9. Knowing You, Knowing Me.

After Max informed Damon that his list of houses for the next year was already full, Damon became frustrated. First, there were extensive renovations happening in their houses, and second, Damon had gained access to none of my so-called strongholds he desired, such as Moldova, Qatar, Bhutan, Nepal, Tokyo, Moscow, Paris, and a few others. It was clear that they needed to move on to other things.

To improve Damon's mood, I subtly influenced him with pheromones, making him see Mariella as a better and more satisfying companion. Despite being upset about stopping their house search, Damon vowed they would eventually visit those places, too. As I contemplated our next steps, my phone beeped - my work phone. I retrieved it and glanced at the new threat reports.

During my recovery, I had informed my colleagues, known as "fleas," about what had happened. Now, the threat reports were much more comprehensive, covering every threat in great detail. It was time for me to take action. I also realized that I needed to sharpen my mental agility. I had my own unique methods, which I had never shared with anyone, not even Wulfe. This was mainly Alaric's responsibility, but now it was time for me to step in and see what I could accomplish. It would be actually quite a damn fun thing to do.

After making sure and founding females of the Salvatores and see that they were venting their frustrations about not being able to visit my desired houses, I retreated to the bedroom. From there, I made my way to the portal room in Moldova. I teleported my sanctuary, which served as my office, and retrieved my threat management materials from a well-sized briefcase. Then, I accessed our top-secret intra web and printed several lists that I would need. Sometimes paperwork was kind of fun thing to do. With everything prepared, it was time to return and begin my work.

Damon, still irritated, expressed his frustration in bed, but it didn't truly alleviate his feelings. Something was bothering Damon, but he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. He rolled off Mariella, who appeared relieved.

Mariella asked, "What's wrong? I have this freaking weird nagging feeling, but I can't figure out why."

Damon grumbled, "I feel the same way. This isn't what I want. I wonder what my future wife is up to. There's something in the back of my mind telling me this feeling is connected to her."

Mariella nodded and suggested, "Why don't we go to the shower and find out? We can see what she's doing and maybe get a better idea."

Mariella felt a growing desire to breed, not yet overpowering, but coming in strange bursts. At first, she had thought that a bigger pack would bring for safety and stability, but was that enough? She also wanted to understand the alpha female of the pack. There had to be an explanation.

Remembering something, Mariella said, "Damon, Mimi mentioned she had a plan. I wonder what it was so we can do it here, too."

Damon rubbed his ear, frowned, and replied, "She mentioned something about decorations, but we can ask. It would bring us closer as a pack again."

They headed to the shower, not able to approach it with a purely clinical mindset. 

I was in the middle of my preparation, dealing with threats from wizards. I had found a room to work in. It didn't require much - just a desk and chair. Well, I had managed to get some massaging chairs from our office storage. There were 16 different ones, as I had bought the remaining stock from a store. Each type had 1-3 pieces. The one I had chosen was the only one left, but it was perfect.

This task would take some time, and I knew that Wulfe and the wizards had potions that needed to be made. One of them was a perfect multiplication enzyme regulator, and the other was for my radar, allowing me to share it with the pack. Since it was a dark finder, I could tweak it to show threats. Besides, none of them were happy that Sark and Krycheck appeared as the main targets on my radar. 

The door opened, and I looked up to see Damon and Mariella stepping in. Damon's sharp gaze noticed my large desk, big comfortable chair, and multiple stacks of papers, along with a few open laptops and at least three phones, scattered across my desk.

He asked, in his typically blunt way, when he felt trapped or ambushed, "What the hell are you doing? Working?"

I replied, "Yeah, sort of. I'm dealing with threat reports my own way. I gave updates on what happened to fleas, the whole damn Horatio thing when I went to Fuengirola, and you know them. They're like loaded guns when it comes to someone attacking me and my pack. So, I requested extensive threat reports to dig up every piece of dirt on those who have something against us. It takes time, but I can handle it. No need to worry."

Damon walked closer to my desk and looked around. There were open folders with lists taped inside the covers. Various colored sticky notes marked important points in the reports, sticking out between the pages. I had two "books" open. These threat reports were bound like books and were quite thick. Each page contained two threats, summarized with the main points. I had printed and bound them for easier handling.

On my left side, I had a stack of these books with no sticky notes, as I hadn't gone through them yet. Each person had their own report, except for the Salvatore family, who were grouped together. There was definitely work to be done, but I was enjoying it. 

There were two stickers placed in each threat - one for the doer and one for the category.

Damon glanced at me and asked, "Could you explain so I can understand? This seems efficient, so maybe you have something here. Why haven't you shared this before?"

I replied, "Alaric has his own approach. This is just my way of doing things. I'm not claiming it's the best, but it gets the job done."

Mariella chimed in, "Explain, Damon can help. You know how his mind works."

I didn't have time to start explaining when Magnum, Wulfe, Alaric, and a few other Salvatores walked in.

"Alright," Number two said, "we're here. We'll listen. You explain so we can get this done."

I sighed and said, "From now on, each pack member will have their own threat report. This way, we can address even the smallest threats. Hopefully, the reports will be shorter next time. I printed them out and I'm just indicating who will handle each threat and its category."

Everyone listened intently.

Damon asked, "How do you decide who does what?" I showed him my threat dealing folder, and the taped list inside. It contained names followed by abbreviations like Va, Ma, Sa, Kr, Me, Go, As, Mi.

I explained, "These are the doers, over 400 guys on my list. The abbreviations represent the types of threats they handle - Vampires, Magical, Sark, Krycheck, Medical, Government, Assassins, Miscellaneous."

Damon and Wulfe came behind me to look over my shoulder. I continued, "I also have their schedules for the next three months - holidays, free time, and booked missions. This helps me determine who is available. Based on these lists, I allocate a certain number of stickers to each doer for the threats they can handle."

I showed them a table with about 70 different colored tags, some with more stickers than others.

Damon touched them, noting, "For some, there might be just three stickers, while others could have 20."

I said, "So, here are my options. I start by going through the report, reading the threats, selecting the doers, putting stickers and categorizing them. These are just my magical guys, and these 15 here are my multidoers, so I haven't used them yet. They can handle many categories. I still have magical doers; the Winchester boys are my top ones. They can make things happen. Once I've used all the stickers on someone, I call them and explain what I have planned. It's up to them to accept or decline. If they decline, I find the next doer."

Wulfe asked in a very soft voice, "And tell me, Unicorn, why haven't you shared this? It would streamline things if we had several doers. Now, let's find a suitable space. Actually, Damon, could you do a spell to make us a table? We can all gather around it and get to work."

Damon nodded, and Mariella said, "I've asked the rest of the Salvatores to bring some more stuff, like laptops and such. Soon, we can get started."

Wulfe wasn't particularly happy with me because he wanted to be informed and involved in everything. However, I was still the leader of my organization, and this was just my way of doing things. My workflow was interrupted when someone took my threat dealing folder and magically copied it onto my lists of various doers and their contact information.

Mariella and the wolves brought food, coffee, and drinks. Soon, we had a huge table set up, and everyone had their laptops, phones, and folders with information about timetables and doers. They also had a key to decipher who was associated with each color.

Alaric approached me and said, "I can take care of Krysta's report. Hand it over."

Damon looked up and asked, "Who's Krysta?"

I replied, "It's the KRYchek-Sark Threat Assessment."

Damon told Alaric, "Alright, you handle that. If there's anything suspicious, let's look into it together."

Alaric nodded and waited while I retrieved the black covered folder and handed it to him. He walked back to his place.

Soon, everyone came to gather and review some threat reports. We started categorizing them and selecting individuals to handle each one. Mariella, Wolves, and Girls were the ones responsible for preparing the stickers. It was important to determine who was ready to take on which tasks.

There were more people at the table, to be used than I was used to, but it was a good thing considering the number of threats we had. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to finish the wizards, as Damon had already taken care of them. Most of their threats were of a magical nature, so he wanted to ensure they were dealt with appropriately. It seemed like he was a bit jealous when he overheard me talking to the Winchester boys. I had given them about 30 threats to handle, and he could hear how eagerly Dean was flirting with me. Well, Dean was just being friendly.

I had a moment to eat when someone brought a plate in front of me. As I dealt with my own threats, I couldn't help but feel fucking frustrated. Those bastards in the NSA were useless and couldn't do anything about freaking Project Omega.

What bothered me the most was that some of those government guys who were involved in it were still alive and in power, even after 200 years. They were protected by the president, which meant the NSA couldn't touch them. It was known that they dealt with shady projects where lives were lost, but they had also done a few good things, such as efficiently dealing with certain terrorists without leaving an official trace.

My handlers were quite cautious when it came to any attack on them. They told me that no NSA agent, including myself, could get to them. Fine, then it wouldn't be Special Agent Springcove who would ensure that I wasn't played with. Instead, it would be Flea or, if necessary, Target Omega. Since it was a personal threat, I was less inclined to involve the rest of the pack. 

I was seething with rage. At the same time, I was dealing with other never-ending threats that seemed to consume all my time.

Damon looked at me and asked, "What in the world is bothering you so much that I can sense it?"

I tersely replied, "It's my past, my shit. I'm so sick and tired, but I can't do anything about it right now. Maybe when I go back to work."

Wulfe patiently said, "Please explain in detail. We are a pack."

I looked at him and said, "I had hoped that being an agent of the NSA would give me some kind of immunity when it comes to Project Omega. But no, those damn hotshots who approved it in the first place are still alive, dealing with terrorists while also funding and approving illegal projects where lives are lost. They have freaking presidential immunity that transfers from one president to another. The fucking NSA can't protect me from them. They are too valuable to the presidents and the government. So, if and when I go up against them, I have to find an angle that proves they are a threat to my organization or else..."

Damon frowned, clearly unhappy and lost in thought. The other Salvatores were also deep in contemplation. Wulfe was furious. Magnum kept a neutral expression, but Mariella wrapped herself around him, indicating that Magnum was ready to explode.

Number four spoke softly. "What were you saying?"

I looked at him, a glint in my eyes, and said, "I will go after them as Target Omega. After all, I am the very dirty secret that they haven't managed to eliminate. I just wonder how many people have been silenced by these guys. Will I ever find out how many deaths are on their hands?"

Damon spoke in an extremely dangerous voice, saying, "Baby, you are not alone. Weddings are coming, both types. And after that, I'll give them a hint of what happens to them if they are after you. They'll see what an old pissed vampire prince can do when his wife is threatened."

Wulfe nodded and said, "Don't forget about me. I can make their lives a little bit harder. Do you have a list of names?"

I nodded. I had screamed at the phone and blackmailed those names from them. I dug out the list and handed it to Damon. He used his magic to make copies and spread them.

As Alaric looked at the list, he whistled low and said, "No wonder, these are heavy hitters. Ruthless, from what I've heard. High judges with no leniency, always going after the death penalty or other shitheads. It's good to have a reason to have fun with them."

I moved on to the next threat. Of course, it was kind of amazing that the whole damn pack took this as a personal insult. But time would tell, and all it would take was for me to keep my guard up. You never know who would be after me. I was trying to focus, but now that the whole Salvatore clan was here, Damon had cleverly put them to help others and deal with Mariella's, wolves and the Salvatore's threat, while he moved his chair next to mine.

I was sitting at the end of the table, in my own peace, trying to find suitable people to get these Krychecks students off my back without putting anyone in danger. My threats were pretty complex to deal with, so they took time and thinking.

Damon soon sat next to me, telling me which threat he would take care of or reach for, taking some stickers and putting them on threats where I had assigned no one yet. He also re-categorized my threats. Of course, this got Wulfe's attention, and soon he was on the other side of me.

He coldly grabbed my folder, ripped several sheets off, and started dealing with them. Damon did the same. Both of them were in tune enough that I kept my mouth shut. Now, I couldn't use my little pheromones as I wanted Wulfe in my heat, but not Damon.

So far, I haven't been able to create two different types of pheromones and direct them to separate recipients. This caused me to temporarily pause my project, but now I have some time. Since my folder was the thickest, it became routine for anyone who finished their own folder to come to me, tear out a few pages, and handle them.

I could tell that Dresden was seriously contemplating how to handle my threats. It was almost amusing to see him muttering under his breath about wanting to use a few spells on those guys. However, he had his own unique way of dealing with things. Perhaps some of my enemies would start to believe it when a disgruntled wizard or his friends came to confront them. 

Mariella telepathically said to Damon, "Damon, I have a little idea on how we can keep Mimi safe from those thugs, so no one tries to assassinate her during or after the wedding."

Damon's calm voice answered in her mind, "I'm all ears, darling. Anything that helps. It's a nasty situation, and we know those are truly heavy hitters. A direct attack might not work, at least not at the start."

Mariella suggested, "It's easy. Let's make Mimi a celebrity. It's time for the press to meet America's Sweetheart again. When Mimi becomes a public figure, all over the press, those guys have to be pretty damn careful unless they want to turn it into a public spectacle. We could do that too. Just think about what the wedding would be like. America's Sweetheart, all over the press and magazines. She would be too well-known, and it would protect her."

Damon smiled at his wife. Mariella had a good idea.

He nodded and said, "Well done, darling. Make it happen. Use your witches. And then we shall go Christmas shopping right after Thanksgiving, Black Friday and whatnot. Oh, how the press will get a few hints about where America's Sweetheart and her bigger pack are. It will protect us all."

Mariella smiled.

She said, "You know what bugged me? Your little alpha female. Oh, she's a sly one. It was actually Mimosa who told me."

After Damon learned about Mimi's plan to create heat by dividing the pack into two, he was smiling in his mind. So, the baby wanted heat. Sure, she would get heat. And during breeding season, she would be a celebrity. Oh, how perfect. He had his own plan cooking up. It wasn't too hard for him, the alpha male, to redirect the heat in the right direction. Mimi wouldn't have a choice. The heat would affect everyone, and it would be just perfect.

But first, it was time to have a nice Thanksgiving, Christmas, celebrate New Year, get married, and then, as a honeymoon, have heat with consequences. Life was looking pretty damn amazing.