13. Ritmo Del Amor.

I walked among the guests, it was Thanksgiving and we had just finished our enormous feast at our grand table, catered by Salvatores. Their food had received high praise. Our castle was adorned with decorations and sparkling lights were placed in the windows. The curtains made out of those little lights I had chosen were truly stunning. The food was abundant and delicious. We had the means to purchase the best ingredients, and Salvatores knew their craft. They even drew inspiration from my ideas.

I stood near the window, admiring the snowy scenery. On this side of the castle, the forest loomed in the distance, adding a touch of rhythm to the otherwise white landscape. We had guests from the magical house and from faraway places.

Jarod and his wife also joined us, leaving their children safely at home. Miss Parker's pregnant belly indicated that new arrivals were on their way. She was expecting triplets, and both she and Jarod were filled with happiness. Mariella was preoccupied with her husband and guests, like some of her children, that had come leaving me free to enjoy my time.

Jarod walked beside me and remarked, "It's so good to see you happy and healthy. What Horatio did was not pleasant, but rest assured, he has nowhere to hide. Have you ever considered being in the same state as my wife?"

I blurted out, "Pregnant? Well, it's one of my plans. I have something in the works after the holidays, so let's see what happens. Did Damon tell you about the new rooms we've created?"

Jarod nodded and replied, "Yes, he showed me. They need some renovations, but there's potential. He also mentioned that they did some work on your mind."

I nodded. I was wearing a long, dark blue velvet dress, and the Salvatores had styled my hair, creating an elegant crown around my head. Mariella's hairstyle was less impressive. Throughout the meal, Damon kept me close to him, feeding me, kissing me, and making me feel cherished.

I told Jarod, "We had a small, or rather not so small, breakup. But I couldn't resist taking him back. There's a little voice in my mind questioning my sanity, but I can't help it. I had a dozen telepaths spring cleaning my mind after I told them what shit Stefan had put in there, so according to wulfe it is not even a start."

Jarod responded softly, " Good for you, they care even if you are not asking. Love doesn't always make sense. As you know, Miss Parker was originally the one after me, my enemy. But she grew up around me. We're almost the same age. Her father, one of the founders of the Centre, would often bring her to work. Her mom passed away when she was young, and her father wasn't very caring. So the organization raised her as well. But she was never like a sister to me. Nope, more like an enemy. But love works in mysterious ways, and sometimes our enemies surprise us."

He glanced at Wulfe.

I nodded and smiled, sarcastically saying, "God, I hope the universe never pairs me up with Krycheck. That might be too much for me."

Jarod replied, "You see, Krycheck is evil through and through. Wulfe, on the other hand, has done some nasty things, but not out of evil. It's more about teaching lessons. There's a difference there. And Damon told me about your hope of saving Damien that year. It was hopeless. Damon and Damien were twins, but complete opposites. Remember that. What Damien destroyed, Damon fixed. They were never identical in soul. Damon was created by the universe, not by accident or biology. The universe needed to maintain the balance of good and bad."

I rolled my eyes, but I understood. I said, "You know me, the savior of lost causes. You know me and my rescues. I just can't help it."

Jarod smiled and then said to me, "Uh oh, incoming. Number four and number two are heading this way. Should I go?"

I smiled and replied, "Nah, why bother? Let them come."

A voice that was both sweet and strong questioned us, "What are you two talking about? I hope it's something interesting."

Number two's voice was smooth and dangerous as he wrapped his hand around my shoulders, positioning me for some shots to my lungs, flanking and sedating me.

I responded neutrally, hoping to avoid flanks, "Well, we were actually talking about you and Damien's differences. Jarod was trying to make me see that I should learn to recognize who I can save and who I shouldn't."

Number four retorted, "Wise lesson, although I'm not sure if this one can learn it. But I appreciate the effort. I think your wife was looking for you, Jarod."

His voice was neutral as well, and Jarod got the hint and moved away.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Come on, we were just talking, nothing more."

Number two then led me onto the dance floor, holding me tightly. There was a band playing various songs, and many couples were dancing. Number two started to dance with me to Leonard Cohen's "Take This Waltz," a slow dance.

He held me close and whispered in my ear, "Oh, baby, I can't wait for our wedding and honeymoon. You never know what can happen there."

I nodded and said, "Just think, it's been at least two Christmases since we had kids here. Time truly flies. It's a funny thing if you have the right attitude."

He grunted and said, "Baby, I don't want to count how many years it's been as we have not been married. You and I belong together. Remember when you took down Damien for the first time?"

I replied, "Yeah, but I also lost you. In the end, you tried to be there for me, but I, being stubborn and self-punishing, threw it all away."

Number two smiled and said, "That was a long time ago, but we have both grown and learned many lessons since then. And remember my promise, this is for good. No more divorces. You will be mine, for good."

I told him, "You might someday regret that promise, you know."

He nodded and said, "Maybe or maybe not. It might be the wisest promise I've ever made to anyone."

I sighed, feeling so incredibly happy, but also unsure if I had the courage to fully embrace it, or if the universe would soon bring a big steaming pile of stinky shit into my life.

Number two reassured me, saying, "If the universe ever did that, I promise, baby, I would be the one digging you out of the pile of shit. I would be there for you."

I replied, "Oh, I would put you guys to the test with my round of love. Colin couldn't handle it, Magnum couldn't handle it, but Wulfe was easy. I could even make Murdock break down, almost."

Number two asked, "What is the round of love?"

I said to him, "Well, we have this thing with Wulfe and others where I express my feelings in a pretty mushy way and they just have to accept it and respond if they can. Usually, at least Wulfe gets teary-eyed, and when he or Magnum can hit me where it hurts, my eyes aren't dry either."

Number two smiled and said, "Definitely, we'll do that once the guests have left. Let's see how many of us can handle it. It could be a nice ending to Thanksgiving, right?"

I said softly, "Beware, I am ruthless. You can't handle me, or my sentences. So be prepared to be all mushy and moved."

Number two just smiled. I could see number one gazing at us, as he and Mariella had joined us on the dance floor. I saw Elena and Katherine dancing with many men, including the guests, and I wasn't sure how long Damon would allow it. Maybe forever, one can never know. I was just getting ready for a round of mushiness.

Wulfe remarked in my mind, "Oh my unicorn, do you really have to do that? But fine, I'm not afraid of my feelings or showing them. It's not weakness, it's strength. Let's see how many people can learn that lesson. I've already told the others, so they're ready for it."

I replied, "Well, let's see. I'm on a roll, or at least I hope so. I'm so damn happy, so I have plenty to draw from."

A few hours later, the guests were leaving. Damon and Mariella were escorting them out, thanking them for coming and promising a Christmas party, too. Damon mentioned he would send out invites when he had time, as well as for our two upcoming weddings.

Oh my god, he had talked about our weddings to everyone who crossed his path. Of course, it would be Mariella's wedding too, as she would marry my four, and then she would either renew her vows or have a proper church wedding with the Salvatores.

 Whatever one wanted to see it as, I did not know about my wedding dress, flowers, or anything else, nor did I want to. Men always took care of these things in my previous weddings, not me. It was rare, but I had gotten used to it and I wasn't the type of person to be offended by not being able to plan my wedding. That was Damon's job.

Funny how our roles had reversed in some instances. Usually, I was the one keeping us safe, or rather, my organization kept us safe, while Damon took charge of our wedding preparations, including the cakes.

I could manage a few flower arrangements myself, but Damon preferred to consult with florists to get exactly what he wanted. I suspected he somehow shoved his ideas telepathically to them, leaving them with no choice but to make it happen. And if he used his compulsion on top of that, even better.

It had been a while since I last made any flowers. During Christmas time, I could, but I wasn't going to spend the entire month in Damon's lap or decorating rooms. With our pack being larger now, we had many decorators for the trees as well. However, I should make sure to get some Christmasy flowers for the flower room.

As I was planning my ideas, standing a little further away and nodding in gratitude to the guests, Number Four walked up to me and said, "Flowers, well, baby, I just made sure we have lots of suitable Christmas flowers soon in our flower room. We're expanding it since the pack wants to contribute as well. We'll have potted plants that can be used in arrangements, too. But good thinking. Oh, I can't wait to make them with you. We could work on them together in pairs. This castle is huge, with lots of tables, so we need to estimate how many we'll need."

I maintained a neutral expression, or at least I tried to. But by god, I was pissed off. I was used to doing things alone, and flowers had always been my thing. Sure, sometimes Damon or someone else would wander in, but I had spent hours there by myself. It seemed that having my own time was truly over, at least when it came to me.

After everyone had left, the quests I mean, Salvatores had packed some food for them to take along. As we were putting our dance hall back to its normal state, I teleported my ugly chair, which had been moved during the party, back to its original place.

Once our sofas and chairs were arranged where they should be, I finally got to sit down. We had also enjoyed coffee and dessert, and now I found myself sitting in the dimly lit dance hall, with the Thanksgiving aroma still lingering in the air. I felt content and happy.

Everyone started coming in to take their seats, and Wulfe sat across from me so he could see my face. It was almost time for some heartfelt words.

Damon spoke up, now that everyone was in their places, saying, "Now, I know it's traditional to share what we're thankful for during Thanksgiving dinner, but let's have a round of mushy sentences instead. Mimi here is convinced she can bring tears to our eyes. It's not a sign of weakness to express our emotions, so let them flow. But let's also make this little lady shed some tears. How long can we continue this game? The stage is yours, baby. Who's your first target?"

I looked at Mimosa and said, "You were once a part of me, and even though I knew I had to let you have your own life, losing you inside me was one of the biggest losses I've experienced. I've never said it before, but it truly was. I felt like I was losing half of myself, and what remained felt like a loss of goodness in me."

Mimosa looked at me, wiped her eyes, and shook her head, unable to speak a word. Damon raised an eyebrow, but it wasn't his turn yet. Let him wait. 

Then, I turned my gaze to Mariella and said, "You are the complete opposite of me, and in so many ways, a much better fit for Damon than I could ever be. You are jealous and it comes from such a pure love that I can't never reach that kind of devotion. But when you reveal your best side, my goodness, that fierce determination and love for everyone, even for me, is something that surpasses what any mere human can muster. You challenge me in every possible way to become a better woman."

Mariella remained silent before finally speaking up. "You really know how to hit me where it hurts. But fine, you're not just any woman. Damon has always referred to you as a creature, but he sees you for who you truly are, and I can't deny that he's right. You are something extraordinary, far above me. I can only hope to someday be even remotely close to what you are. Your selflessness never ceases to amaze me. You are a beacon of light in this dark world, and I consider it an honor to walk alongside you, wherever you may lead me. I am proud to follow in your footsteps, and I swear, one day, the entire world will know the truth about who you are and what you have sacrificed for others."

I swallowed hard before responding, "Thank you. I'm not sure if I deserve such praise, but I try my best. I damn well try and I won't stop trying."

Next, it was Shadow's turn. "You, my herbal wolf friend, your wisdom has saved me more times than I can count. I may not always remember to say it, but by god, I'm grateful to have you in my life. It is wonderful to have someone with me to curse and cuss as much as I do. We should sometimes compare notes of that one."

Shadow pressed her head against mine, in her human form, wiping away tears. She was too moved to speak.

As I spoke, I allowed them to feel my love through our pack bonds, overwhelming them. It was a challenging moment for all of us.

I shifted my gaze to Wulfe, who rolled his eyes and muttered, "Watch out, I might start crying."

Mariella, sitting next to him, said, "I was close, too. She can do it."

It was time to show them how this was done.

I smiled and spoke softly to Wulfe, "You are my anchor in this harsh and unforgiving world. What would I do without you? Without your wisdom, understanding, and care? What have I done to deserve someone like you? I suppose somewhere along the way, I must have done something right to receive such an incredible reward. You mean so much to me, my friend, my anchor, my soulmate. You're the one who truly understands me, the one who keeps me going, ensuring that my messy and neurotic mind doesn't become a tangled mess. You've seen me at my worst and have embraced it all. I hope that one day you'll also witness me at my best, whatever that may be. I am honored, though that word feels insufficient, to have you as my friend. I hope we get to spend at least the next few millennia together. With you in my life, I will no longer walk alone. You, like my shadow, will walk beside me on the boulevard of our dreams."

Wulfe wiped away his tears as Damon gazed at me. His eyes weren't filled with jealousy; they were filled with awe. The other Salvatores looked on, too. Magnum glanced briefly at me, trying to gather his composure.

Wulfe, in a thick voice, admitted, "Damn unicorn, you've done it again. You always manage to reduce me to a sobbing mess."

Damon leaned back, studying me intently, trying to expect what I was about to say. "Alright, let's show this pack how I can bring the pack leader to a more emotional state," I thought to myself.

My eyes met his, and a smile formed on my lips. Speaking softly, I let my love shine through our bond and into him. "Damon, it seems that it's no longer just you and me against the world. Do you remember when it was just you and I? It was the happiest time of my life, but also the scariest, as it was the first time I truly gave my heart to you. And now, after two hundred years or so, here I am, sheltered by your heart. It's a place I've always wanted to be, yet I never believed I had the right to be there. I didn't feel worthy. You are my first love, and that is always something incredibly special for a girl. You're the guy who taught me how to shoot, even when I was drugged. You're the seducer who showed me the pleasure of touch, the feeling of being in the hands of the world's best lover. I've given you my heart, time after time, even when you've torn it apart. But I don't care because being loved by you feels too amazing. You're a creature of the night who could have anyone, yet you chose me. You want me, and you're the one who protects me, making sure I'm safe and showering me with your love. I've always asked myself, am I truly worthy of you?"

Damon took a deep swallow, his voice quiet and thick, and his eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "You are, my baby, believe it or not. You are so damn worthy of every single fleck of love that I can muster. I wish I could give you so much more than what I have already given, because, by god, you deserve it all and more. Even though things have happened and I am with someone else, there's still one week that haunts me in my nightmares. It's that damn week when you were dead, in my arms. When I dream about it, I wake up and the first thing I do is reach out, searching for your presence. Only when I feel connected to you, can I try to calm down. But I don't want to erase that week from my mind, you know? It's there to remind me of what it truly feels like to lose you, and I never, ever want to feel like that again. Because no one can help me then."

I wiped my eyes, and he did the same. Charles smiled, looking smug. Oh, Cornick. Fine.

I locked eyes with him and said, "Charles, ever since you walked into my heart, showing me what unconditional love truly feels like, a part of my soul has lit up. Our bond has anchored us together with ties that no one can break. Sometimes, it's a little frustrating to have someone who can sense my moods as sensitively as you do. But then again, it brings a sense of security like no other. You're there to catch me, even when I don't admit it. You can feel when I'm not fine, and you want to keep me safe, so you act. And you're always right. I may not be fine, but I'm too stubborn to admit it, at least for now. Being in your arms, sleeping next to you, is the best feeling I can have. To feel safe, loved, and close to you, knowing that you will never hurt me, unless I want you to. You can soothe me, even with one look. One touch can bring this incredible sense of safety, ever since you first picked me up."

Charles nodded, not saying anything, trying to hold himself together.

I sent him a little more of my love, making him smile and say in a thick voice too, eyes glimmering, "Damn, honey, you truly are a master at this."

I looked at number ten next and said, "You have been a hard Salvatore for me, but then again, that hardness isn't cruelty. It's love. It's the need to keep me safe. Even though I might not have understood it back then, or you might not have admitted it to yourself, I can feel it now. I'm not an easy one to tame, yet you never tried to tame me. You have loved me from a distance, and I was a fool not to see it sooner. I wish I would have been wiser, more gentle for you, to see your need to be with me."

Number ten nodded and said, in quite a quiet voice, leaning slightly towards me, gazing at my eyes, "Yeah, I was a fool. I could have had you if only I had a brain in my head instead of the mess I was back then. But I can promise you, baby, when I finally have you, I won't let you go. Not ever. I might be a hard bastard sometimes, but it is just as I want you to be safe, well, and healthy."

As I continued on, I found myself with little time to tease anyone other than number three and Adam.

It was then that number one spoke up and said, "Baby, I must admit, you've won this round. Now, I won't let you finish us all off, but it's time to go to bed. Tomorrow, we have a little field trip planned. It's Black Friday, so it's a shopping day. Rest up, and baby, feel free to use your cards. I'm curious to see how many you have. You can be sure that you won't be alone. I want to shop with you."

I simply nodded in agreement. Magnum remarked, "I dodged a bullet. That creature can make a grown man cry, damn it."

Mariella chimed in, "Just wait a few years. I'll be just as good. She's a pretty effective teacher, and when that love floods into you, few can resist it."

Wulfe nodded in agreement and added, "I can't resist her mushy sentences. Every damn time. It's just..."

He struggled to find the right words. As the pack members stood up and made their way to their bedrooms to do whatever they had planned, I remained in my chair, alone. Wulfe had also left.

It was nice to be alone with my thoughts for a while. I couldn't predict what tomorrow would bring. It might be just fine or extremely stressful, but I didn't bother to trouble my head with it. It would be what it was. I didn't feel like sleeping. Maybe I would sit here for a while and then take a nice long bath instead of showering in the morning. I had time. Let's see if the bath calls to me.

As I reminisced about old times, amidst the lovey-dovey atmosphere, I couldn't help but feel my age. The weight of two centuries pressed upon me. However, I was no longer the baby of the pack. Many were younger than me, so I was probably in the middle ground.

But by God, I had been through so much, both bad and good. Yet, I had come out on the other side. The future was uncertain, but I had no expectations that it would be all love and no drama. After all, I was chaos, and I brought change with me. Let's see what changes this time shall bring.