26. Right Here Waiting.

It was still bustling with activity as others were dealing with various illnesses. Mariella had a stomach bug, Mimosa's kids had chickenpox, and Shadow and her children had coughs and runny noses. Surprisingly, we were all fine. I had no symptoms and my babies were healthy.

While they were sleeping, I decided to hit the gym to maintain my fitness. After an hour, I noticed that I was getting winded more easily and struggled to catch my breath.

The gym was spacious with soft floors, white walls, and a hint of sweat and adrenaline in the air. One section had punching bags and machines from Magnum designed to enhance our fitness levels.

These machines were personalized based on our fingerprints, thanks to Magnum and Damon's programming. Each of us had our own training program, tailored to our individual needs. I didn't have to worry about adjusting the intensity of my workout; the equipment did it for me. The punching bag indicated how hard I needed to hit and evaluated my accuracy.

For me, the gym was an outlet for my frustration, as everyone was still overly protective of me, despite my resilience. I had gained a few extra kilos, and my cortisol levels had dropped, though not completely. I was stressed about my babies, even though they were healthy.

I had to care for them around the clock, especially since many other babies were unwell and their caregivers were also affected. Damon and Salvatore were healthy but exhausted, rarely waking up when I tended to the babies at night.

We hadn't gone out much, considering it was late September, with rainy and chilly weather. I tried to explain that I had suitable clothes for the babies, but it seemed that the timing wasn't right yet. The babies were almost eight weeks old, time passing quickly.

I stood there, not bothering to read my results as I finally got my breathing under control. Absentmindedly, I went to shower and as I was soaping my body, I noticed my belly felt quite full. Not full enough to trigger my multiplication enzymes, but still. Had I grown extra spleens to protect me from infections?

There was one way to find out. I had a two-room medbay with an experimental scanner hidden in the back room that I planned to use. Although it would take three to four hours and require blood samples, I was sure the results would be sharper than ever.

This model wasn't set to hit the market for another two years, but I had the privilege of testing it. After feeding my babies, who would likely sleep soundly after their blood meal, I would have time to myself since everyone else was occupied. I hadn't informed Damon or Colin about my scanner as I anticipated drama, and I wasn't certain if they would try to send it to the hospital, which wasn't ready for it since it wasn't yet on the market.

Walking to the medbay, I entered the back room and put the scanner online. With the manual in hand, I sat down, engrossed in reading. I didn't notice the soft footsteps approaching the medbay as I focused on learning the basics of this top-notch scanner. One downside was the absence of a remote, meaning I would need someone else to start the scan from the computer. 

 Samuel had come in to check on infections and see if he could help out because many adults were sick. On his way to the medbay to get more blood tubes, he noticed the light was on in the operational medbay. He frowned, stopped, and opened the door. He was surprised to see Mimi sitting in a chair, reading what looked like a manual. He noticed lights in the backroom and frowned as he stepped in.

"What are you reading here?" he asked tersely, not in the mood to be polite, suspecting that the young lady had her secrets again.

Samuel's gruff voice almost scared me, and I raised my eyes. "A manual for an experimental scanner. I am one of the beta testers, and I have one of these to be tested. It is meant to be in the market two years from now. I was just planning to check my state, as I have been healthy and have not had any infections, and I felt my belly being slightly fuller. So, have I grown myself a crop of spleens?"

Samuel grunted and said, "Very good possibility. Why don't you hand that manual to me so I can get the hang of this, and we can get you scanned?"

His tone did not invite any arguments.

I handed him the manual and explained, "It takes blood tests and analyzes them too. There is powerful AI giving its statement and findings from scans and blood tests. I have connected it to my medical history, so it knows what is normal for me."

Samuel grunted, quickly read the basics, and said, "Fine, let's get you set up. I have time to study this more while you are being scanned and processed. Do you have any problems with being in there for hours?"

I replied, "I am fine. I can take it. It is not that bad."

He grunted again and walked to the backroom to look at the scanner.

It was large, similar to a CT machine, but instead of a table, there was a netting where I had to lie down. It was a kind of swing, and I had to be naked, which was fine as the room was warm. Unlike a CT machine, where the patient is moved in and out of the machine, here the machine would move around me.

The process would take time, including taking blood samples, injecting contrasts, and so on. While I could have had my answer within 15 minutes using our fast scanner, I was eager to try this out.

There was also an option for a holographic display of results once the scan was complete, and I was curious to see the report that the AI would generate, hoping to find something new.

As Samuel prepared the scanner and cannulated me, he said, "Come on, up you go. I'll have you ready so you can even nap while the scan is going on."

I smiled nervously, knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep. I could control myself, but my fear and discomfort with medical procedures were still there, simmering beneath the surface. I was determined to face this challenge and push myself to tolerate these procedures and all things medical, even though it wasn't easy. 

I undressed and wondered if it was the right time. Would my babies be okay? Would someone be taking care of them? However, I also had to consider my own health. I lay down on the netting, feeling comfortable.

Samuel approached me and cannulated my central vein so I could keep my hands in a comfortable position.

Despite feeling nervous and my pulse quickening, I took a deep breath as Samuel assured me, "Okay, we are all set. I'll go set it up, and it will start soon. Just relax."

The scanning room was dimly lit, and I tried to keep calm with my eyes open. I knew my cortisol levels might be elevated due to my past experiences with medical procedures. Meaning being tortured in the past in various evil medical facilities. And also by Damien, Damon's evil twin, long gone, thank god, but it had left its mark on me, as my memory remembered everything, every sensation, every flick of pain, unless some telepath was doing their magic in my mind.

The machine whirred around me, scanning me from top to bottom and then moving around randomly, as if it had found something it needed to investigate further. I could feel my blood being drawn and contrast being injected, causing a warming sensation throughout my body, which wasn't too unpleasant. 

As Mimi's scan was well underway, and it seemed that she might need some surgery as the computer flagged problems as they emerged, Samuel informed Damon about the situation. "Damon, are you free? Missy has a brand new experimental scanner hidden in the backroom, as she is one of the beta testers. She noticed that she was feeling a bit full in her belly, so she wanted to scan herself to check if she had developed an excess of spleens. Well, she has. The scan is still in progress, and it has taken comprehensive blood tests. Missy has connected this AI to her medical records, so the computer provides an analysis of what is normal and what is not."

Damon sighed.

He was eating, and he ran his hand through his hair as he relayed this information to numbers two and four, who slammed his fist on the table. "Damn it, why doesn't she learn? What's with all this secrecy? We could have used that scanner in our hospital."

Damon said calmly, "No, we can't. It's not available yet, it hasn't been approved by the FDA. She knew us well enough to anticipate our first reaction. I suggest that now that things have calmed down a bit, we should review the scans and see what they have found. If surgery is needed, we can do that too."

Number two said, "I am curious to see how good this AI is. Does it find something that we don't, or overlook something important?"

Damon replied, "At least according to Samuel, Missy has a huge thymus. It has been a long time since any of us have had her thymus."

It was the fastest way to boost immunity. Eating a part of Mimi's thymus gave others thymus of their own and boosted their immune system significantly. It might be what is needed here, as these germs were floating about.

Damon contemplated the possibility of surgery. Was it the right time to take Mimi out of action? However, her health was very important, too. It wouldn't help anyone if she continued to grow too many and too large spleens. Once they got their immunity in order, Mimi wouldn't have to keep growing new spleens all the time. It would be a win-win situation, and it might take a day or two, depending on how depleted Missy was again.

She might need some heavy feeding, and it was time to compromise once more. Damon hated having to give in to something he wanted to do properly, like caring for Mimi and making sure she was fed, but it couldn't be helped. 

They entered the medbay, Samuel was still engrossed in reading the manual. Damon took it manual to his hands and assigned number four to read it. He could read it and share his knowledge with others.

Damon then went to sit behind the desk, gazing at the screen displaying the problems found in Mimi's scan. The thymus was 800% larger than normal, and its thickness was putting pressure on her lungs, impacting her breathing. This could also be a stressor, keeping her cortisol levels elevated. Damon noticed at least 15 spleens, some normal-sized or bigger, and an unknown number of microspleens.

He suspected that Mimi might have micro spleens for the babies as well, most of which would need to be removed. The situation was overwhelming, with a huge spleen under her intestines and quite large ones near her lungs, indicating a response to the bugs. It was a delicate balance - whether to remove all the spleens and risk her getting sick, or consider how quickly the bits of thymus could boost immunity in others or improve her own immune system.

Damon was determined not to let Mimi fall ill, but removing the spleens would be challenging, as they had to be excised completely to avoid excessive bleeding. A surgical decision had to be made soon. The urgency was clear - she needed surgery immediately due to the enlarged thymus and the numerous spleens. Delaying the surgery would only harm her health.

I was taken aback when Damon's voice came through the speaker, saying, "Baby, you need surgery. It's necessary. You have an enlarged crop of spleens and an oversized thymus gland. Once the scan is ready, we will proceed with the operation. Don't worry about the kids, they'll be fine. Just focus on yourself."

In my mind, I sighed. I had plans for more quality time with my children, not to be undergoing surgery. But if there were extra things inside me that needed to be removed, then it was probably for the best, right?

I tried to rationalize with my annoyed self, accepting that there was no way around it. I had lost track of time, unsure of how long the scan would take before the surgery. I was also frustrated by the fact that I had gained a few extra kilos, all for just an issue with my spleens.

However, I tried to see the silver lining - perhaps my health would improve once these extras were removed. After all, it took a toll on my body to grow and maintain them. 

Damon walked to the medicine cabinet and opened several hatches, starting to draw up a cocktail for Mimi and maintenance drips.

Samuel watched him work and asked, "Are you planning to keep her sedated for more than just the operation?"

Damon nodded and explained, "Growing extra organs puts a strain on her. She's already quite thin, especially after having her spleens removed. Her true weight might be less than 40 kilos, so she needs feeding. It's only for a few days until the babies need her."

Samuel nodded in understanding and suggested, "How about we feed her during the nights, give her injections while she sleeps, and hook her up for heavy feeding every five to six hours?"

Number Two said, "That's a good idea, but we're exhausted and can't wake up when the babies do. She usually feeds them at night, so we can't sedate her too much. She's essential."

Samuel grunted in agreement, acknowledging the challenge of caring for the babies. 

He was trying to come up with a solution, but none seemed feasible. The only option was to ensure Mimi ate as much as possible during the day without overexerting herself, a tall order as she was the mother of quintuplets.

Damon bluntly stated, "It is what it is. Get over it. All we can do is support her, minimize her stress, and hope for improvement. Maybe in the future, we can also feed her at night, but not yet."

Samuel acknowledged the situation. "It's frustrating that she needs feeding, but we have to accept it."

Damon, with a humorless smile, assigned tasks. "Once the scan is ready, you take care of the sick ones. We will handle the surgery. There should be enough help to feed the babies, so pitch in if necessary. Surely, you're not afraid of dirty diapers."

Samuel, feeling a pang of sadness from his past, stood up and walked away, thinking that he might have more babies someday. He had had children in the past, but they had all died. Some were young, some adults, because Bran had had an obsession with turning them into werewolves, but none survived.

Damon instructed the team, "I will administer the cocktail through her IV slowly to sedate her for the scan. Numbers ten and nine will assist in the surgery. Get the operating room ready, start preparing the organ mash, check the results, and gather the necessary supplies. She is still vampire anemic, so we need a lot of my blood. Ensure she's not lactating. Not sure if the scanner checks that."

Number four quickly input the necessary information into the computer to update the scan. Meanwhile, number one injected the cocktail into Mimi's IV discreetly, so she remained unaware of the other side of the wall. The operation would commence in less than 30 minutes, as the scan was nearly complete.