply anymore. I continued with my sorting, and within 45 minutes in my pheromone bath, three Salvatores walked out. They wanted to test other stuff and see the other storages.

Next, I got the rest of the Salvatores, the four of them. It was then that number three said, "Lemon, lime, and jackfruit? Naughty girl, what did you do to those three idiots?"

I had just finished preparing my sorting stacks, so I told number three, "Well, they were a little restless, wanting to try everything and anything."

Number six chimed in, "Well, baby, that combo or the first one doesn't work on us. You'll have to come up with something new."

I just smiled. Oh, what a pleasant challenge! Meanwhile, seven and eight started sorting through miscellaneous boxes, while three and six helped me sort my boxes and organize where we needed more people. For example, we had ten boxes in the curtain storage, and they would ask if anyone was there. If not, they would send them in.

They grumbled about how hard it had been to empty a few of those storages, as they were so full, and more were coming. But now, they had gotten some of them under control, and it was like a well-oiled machine. Of course, I had given them my pheromones too. It wasn't coercion, just a feeling, but my pheromones made them pretty obsessed with certain things.

Soon, numbers three and six went to the mat storage to sort through the mats by size and color, according to their idea. The other two Salvatores had to go to the appliances storage and ensure everything was in order. They also considered if any appliances needed to be replaced, as some of the other realms had gotten electricity and our old machines could be sent there after maintenance. They had such a diverse range of ideas. 

I sat happily after everyone had left. I decided to go to the kitchen and grab myself a snack. I was munching on them in my hamster storage when Mariella and the girls, along with the wolves, entered.

Mariella said, "You did it! At least Salvatores have used their pheromones in others. Care to explain what you did?"

I replied, "Just a few pheromones. As you know, numbers 1, 2, and 4 become relaxed and want to share and talk. Numbers 5, 9, and 10 want to experience everything and get bored easily, always wanting to move on. And the rest become a little obsessed with certain things, allowing them to focus on their jobs without any coercion or force. My pheromones simply put them in a certain state, and their own minds took care of the rest."

Mariella asked, "How do you stop it?"

I answered, "It will fade away. I suspect the first ones will regain control of their minds within two to three hours, and then the rest will follow. Hopefully, they've learned their lesson."

Mariella and the wolves looked at my boxes and said, "Well, we're here to help you now. Let's start working while you finish your meal. No need to rush."

I continued to munch on my snacks, enjoying four special sandwiches that were made to look like buns. I felt clever for thinking ahead about the future and what to do next. However, my little game of decoration would have to wait until Halifax. We still had a little over a week until then, and I wanted to do something fun. Perhaps I could go out and have fun in the snow in my feline forms.

But first, I needed to create something for myself to enjoy—a maze. I imagined huge piles of snow that I could climb and slide down, as well as smaller ones that I could vault over.

Mimosa asked me, "What are you planning? Do you have an idea?"

I nodded slightly, brushing off the breadcrumbs, and replied, "Yes, I was thinking of going outside and having fun in my feline form. But first, I want to create a maze and some snow mountains—a little snowy course track for my bigger and smaller forms. We still have a little over a week until we move to Halifax."

Mimosa smiled, and Shadow exclaimed, "Excellent idea! It will be something that brings the whole pack together. I've already shared your idea with everyone, so tomorrow we can start building our winter wonderland and then have some fun!"

 I wasn't very surprised, although I had wanted to do this on my own. But it was time for me to learn to live in a pack, and properly too.

Mariella mentioned, "It'll be so much fun, and afterwards, it's nice to come back in and have hot cocoa by the fire with your loved one."

Suddenly, bitterness filled my mind out of nowhere, and I couldn't help but send my memories back to that Christmas that went horribly wrong. That time when I was out with the wolves and Damon made hot cocoa for me. We sat by the fire, enjoying our drinks, and I was happy just because he was there with me.

Mariella asked, "What happened then? That sounded like such a perfect moment."

I replied, "Life happened. We had a Christmas party at Texas Castle and spent the first few days in the cellar with three dominants. But anyway, Bran, being a clueless idiot, sold me out again, and that's when I ended up in Sark's hands with pure uranium in my veins. The pain was unbearable."

Mimosa chimed in, "But didn't Damien take that memory away from you during his own shed session?"

I nodded and said, "Well, when he was forcibly removed from Damon, most of the things he had used Damon's telepathy for got reversed, including that memory. The pain came rushing back, and it's still there."

Mariella remarked, "And you never mentioned a word. Well, Damon knows now, and he's also learning how to sense your pheromones. He's figuring out what to take and what not to take. He's even up for some outdoor playtime tomorrow, so we'll have a great time."

I sighed and said, "You know, you don't have to tell Damon everything I share with you. You can use your own judgment and decide if I want to share it. I might become less willing to share if you start spreading it around."

Damon's voice called out from the doorway, "Hey baby, it's good that both the pack and I know what's going on in your mind. We want to help, so I need to talk to Wulfe and Lepard to come up with a plan of action. By the way, your pheromones are amazing. They made us all feel a little loopy. Any idea why?"

I replied, "Well, my pheromones just help you relax. I think each of you, including Wulfe, started emitting your own relaxing pheromones in response, unintentionally drugging yourselves. It's a bit strange."

Damon frowned and nodded. He said, "Anyway, let's go grab some actual food. Nice job hiding those sandwiches, missy. You can be sure they've been moved. And you owe me. You never gave me a reward after I emptied myself."

I hesitated for a moment, but then decided to be brave. I had again no idea why I did it. Maybe it was his pheromones. Maybe it was my mood, my need to have that magical moment back. Maybe it was just my sadomasochistic side, ready to take the next painful blow. Maybe this would be our last kiss goodbye.

I stood up, walked over to Damon, pulled his head towards me, and kissed him with all the passion I had. I poured my heart and soul into that kiss, hoping he would respond, yet fearing he wouldn't. To my delight, he pulled me closer, kissing me back with an intensity that took my breath away, even though I didn't need to breathe. My heart pounded not from a lack of oxygen, but from the overwhelming emotions that surged through me and Damon, creating an explosion of feelings in our souls.

There was no way to describe the sensation when the person you want, need, and seek gives you their soul, just as you have given them yours. No, I didn't reveal everything about myself, not even close. But as a creature of love, I let my love shine, and as a creature of lust, Damon let me feel his soul lusting to be with me.

As the kiss finally ended, Wulfe softly remarked from the doorway to Mariella, "Will I receive the same kind of reward if you ever have to give me a laxative, or will I only get it from my unicorn?"

Mariella replied, "I have no idea. Can I do that? That was amazing. I have never seen or felt love like that. I hope those two idiots are now wise enough to acknowledge that they belong together."

I was still embraced by Damon, and he was looking at me, slightly out of breath. I could feel his chest rising a little faster against my body as I pressed tightly to him.

He said, "Yeah, I should eat shit more if the reward is always this good. Baby, I do love you. I have always loved you, but I've been really crappy at showing it to you. Not sure why?"

I had no words to say. I leaned against him, listening to his heartbeat, him slowly calming down, feeling his heart still racing. My heart had belonged to so many guys, but this connection... My God, I lived for this.