17. Fairytale Gone Bad.

Being a mother to these little cubs was just as wonderful as ever. Even though I had assistants - Magnum, Wulfe number two, and number three - who helped with feeding and cleaning, I still made sure to spend time with them.

I taught my quarter how fun it is to sort the cubs in my huge bed, first by species and then by comparing the different creatures within each species. Number three, in particular, had a knack for coming up with new names for my exotic hybrids.

We had names like "snow laguar" and the most bizarre hybrid, the "sand lion" (a mix of a sandcat and a lion). Number two and number three were eager to see how these hybrids would develop and what kind of beasts they would become.

With 70% males and 30% females, and about 25% of the cubs being hybrids, there was plenty to study and learn. While Wulfe and Magnum were enamored with my cubs, I allowed them to go and see their own offspring from time to time.

Damon, on the other hand, didn't come to see me or my cubs, but that was okay. Elena and Katherine had just given birth and Damon was busy taking care of them.

During that time, I was mostly alone as the pack helped tend to the cubs and assist with the births of the first-time moms. I didn't sleep much. I would read and bring a selection of cubs to my bed to keep me company. Even number two reminded me of our first encounter, but he understood he couldn't piss in my bed.

However, he had other ways of pleasuring me. It was a different story for him now, as he had his own cubs with other females. During this early stage, they used energy shields to keep the cubs safe, but the fathers still wanted to meet their offspring except for Damon. I understood his reality and accepted it. 

 I was alone in my cub room, arranging things. It was Monday, and I had given birth on Wednesday. The other girls had given birth on Saturday and Sunday, so it wouldn't be long before my next litter arrived.

I could feel it in my body - they were getting ready. I had already had my womb checked, and everything was fine. But with over 300 cubs coming, it would be a challenging task. They hadn't determined the size of the litter yet, but this time, there would be support from the beginning.

I would also have a cannula inserted in my back to control contractions, as decided by Colin and number four. There would be many people around, so I needed to be prepared. Strangely enough, I felt relieved that I didn't have to hide this anymore.

Just then, Bran walked in and said, "I see, little girl, that you are about to pop."

Although I wasn't sure if he should be there, I couldn't interfere since Damon had made the order of succession clear. I wasn't next in line; number two was. I followed behind the Salvatores, and after me was my four. Of course, Wulfe came before me, but everything was fine.

Bran closed the door and whispered, "It's still the same. Nothing can change it. I see it now."

I stayed calm, not wanting to overreact, but something about his words made my hairs stand on end.

I asked him, "What are you talking about? Yes, I'm about to have my next litter soon, and I don't know if Damon told you about our new cub education."

He sat on my bed and nodded, saying, "Your attitude. You still think very highly of yourself. But I have a proposition. I hope you have enough wisdom, so I don't have to be more persuasive."

Oh no, things were taking a wrong turn.

I pleaded, "Please don't come here to threaten me. You don't really like what happens to those who do."

Bran looked at me and said, "I am not threatening you. My proposition is simple. When the time comes to send your cubs into the world, give me four or five of them to be my students, to live with me."

I touched the tattoo on my arm, and Bran didn't miss it.

He sneered, "That tattoo. Did you know that I once wanted it for myself and Charles's mother? But no wizard, no witch granted it to me. The Marrok! And you, cur, have gotten it. Well, of course, you use your body to get Wulfe, so he does everything you do, just like you enslaved Damon in the past."

I replied, "I did not enslave Damon, as you well remember. It was not that simple, and we had little time to be together. It was either you or Damien ruining it."

Bran's voice turned bitter. "I saw you cuddling on the sofa, time after time. And one word from you, and Damon did what you wanted. He did not put you in your place as he should have. And this is the result. Well, you are once again forcing me."

He took a peculiar-looking contraption from his pocket, pressed a button, and I dropped to my knees as pain lanced through my mind. The pain was so overwhelming that I couldn't think.

As it stopped, Bran said, "You sure have been through pain, but let me demonstrate."

He flicked a switch into another position, pressed the button, and my cubs started to move, mewling in distress. I could feel the ones in my belly in pain too.

He stopped the device and said, "Now, let's try again. First, let's have a little presentation of your cooperation."

I pressed my scar with Wulfe to my tattoo, sending my fear for my cubs to Damon.

Still, it was Mariella who answered in my mind. "What's wrong? Damon is sleeping. Most of the Salvatores are resting. I got your alert."

I told her, "Is Bran supposed to be here? He is. He has some device that hit me with a pain like no other, and then it affected my cubs, including the ones in my belly. He wants me to give him five cubs as students."

Mariella's voice turned dangerous, with an intensity that I had rarely heard. But I, the alpha female, was under attack.

 "Stay put. We are on our way. I'll grab someone as we come. I won't wake Damon yet, as he could react very badly."

I told her, "Take Constantine. He can do something, but he won't be too angry if Bran attacks me. You know Wulfe, as well as Magnum and Alaric. Not to mention my four."

Mariella replied, "I'll choose someone, not based on what you tell me. We're already on our way."

I responded, "Come invisibly. I want to have a witness so Bran can't twist this."

Mariella was not happy and said they were almost at our door. Soon, I saw the door opening slightly, but Bran didn't notice.

I said to him, "What do you want? Do you really expect me to give you my cubs as students? Why?"

Bran arrogantly replied, "Yours are the strongest. Of course, I get to choose. Come and see them, or else..."

He held up the machine.

He continued, "Get on all fours on the bed. First, show me your oral skills, and then you'll get some cock in your dried up pussy from someone other than Damon. Let's see if he still wants you, you damn harlot after I've ruined you."

His hands went to his belt. I didn't have time to make my move. I felt my fingernails morphing into claws. No one, I mean no one, threatens to hurt my cubs and lives to tell the tale.

Just as number two dashed into the room and tackled me to the ground, keeping me still, I heard grunts, growls, Bran's screams, and Damon's almost beast-like sounds.

Then, Wulfe's chilling voice came through, "I don't feel merciful. You hurt my soulmate and her cubs. I felt it."

Samuel's cool voice was heard too. "Do it."

I felt the magic in the air.

Samuel said next, "Da, I am so damn angry at you, you damn fool."

I was trying to get up, but number two was like a mountain on top of me, using his energy to press me onto the floor.

Finally, I got myself under control and said to number two, "I'm fine. You can get off."

He slowly released his grip, and helped me up, but still kept his hold on me. Numbers four and three were restraining Magnum, while nine and ten held Colin, who was as pissed off as ever. There was a tiny tick on the floor.

Mariella was wrapped around Wulfe, who was shaking. Samuel finally picked up the tick, Bran in his grip. The tick was hairy, the tiniest I had ever seen, and Samuel's big hand grabbed it, squeezing tightly. The tick squeaked.

 Charles nodded, but Samuel confidently declared, "Too easy. I have my next project ready. Let's see if you da, like to be a living guinea pig, for the interest of the scientific community." He glanced at Damon and continued, "No need to give orders on how to handle this. I believe we should proceed with trial and error. Let's not make it too simple."

Mariella reassured Samuel, saying, "We're not blaming you, you know. You can stay if you want."

Samuel responded firmly, "I'm not staying. I have my own project, and as comfortable as this pack life may be, it's not for me. There are too many infections out there. I won't spend my time investigating your gut bacteria. Besides, there are already a dozen doctors in this pack."

Damon nodded in agreement and shook Samuel's hand, adding, "You're welcome to visit, but not that one."

He glanced at Tick, who was a result of Wulfe using a special spell to transform a vampire into a bat-like creature. I could smell Bran's blood in the air, indicating that he had been beaten before being turned into Tick. Tick was the name I had given to this form, as Wulfe had done this to Damon a few times during their chase.

Tick was a reference to the ticks our dogs had when I was still human. I had also transformed into a tick a few times, but since I wasn't a friendly tick, Wulfe only made me assume that form when absolutely necessary. As a tick, I was mischievous and poisonous, which would have caused trouble within the pack.

Sitting on my bed, I kept my self-control intact, not wanting to reveal my reaction to anyone. Soon, Mariella led Damon and the other Salvatores out of the room, discussing unloading and how the wolves would assist. It was clear that unloading was important.

Wulfe was already angry enough that Mariella had taken him along to teach him how to unload, or perhaps she was just jealous. As everyone filed out, I remained in my pastel-shaded room, with my cubs sleeping peacefully. It felt as if my room had been violated by Bran's attack, and many emotions were swirling inside me.

Adam entered the room without even giving me a proper look.

He closed the door behind him and said, "I understand how you feel. I'm here to help, you know. We have a routine that can provide some relief."

I nodded, still feeling that my voice consisted of growls and grunts. Adam approached me and gently guided my face into his chest, offering comfort.

He gently stroked my back and whispered, "Come on, let it out."

I screamed into his chest, just as he had always comforted me during moments of intense rage. Instead of taking me to the gym, he would have me bury my face in his chest and release all my pent-up anger. This was something he only did with me. I never did with Damon or Charles. No one else knew about this.

My screams were muffled by his broad chest, but he held me close, soothing me with his touch and murmuring words of comfort. He even brushed my hair aside. Time seemed to blur as I screamed, one agonizing cry after another, until I had exhausted myself.

Gradually, my rage subsided, and I slumped against him, drained. I was exhausted, but I knew I had to take care of my cubs soon.

Adam whispered to me, "Shh, rest. I've got you. The cubs are being taken care of. Rest, it will help..."

Overwhelmed, I couldn't resist falling asleep in his arms, feeling not like the powerful alpha female, but rather as confused and vulnerable as I had been when all of this started. Adam, one of my husbands, was also my original protector, always there for me when I needed him. He made me feel safe.

As Mimi finally relaxed in Adam's embrace, he couldn't help but feel pity for her. If he hadn't known her so well, she would have been alone.

People often forget that the most dangerous member of a pride of big cats is not the male, but the mother with cubs. The pack had mostly chosen self-preservation over her, but he was not one of them. Tenderly, he laid her down on her soft, pastel-shaded bed to rest.

Her labor was approaching again, and she needed every ounce of strength she had. Adam gazed at her youthful yet tired face, even in sleep. His shirt was torn, a result of her teeth ripping through it during her four-hour scream.

Softly, he whispered, "Rest, my love. I'm here for you, and I won't leave. I've made mistakes in the past, and you've paid for them, but not anymore."

He sat by her bedside until it was time to feed the cubs, and he would continue to do so afterwards. Adam had fathered cubs with others, but that didn't matter. Only Mimi mattered. She was everything to him.