38. Help Me Dr. Dick.

As the heat had been going on for two weeks, I couldn't help but think to myself, "This is not going to work. I need to do something about it."

It was my responsibility as Mimi Salvatore, the alpha female of the pack, to fix the situation.

Damon was completely focused on Mariella, which made her extremely jealous and possessive. She had even ordered Damon to find other men to please her. He had not left her side because she wanted many Salvatores, particularly those who she considered better or stronger, like numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 10.

This left numbers 3, 6, and 8, so-called fucking machines, who were assigned to take care of the others, especially me, as Damon liked to pair them with me. However, his lustful behavior prevented other salvatores from speaking up or expressing their needs.

This meant that the heat was going to end before it even began, unless I took action. Through our hive bond, I could sense that at least 7-8 out of 14 females were on the verge of experiencing complications such as bad knots or uterine infections.

This was rapidly turning into a medical crisis rather than a lustful holiday. If that happened, none of us, including myself, would want to go through heat for years. I had to do something.

First, I instructed numbers 3 and 6, who were currently focused on me, to tend to the three females that Murdock and Dexter were struggling to help. As it was, Mariella's girls' super lustful state and Mimosa's girls almost equally lustful state made it difficult for them to keep up. The "fucking machines" didn't even bother asking for details as I directed them to the females in need.

After that, I went to take a shower and started organizing things more efficiently. We, the 13 females (not including Mariella), had Adam, Charles, and the boys who could handle the five most challenging cases.

Charles expressed his frustration in my mind, saying, "What the hell is number one playing at? I can feel the tension too. Alright, we're on it. Let me know if you need anything else. Good catch, honey."

I replied, "I am the alpha female. It's my duty to take care of my pack, always and above all else. Things don't work when the pack is led by Mariella's pussy. I want everyone to see the consequences of her actions."

Charles grumbled and said, "If it weren't for the urgency of the situation, I would go in there and give her a reality check by pulling her hair and dragging her to see this damn mess we are in. But there's no time for that right now."

I agreed with him. So far, we had taken care of the most vulnerable members, and I hoped it wasn't too late. Next up were Mimosa and Shadow, who were enjoying the company of wizards who were on the verge of exhaustion.

All right, they couldn't continue much longer. I replaced the wizards with Tim, and Magnum, who went to take care of Mimosa and Shadow. Taylor and Alaric, who had been with my girls before, could help out with wolves. While my girls were passionate, they weren't exactly insatiable, so Alaric and Taylor would have the stamina needed.

Fucking machines were on this, too. With them taking care of three girls, two Mariella's and one Mimosa's, and my four taking care of five,meaning Elena, Katherine, Shadow's girls, and one Mimosa's girl that made a total of ten girls being looked after. Things were going well.

Now it was time for the men to take a break. Dresden, Constantine, Murdock, and Dexter needed some rest, too. There were only two girls left, plus myself, but I was fine for now.

So, I assigned Wulfe and Colin to take care of those two wild ones, as they still had the energy. My heat could wait. After Dresden and Constantine caught their breath, they would join the others to take care of the five acute cases that required a lot of attention and pleasure. That meant I would have Dexter and Murdock, not a terrible choice.

I went to take a shower and then headed to the kitchen. I was exhausted and feeling worn out, but four men came into the kitchen. The wizards looked exhausted as well, and I wasn't sure if they would be able to perform for several days. But that was alright, I could spare one. Let's see what was needed. I had a constant headache as I tried to suppress my heat.

The kitchen on this paradise island was made of wood. The house itself was quite big, but a little rough around the edges. It used to be a holiday resort, but since it wasn't on the usual boat routes and companies were cutting costs, it had been neglected. I had gotten it for a steal and hadn't had the time to look at the flowers or anything yet.

I was preparing food for the wizards, too. There was a book in every kitchen that specified the main points of feeding. Each protector had to write their section so that others could prepare the right food for everyone in cases like this.

The wood used in the kitchen was primarily leopard wood, rosewood, and bamboo. Well, bamboo isn't technically wood, but it still added to the airy and natural feel. Having a window in the ceiling was a great addition. It brought in plenty of light and it was enjoyable to gaze at the bright blue sky. 

My hands moved with skill and confidence, a testament to my experience in the kitchen. I placed the onions in the pan to fry, added various types of meat, and grabbed ingredients from the fridge to create a diverse mixture in a large pot.

This hearty meal would satisfy not only wizards but also Wulfe, Tim, and Taylor if they had the time to eat. I still had food in the fridge, thanks to Salvatore's generosity. He always had an abundance of food, so I never had to worry about what to eat. I could simply take a portion, heat it up, and enjoy. It was that easy. 

Dresden lifted his gaze and looked at me, saying, "Do you know, Salvatore, in the past, when you used to call me, or Adam or Charles did, I would often be on the verge of getting some action, and it was incredibly frustrating to have to go to work instead. But now, I wouldn't mind going to work."

I smiled and replied, "Well, eat up, rest, and regain your stamina. Here, let me sit on your lap so you can benefit from my pheromones. They're the ones you need, not Mariella's." 

Constantine asked, "Why yours? Mariella is also an alpha."

I explained to them the different types of alpha powers, both male and female. I shared that I and my girls were the only ones with the female type of power, while the rest of the females possessed the male type.

Constantine expressed his confusion, saying, "I just don't understand how Salvatore could be so clueless. Was it ignorance or arrogance?"

I replied, "A little bit of both. He didn't know, and he didn't want me to know too much, either. He wanted Mariella to be the alpha, and he still desires it from time to time, but it's not working. One shifter once told me that no matter how long Mariella has her power or how much she works on it, she will never be an alpha. It's like being a native speaker; you can tell if someone isn't one, despite their fluency. Being an alpha means putting others before oneself. It's a concept that Damon has struggled with and still does. Vampires aren't inherently selfless. But as someone unique, I believe I was created to be an alpha. I'm not perfect, and I have my weak moments, but right now, I'm protecting my pack, even at the expense of myself." 

Dresden looked at me sharply and said softly, "You little idiot, what are you doing? I can sense it."

I gestured with my hand, signaling him to forget it.

Constantine added, "My love, it doesn't help anyone if you harm yourself. You need to find a balance: helping others while also taking care of your own well-being."

I replied, "I am suppressing just one certain type of heat, so everyone could have a better time than what I would unleash on them."

I did not explain any further as I got some food in front of them. A warm meal and soft bed would surely help them regain their vigor and get them going, forgetting my little self-harming tendencies. 

 I would be fine, and it wasn't a big deal if I suppressed my heat. Surely, it wouldn't affect anyone else, at least not yet, since I had kept it hidden. I made sure the wizards ate as much as they could without falling asleep at the table.

Murdock and Dexter, both of them, looked at me with desire in their eyes, although they seemed tired and worn out. The dark circles under their eyes told me that if I needed them to function properly, I should let them rest and eat. My heat would hold on. It wasn't as urgent as it was for others. And if there was any discomfort or pain, a bath usually helped.

I went to sit briefly on the lap of each male, letting them catch a whiff of my pheromones, not Mariella's or anyone else's, but mine. I marked all of them as my own, as was customary in our pack.

As the alpha, it was expected that I took all the males, and the males took all the females as their own. This arrangement hadn't worked in the past because Mariella had tried to claim the men for herself and used every means possible to prevent me from doing what I was supposed to do. But for now, I took whoever I could get, and not even Damon could take them away from me.

This was just how things were, and it was time for Mariella to grow up and accept it. The new me was no longer tolerant, patient, and forgiving. Nope. I went after what I wanted and claimed it as mine. It seemed that I had to be the leader of this heat, and most of the males understood that.

None of them wanted Mariella, especially, to find out about it. They saw how weak she was compared to me, and as a pack, we had to work together to make things function. I knew several males were angry, but I managed to redirect their attention towards taking care of the heats instead of going after the Salvatores.

Twelve hours later, I was lying in bed. Murdock and Dexter were still sleeping, and I was trying to hold on. Surely, they would wake up soon, and we could get going. My belly ached, and cramps ran through my lower half in waves, ranging from pure agony to mild discomfort.

I couldn't tell how bad it would get. My heat was at its peak, and I knew I was ready to mate, but all it would take was some intimate time, sex, and orgasms. Murdock and Dexter would be awake soon enough. 

Number four was making his way to the kitchen when Murdock and Dexter appeared, their faces tight and filled with anger. They walked around, peering into rooms as if searching for something.

Number four had grown tired of Mariella's temperamental behavior. He had left and informed number one that he could take care of Mariella's needs on his own. He couldn't perform acrobatic acts to satisfy her strange desires that never worked.

Number one had tried to explain or justify Mariella's jealousy towards him and Mimi. They had shared 45 days of passion, and it was only natural for her to want the same. But number four didn't believe it for a second. Something felt off, and he was furious with number one for trying to maintain salvatore hive unity, meaning forcing them to fuck with Mariella.

He decided to seek out Wulfe and ask for his help in sensing everyone's emotions. And what the fuck was going on?

When he spotted Murdock and Dexter, he took a few steps closer and raised his voice, asking, "What are you two looking for? Did you lose someone?"

Murdock replied, "We need a few things from the medbay."

Number four's interest was piqued as he noticed the keys to the drug cabinet hanging from Murdock's grip. He reached out and took hold of them. When he saw the yellow Pikachu figure, he realized that these were Mimi's keys, but they were not ordinary. Did she have secret drugs hidden here, and for what purpose?

Dexter explained, "Mimi needs a few things. As usual, she sacrificed herself for the sake of the pack. Dr. Dick and Nurse Pussy, her nicknames for number one and Mariella, have no clue what's going on. She endured this damn heat at her own expense."

Number four sighed and said, "Tell me everything right now, so I know what to do."

Murdock proceeded to tell him how Mimi had been paired with a fucking machine and how she had noticed other females almost getting uterine infections. She had reorganized who tended to whom, and Murdock was angry with himself for sleeping for 16 hours.

When they finally went to see Mimi, she was listless and in pain. They tried to have sex, and although he had orgasmed, she had passed out in the middle of it. She was experiencing a different kind of heat, and she had instructed them to fetch a yellow box from her medbay, but she hadn't specified its exact location, only that it was on the same floor as the kitchen, in the left wing.

Number four's voice was poisonous. "Fucking idiots! Oh, fucking fuck! Fine, let's find that damn medbay and see what's in her yellow box. And when I confront Dr. Dick and Nurse Pussy about this..."

Dexter interjected, "She was suppressing her heat. It was a different type, but she wanted everyone to have fun and not despise the heat, so she suppressed it. Not sure if it matters now."

This caused another flood of curse words to erupt from Number Four's lips. He took the keys that Mimi had given to Murdock and focused, sending a string of golden magic from his finger. It wrapped itself around the key and shot forward, illuminating a weakly glowing door at the far end of the corridor.

Men hurriedly strode towards it and opened the door. The medbay was impressive, clearly copied from Moldova, but now was not the time to admire it. He quickly scanned the room, went straight to the drug cabinet, and opened it using a fingerprint lock.

A small string of yellow magic embedded in the scanner allowed Number Four to access the cabinet by pressing his index finger on it. Inside, he found three vials. After reading them, he closed the box, returned it to the cabinet, and locked it.

Murdock asked, "Aren't you going to use them?"

Number Four replied, "Nope. Those were for shutting down her heat. She will have her heat, and I have to be the one who unties it. Come on, this requires more people."

They teleported into the room where Mimi was. It was time to help her, restore her heat, and then... Oh my god, as Number Four would tell everyone at breakfast, it was almost happening.

But first, he wanted to inform Murdock and Dexter that it would be messy at first and Mimi might be sore, but they would untie her heat. He promised to teach them how to recognize a heat knot, how to undo it, and how to prevent it.

And at the start of next week, every female would have a physical examination done by Doctor Dick, while Nurse Pussy wouldn't have all the men to herself. However, there was one little thing.

In order to untie Mimi, she would not be able to suppress her heat, meaning that at the start of week three, it would be likely that the females in the pack would be in heat. Only those eight who had come from the magic house might not be affected, but Number Four couldn't guarantee that either. This heat was about to take a very interesting turn.