34.How Deep Is your Love?

The first thing that hit my eyes was the sunshine, even though I didn't want to wake up. I was still lying in bed, positioned between number four and number nine. They had filled both of my holes, satisfying me every morning. I felt happy and loved, exactly where I wanted to be - in their arms, feeling their heartbeats, with their arms wrapped around me, and their scent filling my senses.

However, my blissful moment was interrupted by Mariella's shrill voice and fake cheerfulness.

She woke me up, saying, "Good morning, Mimi! I see you've had your fill, but Damon wants you to have breakfast. He'll be here soon to help you wash up, and then it's time for breakfast. Rise and shine, boys! Mimi needs to get moving so she can stay fit."

Number four whispered in my ear, "I don't want to move yet. I'm perfectly content here."

Number nine grunted and pressed his hand against my ass, also reluctant to get up. But as Mariella crawled into bed and started to nibble and stroke them, I rolled over and wrapped the sheet around me. Mariella soon teleported them away.

I stared at the plain white ceiling, finding it quite boring. I thought about decorating it, but I wasn't in the right shape to climb and paint just yet. Maybe later. I wasn't entirely sure if domestic bliss was what I truly wanted.

I remained in bed for about ten more minutes until Damon walked in. His mouth was pressed into a tight line, and even though he had taken a shower, I could still smell Mariella's peachy scent all over him. His neck was covered in her bites, and I was surely marked, too. These other Salvatores were keen to claim me.

Damon came over and sat by the bed, his expression filled with jealousy.

He said, "I know I shouldn't say this, especially since I smell like Mariella and her bites, but I'm jealous. I'm freaking jealous that the others can have you and I can't."

I responded calmly, "It's your choice and your burden. I never told you not to get involved with me. You chose Mariella, so live with it. I'll continue to use everything I have to get myself well, including my husbands and plenty of carnal pleasure."

He nodded in understanding and said, "Come on, let's go to the shower. I'll help you."

I got up, removed the sheet from my body, and confidently walked into the bathroom. I adjusted the water temperature and began to wash myself. Damon stood by, watching but not touching. I didn't blame him and expected nothing from him. These were his choices, and he was the one who had to live with them. 

I took a bottle of shampoo and reached for it, but it was a little too high. I stretched myself, but the shower was slippery and I ended up slipping off the chair.

"Fuck!" I cursed.

Damon stepped closer, and I snapped at him, "No need. I can get up. Go fuck Mariella, you useless excuse for a husband!"

He moved away, surprised by my attack. I scrambled all over the slippery shower stall, trying to get my limbs working again. Finally, I managed to get myself in some sort of position just as Adam came in.

He lifted me up without caring that he got wet. Damon had moved away. Adam made me sit and proceeded to wash my hair and body, even taking his clothes off in the process. Afterward, he wrapped my hair in a plush robe and several towels, carrying me to bed.

He asked, "What happened? I was on my way to the kitchen when Damon walked past me and muttered something about you falling over."

I replied, "I had a fun time with numbers four and nine last night. Mariella came in the morning and took them away. Damon was just making sure I got clean, but he wasn't even touching me. I could sense his disgust even though he smelled like Mariella's pussy juices and had her bite marks on him. I tried to reach for the shampoo and ended up falling over. I snapped at him because it hurt, and he walked away."

Adam tutted softly, drying me and checking me over.

He said, "You have a huge bruise on your ass, so sitting might not be very pleasant for a while. But from now on, I'll make sure you're safe when you shower."

I nodded and said, "I know this situation has made everyone cranky. Damon wants to be jealous, just like Mariella is jealous of those five. It's one big mess. I just feel like everyone is waiting for me to figure it out so they can move on."

Adam smiled at me and said, "There's no rush. Mariella is who she is, and this crisis has affected all of us. There's no denying it. Take your time. It won't help anyone if you push yourself too hard and have a setback."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Setback, like a bruise on my ass? I get those almost daily."

He sat next to me, wrapping his arm around me. He had been there for me for the longest time, the one true source of security in my life. Right now, all I wanted was to be with him, in his embrace, feeling him be the strong one for me.

Adam graciously took charge of choosing my clothes and helping me get dressed, ensuring that I wouldn't slip or strain myself. I realized this would likely be the case until Mariella sorted out her jealousy issues and put an end to the unnecessary drama.

Frankly, I had no patience for it. This was just one of the factors propelling me forward. I wasn't content with a peaceful pack life at the moment. I yearned to explore new endeavors and make a lasting change. But first, I needed to get myself in shape and maintain harmonious relationships with others, all while minimizing the impact of Mariella and Damon's jealousy antics.

My life, though complicated, defined who I was - an occasional wild creature. However, I recognized the importance of some alone time to find balance. I would have to distract Wulfe, Magnum, and the others without arousing suspicion. It wouldn't be easy, but it was crucial for me to find equilibrium.

I knew they wouldn't be thrilled, but if I executed my plan correctly, it would benefit all of us. Perhaps one day, we could even enjoy some fun together as a pack. But that was a future aspiration. Currently, I acknowledged that my journey to recovery will become increasingly challenging due to Mariella's ongoing jealousy and drama.

I hoped to be in a better state when the time came to redirect their attention to the Azores or wherever they were planning to go. I wasn't jealous or angry, but rather determined. I had my own plans, and my future belonged solely to me. No Salvatore would dictate what I could or couldn't do.

As I slipped into the light yellow tee shirt and pink jeans that Adam had picked out for me, I put on some fuzzy slippers and sat down while he brushed and styled my hair. Adam had his own unique way of doing things, and occasionally even cut my hair, though it wasn't necessary yet. I didn't want to upset Salvatore any further than he already was.

I gazed at Adam's handsome face, a slight smile forming on my lips. He looked as dashing as ever. It was truly amazing to reminisce about our journey together. He had first laid eyes on me when I was unconscious, being rescued by them. But I had first seen him on that ship, and that's where it all began.

It was hard to fathom that it had been almost two centuries since then. Sometimes, it was a challenge to believe how much time had passed, but occasionally, I felt the weight of my age. 

Maybe someday, I will share my stories with our pack. I had given Damon my memories from that ship in my time, but I wasn't sure if he still had them. He used them to help piece my mind back together, so I wondered if he had lost them. However, it wasn't time yet to dwell on the past.

Remembering my past or what I had gone through hadn't always been successful. The trauma had left its mark on my mind, making it take time for me to heal. Sometimes, those memories would linger and cause me distress.

It required me to be unconscious while telepaths cleansed my mind, though it wasn't something I enjoyed. The process was painless, but it made me feel weak, as if my mind couldn't handle processing the memories properly, leaving me with remnants of the past.

Most of the time, I was a neurotic mess, overthinking everything.

Adam noticed and asked, "What are you thinking? I can sense your mind racing."

I replied, "Not much and everything at once. I was reflecting on our past, my mind, my weaknesses, Mariella's jealousy, and what I will do once I'm okay."

Adam spoke softly, "And what might that be? Is there something I should worry about?"

Shrugging, I responded, "Not planning on running away or anything like that. I need time for myself, and we'll see how long it takes me to recover, or better yet, how long Mariella will let me be before she has to go to Azores."

Adam grunted and said, "I understand that you need your own time, honey. But trust me, if I had to choose, I'd pick you over a vacation in sex island."

Finally, we made our way to the kitchen. It was a simple kitchen, filled with pack members. The white ceiling, wood-colored cabinets, light grey countertops, and plain beige curtains made it appear unremarkable.

The large dark table was already occupied by pack members having breakfast. The clinking of utensils occasionally paused as conversations murmured in the background. Adam helped me to sit and even brought an extra pillow to make me more comfortable.

As Mariella raised her brow, Adam's curt response, "Ask Damon. He knows why," caused Mariella to remain silent.

I had just sat down when Number Ten swiftly brought my coffee and food. He strategically placed my coffee pot on the other side of me to prevent Damon from reaching it. Damon had a tendency to be lazy and often drank from my pot, so the others wanted me to enjoy every last drop for myself.

I smiled at Number Ten, who proceeded to passionately kiss me. Even Number One's disapproval didn't stop him. Mariella rolled her eyes and suggested we focus on eating instead of trying to devour me. Number Ten finally stopped and walked behind Mariella, causing her to tense up.

He targeted her pain and agony chakra, reminding her of the consequences if she misbehaved. Surprisingly, Number One smirked at Mariella. As she took a breath, it became clear that he took pleasure in others punishing her without dirtying his own hands.

I focused on my meal, sipping my coffee, and tried not to pay attention to the throbbing ache in my ass. Adam had made sure there were no broken bones, but the deep bruise still lingered and my healing process was not yet complete. Time would be needed for a full recovery.

Wulfe glanced at me and I allowed him to see what had happened, causing his fork to twist in anger. He struggled with my condition and Damon's unhelpful behavior. But it was what it was, and I would gradually get better, one day at a time.

Soon enough, I would be fit enough for them to enjoy a holiday in the Azores. And perhaps afterward, we could have some quality time as a pack. Life is unpredictable, and as I looked at Magnum's face, he nodded in understanding. He had shared his story, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to share mine with Damon anytime soon. 

Mariella exclaimed eagerly, "Oh, I can't wait for the holiday to start, my love! All of us in the Azores, enjoying the sun, beaches, and pure perfection."

Number ten interjected, "Maybe that's your idea of perfection, but for the rest of us, there's a lot more to do than just have sex. If we don't demand time with you, you'll be preoccupied with number one. Right now, darling, you're not the one I want."

Number ten locked eyes with me.

Mariella hissed angrily, "You damn freak! You had to do that. It took time, but you had to take them away from me. Are you happy now? You've destroyed this damn pack!"

I remained calm and chose not to respond.

Number one spoke neutrally, "Well, it's a change that I have to admit, Mimi. You can't deny your role in this."

I snapped, my voice filled with anger as I let my emotions out. "Too bad Miss Pussy lost five dicks. But then again, did you even use them? You just wanted every single Damon-looking male to be away from me. You must be as pissed off as I am, Salvatore, once again the alpha female. What will it take for you, you damn cunt, to grow some damn brain and behave like a fucking adult?"

Mariella confronted me, "You took them away from me, and for what? Jealousy? Or just because you needed them to make sure your freakish little body doesn't get too skinny? You just have to fuck them day in and day out. Well, guess what, freak? They will be mine once we get to the Azores. I'll show them what a true woman does, how she behaves, and they'll stop worshiping you!"

I took a deep breath as Wulfe came beside me, holding my hand to calm me down. I was on the verge of attacking Mariella and using her as a meal, but it wasn't the time to antagonize me.

Damon glanced at me, his voice dripping with coldness. "You're so weak, can't even hold yourself together without a crutch. What's the matter, baby? Feeling the bloodlust? Learn to control your urges so this pack can function!"

Wulfe stood up, assisting me as he and Magnum silently led me out of the kitchen. We made our way to one of the bedrooms where Wulfe cast a powerful spell, ensuring I couldn't leave.

Meanwhile, Magnum fetched a few bags of blood. This process would take some time, and both of them were well aware of how it was done. It occurred to me that the holiday season was approaching sooner than I expected.

Perhaps it would be beneficial to take some time away, get myself back in shape, and give the rest of the pack some breathing room. But deep down, I knew that a storm was brewing and this time, nothing and no one could stop me.

I was determined to show Damon, Mariella, and the rest of the pack what I was truly capable of. Even though I found myself curled up in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth, my hands wrapped tightly around my knees, desperately trying to hold on, it wasn't yet time for me to take my next sip of blood. Not yet, but soon. This was my life, and at times, I despised so many things about it – my weaknesses, my habits, and even myself.