119 - From the ashes: Assault

"09, what is the status of the target?"

The voice speaking belonged to a woman. But unlike usual, it was not sweet, warm, or feminine. It was cold, with a hint of masculinity, and a steady gravity to it.

The answer to the woman's question came from a man. He was wearing a balaclava that left only the eyes exposed, and even then, said eyes were hidden beneath dark tinted goggles despite the night. His dark attire made him indiscernible in the darkness of the room he was in, and he was looking outside through the scope of a rifle, a sniper rifle.

"He is as unguarded as a newborn. He even dressed to welcome us, and I'm looking at him eating in front of his balcony. Captain, do you think he knows a woman is leading our team?"

The joke had mocking undertones, along with a certain sense of superiority, as the man with the moniker 09 looked at the man in the purple three-piece lacking only the last piece.