2. Relight My Fire.

I was feeling tired and cranky, but I managed to keep a neutral expression throughout the rounds. I mostly stayed silent while Salvatores made decisions on my behalf.

They had also informed Hammonds that they would be the ones performing the surgery due to my pregnancy, and they were more than capable of doing it. Of course, Hammonds trusted them, which bothered me. I had been training specifically for that surgery for the past ten days, and now this.

My irritation knew no bounds, even though I understood that they wanted to keep me and the babies safe and healthy. As telepaths, they could sense the babies and bond with them through their feelings.

It was also interesting to note that Mariella and the wolves were also pregnant and excited about going to the mansion in Maine to create nurseries with their partners and enjoy family time.

It was pointless for me to come up with reasons why I should be the one doing the surgery when there were over ten doctors in the pack all advising against it. They claimed it wasn't good for me or the babies to be on my feet for hours during the surgery. They said I needed rest and other things.

With a small gesture and a flash of the remote control for the sedative organ implanted in my spine, Damon made it clear that I should keep my mouth shut. I knew when I was overpowered, but I wasn't going to play nice all the time.

It was clear that my perfect time as a doctor was over and it was time for something else. I had almost two months left in my pregnancy, and I wasn't an invalid, just pregnant. However, with this pack being what it is, I had little choice in the matter. Well, not so much anymore.

This situation had been building up for too long, and I was starting to assert my power. I didn't feel the need to explain my choices for the nursery or make any compromises. Nope. I was the one making decisions when it came to my babies. Yeah, I thought of them as my babies, not our babies.

Mariella always talked about "their" babies and "their" nursery. Good for her. Wulfe would smirk at me from time to time as he caught glimpses of my personal rants in my mind. He found it amusing to listen to me rave to myself about how I was going to do everything on my own. 

Colin, number two, and number four were all hovering around me, eager to conduct various medical studies on me to assess my current state and potential deficiencies in nutrition and rest. While they were convinced that I needed intervention, I wasn't quite ready to address those concerns just yet.

I had a lot on my plate, with the nursery still not being ready and plans to install flooring soon. Additionally, I had a pile of boxes to sort through, supplies to organize in the cabinet, and a large pile of washed baby clothes that needed naming and storing.

Despite being in the hospital, I found myself behind my desk, going through my files as Salvatores had gone to the operating room to train with a robot and ensure everything was prepared for tomorrow. Since I wouldn't be here, I needed to clear my desk.

Of course, I wasn't alone. Even though Salvatores had gone to the OR with Colin, there were still pack members in my office, chatting, and looking around. Adam and Charles were reviewing my files, Mariella was reading magazines I had acquired for her, and Wulfe was sitting nearby, his presence felt in my mind. He, too, was checking in on my well-being and plans.

Amused, Wulfe remarked, "You're right, my unicorn. I would've been bored to death if I had been with you all this time, watching you play doctor or being around while you consult your cases."

I responded, "I knew it. I wanted to do this and not be in a bustling metropolitan hospital. But despite my reputation and the influx of cases, it feels like my wings have been clipped."

Wulfe explained, "Well, if you weren't pregnant, things would be different. But as we all sense, and communicate with them, we have a duty to protect those little ones. It's not good for them if their mother pushes herself too hard. That's just the way things are."

I rolled my eyes, catching Mariella's attention.

She chimed in, "Oh, I can't wait to get back to the manor. I haven't spent much time there and I'm excited about setting up a new nursery. I have no idea how many babies I have, or how many Mimosa has."

Wulfe glanced at Mariella and said, "You have nine, wolves have seven each, so you win. Mimi only has five, so you'll be busier and fuller than her."

Mariella confidently stated, "I've had bigger litters than nine, so it's no biggie. And since the pack is bigger, it'll be just fine."

Magnum snorted and said, "Just wait until you have to bathe those nine. I won't be around for that."

Mariella smiled at him sweetly and said, "Sure you will. All I have to do is ask you nicely, or I can make Damon order you to help me if I need to."

This caused Magnum to roll his eyes.

Wulfe chimed in, "Seems like eye-rolling is becoming a fashion in this pack, but it's entertaining to watch. Mimi is the queen of it, but she's taught others too. I'm not sure who's the best at rolling their eyes."

This made Shadow roll her eyes, and Wulfe smirked and said, "Pretty good, but I'm not sure if that's the best you can do."

In my office, well, it was rather boring. The huge windows behind me provided a view of the hospital grounds and the nearby forests or city, whichever you prefer. My white desk was enormous, cluttered with a laptop, several piles of files, a phone, various forms, and pens and pencils scattered all over. There were a few coffee mugs present, along with some bread crumbs or something. I didn't care much, as the cleaner would take care of them after today.

I was focused on my files, and reviewing test results. These were follow-up tests for cases that had been sent home, ensuring that their progress was on track. The industrial, boring linoleum floor was slightly faded, and I wasn't sure if the hospital would undergo any renovations in the upcoming years since the budget was tight. But that wasn't my problem, at least not so much.

I let out a sigh and focused on the file in front of me: postoperative day 22. It had been a long and challenging operation to remove a venous malformation, and this was my first case using that technique. Thankfully, it was progressing well.

I had just reviewed the recent scans and was now focusing on the patient's heart health, as he also had heart problems. So, where were the lab test results? I leafed through the stack of papers in his file, but they weren't there. Of course not. They were in the system, and no one had bothered to print them out. Now, I could ask my secretary to print them, or I could view them on the computer.

I wearily brought my laptop closer as Charles approached and sat down next to me, asking, "What is this case about?"

I replied, "It's my first successful attempt with this technique. He's at home recovering, but I need to review his progress before handing him over to his GP. I'm just looking for his latest lab results."

I barely noticed as the door opened and Salvatores stepped in, dressed in scrubs and looking a bit tired.

Damon said to me, "Let me see them too. What was the case?"

He walked over, grabbed the file, and began reading it. I opened my laptop and accessed our system to view the test results. I frowned slightly as I noticed that his glucose levels were not optimal. There were elevated markers indicating heart stress. Damn, not too serious, but still concerning. Of course, he was a 77-year-old dock worker, not the healthiest individual, considering his past exposure to who knows what without proper protection.

Damon leaned over, looked at the results, and grunted, saying, "Not too bad, considering his history. He can be transferred to his GP to manage his sugars and heart."

I rolled my eyes, trying to be patient, but his tone made it clear that he was not open to negotiation. I had had enough as he started to read my other files.

Snapping, I said, "I understand your concern, but this is it! Move on and stop interfering with my patients. I've got this. I've handled a lot. I've even given up my surgery for you. Let you run the rounds. But this, I can handle perfectly fine, so get the hell off!"

Damon looked at me, raising his eyebrow, and condescendingly replied, as if speaking to a child, "Darling, I want to go to the mansion later today. We don't have time to sit here while you read the results and ponder for hours. It's time to wrap things up and let others take care of them. Remember, you're a surgeon, not their personal physician!"

His voice was cool and composed. I swallowed my response, not wanting this to turn into a full-blown argument in front of the entire pack.

I said, "Fine, you deal with them. Do it your way, then!"

I got up and walked to my bathroom, seething in my own peace. That meddling pack leader always tells me what the right way to do things is. 

I sat on the toilet for a while after finishing my business. I was feeling hormonal, cranky, and caught off guard. It would have been nice to have some forewarning about the sudden end to the holiday, but then again, surprises were a regular part of my life. Unexpected events seemed to come from every direction, and all I could do was take a deep breath and hope for the best.

Mariella's overly enthusiastic attitude, combined with Salvatore's bossy demeanor, didn't make things any easier for me. It felt like the universe was determined to ruin my happiness by throwing the entire pack back into my life. But there was nothing I could do about it. Just another time when I had to suck it up and behave. Oh, how I wished I could tell others to suck it up and let me be who I wanted to be.

Feeling tired, cranky, and all over the place due to my hormones, I clenched my fists and felt my face tighten. I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips, allowing myself a few minutes to seethe before forcing myself to relax.

I washed my hands and left the dull bathroom. It seemed like none of this place was decorated according to my standards. I chuckled to myself, realizing that I could find drama anywhere if I was in the mood.

I walked back to my desk and sat down, noticing that the pile of files had disappeared. Salvatores were busy tapping away on their phones, ensuring that I would be jobless for days and weeks to come.

Well, at least I had my nursery to work on. It would be a fun little project, and I could enlist the help of the other three expectant moms to make their nurseries too. I had plenty of baby stuff stored away, so they had a lot to choose from. I had saved most of the things for myself and my own nursery.

Mariella looked at me and said, "Oh, isn't it wonderful to be pregnant again, Mimi? It's been over six months, and I just love feeling the new life inside me."

I said in a pretty boring tone, "Just wait a few weeks until they grow and you'll see, it won't be as fun anymore. But hey, I have half the number of babies you do, so..."

Mariella simply smiled and nodded at Damon, who was giving her heart eyes. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Magnum chimed in my mind, saying, "Let me guess, you have a plan that doesn't involve the Salvatores?"

I smiled slightly, and he shook his head while looking at Wulfe, who rolled his eyes. Of course, the Salvatores didn't notice this little exchange, as they were still busy organizing my office and cases, fawning over Mariella and the wolves.

Just as I wanted them to. Soon, it would be time to go home, well, in a week. The Salvatores would be working every day, performing surgeries, and I would finally get to do what I had planned. I had no idea if they had rearranged my schedule, but it was likely that my patients had been moved elsewhere. That was fine, though.

The future was once again open and filled with baby coos, giggles, dirty diapers, and all that jazz. I hoped that this time away would give me some patience so that I wouldn't explode at them as they continued to suffocate me and boss me around.

But I couldn't predict the future, so I had no clue what was coming. Plus, I had learned that our own behavior plays a significant role in how others treat us. I wasn't going to just give in and surrender, but maybe I could redirect their attention away from me. After all, I wasn't the only one who was pregnant anymore.

Hmm, a plan was starting to form in my mind, and it would be quite helpful. With the whole pack at my disposal, there were certain facts about the Maine mansion that would keep them all, especially the males, very busy. All I had to do was present my case just right. Yes, life was going to be good.