064 - From the ashes: Money

(AN: Abrupt sick leave yesterday, sorry about that.)

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On the way to his next destination, Daemon's armored SUV attracted just as much attention as before. And the lack of any recognizable brand logo, whether at the front or at the back of it, did not help.

As he stopped at a red light, some men were so interested that they took photos to try to look up the car model online. As for the women, they were regretting the lack of transparency from the glasses at the windows that prevented them from seeing if it was an ideal husband material behind the wheel. One must say that the car was so well designed that it appealed even to women. Though, maybe it was the pricey feel the car had to it that attracted most of them.

After a while, driving without going over the speed limit, Daemon pulled to a stop and got out of the car. Apparently, his new destination was where he had left from about an hour ago.